West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
Time for our nightly toplines in the virus crisis:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here are the toplines of today’s daily summary from Seattle-King County Public Health – the cumulative countywide totals:
*58,107 people have tested positive, 477 more than yesterday’s total
*993 people have died, unchanged since Friday
*3,893 people have been hospitalized, 8 more than yesterday’s total
*717,680 people have been tested, 2,208 more than yesterday’s total
One week ago, the totals were 54,649/935/3,714/694,880.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them – nation by nation – here.
TEMPORARILY CLOSED: Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) announced today that one of its employees has tested positive, so the salon is closing for 2 weeks while everyone quarantines.
GOVERNOR’S BRIEFING: Today he focused on the buzz about new variants of the virus overseas, with expert guests. The bottom line: Don’t panic. That said, he did take action as announced below:
Today Gov. Jay Inslee issued a 14-day quarantine requirement for anyone returning to Washington state after visiting the United Kingdom, South Africa, and other countries where a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, 501Y.V, has been circulating.
Health experts believe this new variant may be more transmissible than other variants. The order applies to anyone who has been present in these countries within the prior 14 days. An individual is permitted to leave quarantine to perform certain essential activities (for example, seek medical treatment), provided that they avoid public transportation and ride-share services, wear a facial covering, separate themselves from other people to the greatest extent reasonably possible, and follow other appropriate social distancing measures. All individuals who are impacted by this order are strongly encouraged to be tested within seven days of returning to Washington. The full proclamation is available here.
See the briefing video here.
RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Also covered in the governor’s post-briefing news release: a removal of the attendance cap on religious services, based on a recent court ruling.
NEED FOOD? On Wedmesday (December 23rd), food boxes will be available 2-5 pm at Food Lifeline (815 S. 96th).
NEED A HOLIDAY MEAL? The Christmas People are waiting for your call “between now and 12/24 to order Christmas Day take-out meals (12-4) for shut-ins, seniors, veterans … people who need a nice meal at Christmas. Call Fred at 206-719-4979 or email pialley@jps.net. We will do this until the food runs out.” They have volunteer drivers to help make this happen.
GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? westseattleblog@gmail.com or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!
(CONTINUING COVERAGE from afternoon downpour to evening snowfall)
3:24 PM: The heavy rain predicted in today’s forecast has arrived, and some streets are swamped. Above, Frank sent the photo of bike-lane posts acting as breakwaters along Avalon Way; not far from there, Lehualani tweeted this video:
Major flooding near 35th and SW Avalon #westseattle pic.twitter.com/cPadmYuNvM
— Lehualani Shiroma (@Lehualanis) December 21, 2020
From Conner, the ground-level view of that same stretch of 35th SW:
Just a little bit of water at 35th and Avalon….. @westseattleblog @KSeattleWeather @WestSeaWx #WAwx pic.twitter.com/ldHMxfEkju
— Conner House (@CHouse2011) December 21, 2020
3:40 PM: As mentioned in comments, Harbor Avenue is swamped too. Just received this video via Twitter:
Flooding on Harbor Avenue SW. @seattletimes @westseattleblog pic.twitter.com/TfQhnRykJs
— Northwest Urbanist (@NWUrbanist) December 21, 2020
Meantime, more Avalon:
Epic flooding on Avalon Way in West Seattle @NWSSeattle @westseattleblog pic.twitter.com/EX0gPC6y9H
— Joe Zagrodnik (@joejoezz) December 21, 2020
And here’s 35th/Barton, from Kersti:
We are also getting texts that California/Raymond, northeast of Morgan Junction – a perennial drainage trouble spot – is also flooded. (video added, from Patrick Wirth)
One texter says it’s so bad that some drivers are turning around, while neighbors are out trying to clear the drain(s). Just heard a dispatcher tell an SFD crew that “SDOT is swamped” – as are streets.
4:03 PM: This is keeping SFD busy too – note all the “water job” calls on the real-time log. … Also of note, the temperature has dropped in a big way. At 3 pm, Boeing Field (KBFI here) was 55 degrees … at 4 pm, 40 degrees. (added) Another look at Harbor Avenue, from Alaina:
4:26 PM: Judy emailed about that same stretch of Harbor, “Completely impassable east side between Anchor Park (estimate) & 7-11. Low carriage vehicle submerged over wheel wells so car quit running. This occurs without any warning on a curve where center planting is so no way to turn around. Cars keep stacking up and they are trapped – water still rising. I just barely got to place to turn around with my Forester.” … Also hearing about deep water on Fauntleroy Way west of California, and Murray SW (near Lowman Beach). … Also West Marginal Way.
4:42 PM: First word of a flooded business – Thunder Road Guitars and The Bass Shop (6400 California SW; WSB sponsors) were flooded and have to close for the rest of today and tomorrow.
5:03 PM: A request from the aforementioned neighbors who’ve tried to unclog drains on Fauntleroy north of Morgan Junction – SLOW DOWN! (photo added, from Frank G)
Creeks are running high too after the deluge. Laura sent this photo from the daylighted Alki end of Schmitz Creek:
5:19 PM: Almost every arterial has had flooding – Debora emails to say that includes Delridge, “a deep river with cars stalled and flooded and traffic backed up both directions given buses’ refusal to navigate the deep water.” (added) Brandon sent this photo showing why the north end of Delridge was closed:
Trouble for waterborne transportation too: The West Seattle and Vashon water taxis have both been canceled for the rest of the evening. … With the temperature dropping as noted above – now it’s into the upper 30s – that chance of slushy snow later doesn’t seem as unlikely as it did when temps were in the 50s earlier.
5:40 PM: Some paths have been swamped too – like the bike/ped path along the north end of Delridge, north of Andover. This photo is just in from Joseph:
To the west, Shauna recorded what Spokane Street was like under the bridge earlier:
— Shauna Causey (@ShaunaCausey) December 22, 2020
5:52 PM: Commenters are seeing some snow. … And a few minutes later, here in Upper Fauntleroy, so are we! (added) Slushy accumulation on a car:
The National Weather Service says that “precipitation has ended on the coast,” so as hard as it might be to believe after all this, that “mostly sunny” forecast for tomorrow does seem in reach.
6:57 PM: Still snowing here. And video from @WestSeaWX:
@NWSSeattle @westseattleblog @joejoezz @weatherchaser5 @RandySmall @ensembleator @weatherchannel @BenjaminJurkovi @wheeler244 @CourtECarpenter @NSDwx
Quarter sized flakes with a stiff N/NE wind. pic.twitter.com/DkPR1mH5EG
— WestSeattleWx (@WestSeaWx) December 22, 2020
7:33 PM: Snow hasn’t stopped yet.
Forecast hasn’t changed yet, either. Top-of-the-hour temperature was down to 34 degrees – 21-degree drop from 3 pm.
1/2 an inch, wow!! Near 37th and Andover, I'm impressed @westseattleblog @WestSeaWx pic.twitter.com/akdMs0yxh1
— Annelies S (@annelies896) December 22, 2020
8:37 PM: Crews have been dispatched to check out a report of a tree down on 35th SW, south of Morgan.
9:39 PM: The evening edition of the forecast is out – still projecting sunshine for tomorrow.
11:40 PM: Still some snow on the ground (and the shrubbery).
Despite the rain and the wind, crews did manage to get one of the two hanging platforms down from the West Seattle Bridge this morning. Our photo shows the one that remains; SDOT says that one is scheduled to be brought down in the second window they have planned for this work, 7 am-11 am tomorrow. This marks the end of what SDOT calls the “emergency stabilization” work, described as follows in an update today:
Post-tensioning cables: Installed nearly 10 miles of taught steel cables inside of hollow areas of the bridge structure to strengthen and reinforce the bridge’s post-tensioning system, reducing the risk of further cracking.
Carbon-fiber wrapping: Surrounded sections of the bridge with carbon fiber-reinforced polymers to further support and strengthen the bridge. Crews performed multiple rounds of carbon-fiber wrapping and completed the final installation last week.
Pier 18 bearing release and replacement: Replaced neoprene lateral bearings which were compressed and bulging, locking together two critical parts of the bridge that typically are independent of each other. The bearings were creating additional pressure and preventing the bridge from moving as it should. Over the last few weeks, crews finished pouring and curing the concrete that will hold the new lateral bearings in place.
Next comes designing of, and hiring a contractor for, the repair plan, which SDOT says “will likely include additional post-tensioning and carbon-fiber wrapping on the center bridge span, as well as the two ‘tail spans’ on either side of the center span.”
The West Seattle Farmers’ Market can usually be found in The Junction every Sunday, rain or shine or snow or wind, even on holidays – but this year, the market’s decided to take a post-Christmas break. Market management explained to the Junction Association, “We gathered feedback from vendors and decided to cancel [December 27th] so everyone can have a weekend of rest before the new year.” (The order-online-for-pickup service was already planning to take next Sunday off anyway.) The market will be back on Sunday, January 3rd, 10 am-2 pm as usual.
The latest West Seattle business to have to suddenly close temporarily after an employee tested positive for COVID-19 is Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor). This announcement just went out to clients:
Over the weekend, one of our staff experienced slight symptoms of Covid-19. She was tested on Saturday and results came back this morning … Positive for the Covid-19 virus. As part of our business protocols and safety procedures, all of our staff and their households are being tested today. Because our staff has all been in contact with someone who has tested positive, we will be quarantining for the recommended 14 days, and this means we will be closing the salon for 2 weeks.
We are in the process of contact tracing and letting all of those who were in the salon beginning Wednesday Dec 16th to let them know of this test result, and cancelling all appointments scheduled for the next few weeks. Should you have any questions in regards to whether you need to be tested and to read through quarantine guidelines for Covid-19, we will direct you to the Department Of Health website HERE & HERE.
Don’t call Illusions, as everybody’s already home and in quarantine. The salon tells WSB that so far, no one else on staff has symptoms. If everyone tests negative, they hope to reopen January 4th.
P.S. A reminder that if you need testing for this or any other reason, West Seattle has one of the official city sites – registration starts here.
(Sunday photo of the Olympics, by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
Winter has arrived, as of 2:02 am. Here’s what’s happening in the hours ahead, from our inbox, calendar, and Holiday Guide:
SCHOOL FOOD: Seattle Public Schools are offering one week’s worth of breakfast/lunch items in special food boxes available for pickup today, 11 am-1:15 pm. West Seattle distribution sites are Denny International Middle School (2601 SW Kenyon, where we’re told Borracchini’s French bread is being offered too) and Madison Middle School (3429 45th SW).
SHOPPING: Just a few days for last-minute holiday shopping! Among the stores open today are WSB sponsors Thunder Road Guitars (6400 California SW), now until 6 pm; Wyatt’s Jewelers (Westwood Village), now until 6 pm; Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW), now until 7 pm. Also open today, Avalon Glassworks (2914 SW Avalon Way), noon-4 pm. (Anyone else? Please email us your hours this week so we can include them – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you.)
SOLSTICE SUNSET WATCH: Join Alice Enevoldsen for the winter-solstice sunset watch, 3:45-4:15 pm online, including a discussion of the conjunction (some call it the “Christmas star”) that will be visible if and when the clouds clear in the nights ahead. Free as always but you need to register to get the link – go here!
LONGEST NIGHT: Admiral UCC (4320 SW Hill) plans an outdoor service at 6 pm.
POSTPONED: Alki UCC has delayed its Winter 2020 Solstice Lamentation Liberation event to 4:30 pm tomorrow (Tuesday, December 22nd).
BENEFIT BOOK FAIR: Last day to buy from the Lafayette Elementary PTA online book fair.
Any other last-minute holiday notes, for the rest of the week? We’re making our lists and checking them twice. Send us info!
Family and friends are remembering Barry W. Frost, and sharing this with his community:
Barry Wayne Frost passed away December 18th, 2020 at his home in West Seattle.
He was born October 2nd, 1956, in Pontiac, Michigan, and grew up in the small town of Logan, Illinois. After high school he joined the Navy and traveled the world on the USS Midway. While stationed in Seattle, he met his wife Sue. His son BJ and daughter Leah were born soon after.
When he wasn’t coaching or cheering on his two children’s sports teams, he was a die-hard Seattle sports fan and loved watching the Seahawks, Huskies, and Mariners. He worked at the University of Washington, where he retired after 30 years.
He is survived by his wife Sue, his son B.J. (Jamie), and daughter Leah; his brothers Buddy (Lowell), Allen, and Bruce (Samutha), and sisters Elaine (John) and Karla (Avin); as well as his Aunt Janet and Cousin Steve (Tracy).
(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to editor@westseattleblog.com)
6:07 AM: It’s Monday, December 21st, the 273rd morning without the West Seattle Bridge.
Bridge platforms: 7-11 am today and tomorrow are the periods set aside for lowering the work platforms from the West Seattle Bridge onto barges. Low-bridge traffic is not expected to be affected, but maritime traffic will not be able to pass through.
Delridge project: Work is planned today through Thursday this week. Here’s the updated work plan.
Metro – Regular schedule today.
Water Taxi – Regular schedule today (no service Friday).
West Marginal Way/Highland Park Way:
Highland Park Way/Holden:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
Restricted-daytime-access (open to all 9 pm-5 am) low bridge:
The main detour route across the Duwamish River, the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map) . Here are two cameras:
The other major bridge across the river – the South Park Bridge (map) – see the closure advisory above. Here’s the nearest camera:
Going through South Park? Don’t speed. (Same goes for the other detour-route neighborhoods, like Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge.)
Checking for bridges’ marine-traffic openings? See the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.
You can see all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.
Trouble on the roads/paths/water? Let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.