FOLLOWUP: Why West Marginal Way signal at Duwamish Longhouse isn’t activated yet

for this weekend’s Native Art Market and Holiday Gift Fair at the Duwamish Longhouse, crossing guards are still stopping traffic on West Marginal Way, because the newly installed signal isn’t ready yet. Earlier this month, SDOT told the West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force that they expected to turn on the signal in “late November,” if weather permitted the crosswalk to be painted. Turns out the weather got in the way of a different aspect of the project. We followed up on the signal statuw before the holiday and got this explanation:

Seattle Department of Transportation crews completed all of the initial work to install traffic signal poles and equipment in early November. The next step is for Seattle City Light to hook up power to the traffic signal so that we can turn it on. Due to the series of severe storms leading to widespread power outages, Seattle City Light has had to reschedule this step for the first weekend in December. Once the power is connected, SDOT crews are ready to take the final steps to unveil the signal lights and paint the crosswalks, which will require dry weather. We intentionally wait to do this until the signal is ready to be turned on in order to avoid confusing travelers.

This signal is technically temporary, with a permanent one to follow.

16 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Why West Marginal Way signal at Duwamish Longhouse isn't activated yet"

  • Hugs November 26, 2021 (7:29 pm)

    It really is a mess down there. Lots of people crossing, so lots of cars backed up. Try to find a different route if you can.

    • AdmyrlByrd November 26, 2021 (9:11 pm)

      It was really bad; it would help if there were true SPD manning the intersection.  The people manning this weren’t batching the pedestrians so they’d stop the traffic every time a single person would come to the intersection then hold it for any visible pedestrian coming along at their own pace.  No wonder it was back to the Chelan cafe.   Will be hooking down Delridge and over tomorrow.

      • bill November 27, 2021 (12:10 am)

        It is safer for the flaggers to hold the drivers stopped than to step out into 40-50 mph traffic and hope drivers stop. 

      • UselessPoliticians November 27, 2021 (7:45 am)

        Agreed, random people should not manage the crossing…it is a huge mess and does not have to be as bad.  The mess is 100% avoidable with batch crossing and proper traffic management.

        • miws November 27, 2021 (10:59 am)

          …Or to have installed the crosswalk *long* ago, say,  a decade or so, for the safety and convenience of Duwamish Longhouse visitors, and others that walk/bicycle in the area… —Mike

  • nowayout November 26, 2021 (9:25 pm)

    Did the city release any traffic studies detailing the expected impact the new crosswalk would have?On my way down marginal today, traffic was backed up to the five way and it took 18 min to travel from point to point.After 20 months, we still have no bridge and no firm completion date. Why doesn’t Duwanish Longhouse put a parking lot on their side of the street to avoid impeding traffic further. I’m getting claustrophobic here.

    • bill November 27, 2021 (12:20 pm)

      Exactly where would they find the space for a new parking lot? Maybe the problem is the Duwamish got stuck with a cr*p piece of land.

      • WSB November 27, 2021 (1:17 pm)

        They were reported to be buying an adjacent parcel to expand parking, But that’s not the only reason for a crossing. They also want safer access to and from the park across the street, which is a historic village site and relevant to cultural programming.

      • nowayout November 27, 2021 (6:16 pm)

        I was referring to the adjacent space immediately north of their entrance. It was a sincere question about alternatives that would avoid an impact on the main artery to the area. After sitting in the traffic yesterday caused by the crossing guards then seeing this post, I questioned what considerations lead to the decision to potentially make that type of backup a common occurrence.

    • Jort November 27, 2021 (2:14 pm)

      If you don’t like how long it takes to drive there are alternatives available to you that don’t require sacrificing the safety of Duwamish tribe members. Feel free to walk, bike or bus. 

      • Wil Dizon November 29, 2021 (10:15 pm)

        Seems to be a reasonable question by  Nowayout.   After waiting traffic along Avalon where it curves to a traffic light that seems too shortly timed, and then stuck again by the wild intersection below the bridge, and to make it maddening, a Sunday when you don’t expect any traffic at all, and no other way to turn around other than to recklessly make a U-Turn, you might expect a few tempers to flare when a simple common sense could have been planned.

    • 1000amys November 27, 2021 (3:53 pm)

      There would be a LOT less traffic if all of us who aren’t Duwamish left the area. So that’s one idea. Otherwise, maybe don’t complain. If anyone wants to contribute to the Duwamish Longhouse upkeep (and maybe parking improvements, although it’s not up to us how they spend their money on their land), here’s a link to pay rent for the land we are

  • Mj November 26, 2021 (10:12 pm)

    AdmyrlByrd – if what you say is true the crossing guards need to be replaced with people who have training in traffic control!

  • Mj November 27, 2021 (5:22 pm)

    With the new signal opening up the 2nd southbound lane to traffic needs to be considered.  The primary reason for the closure no longer exists with the signal!  Having the 2nd lane would go a long way to minimize the long queuing due to  pedestrian crossings.  

    • Jort November 27, 2021 (10:37 pm)

      Nope! Not happening. Move on. 

  • Joe Z November 27, 2021 (8:18 pm)

    Maybe the Duwamish can work with SDOT to install a speed camera. Anyone going over 35 mph past the longhouse gets mailed a ticket. Proceeds to the “real rent” fund. 

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