West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
On this last night of the fourth full calendar month of the pandemic, here are the local toplines:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here’s the daily summary from Public Health, with cumulative totals:
*10,196 people have tested positive, up 127 from yesterday
*586 people have died, unchanged for a fourth day
*1,589 people have been hospitalized, up 2 from yesterday
*167,270 people have been tested, up 5,872 from yesterday
One week ago, those totals were 9,369/584/1,550/147,898.
STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.
CITY LAUNCHING ‘EDUCATION AND OUTREACH TEAM’: The city says this new team will check out businesses accused of not following the face-covering policy. This is in the middle of a long news release addressing various virus-related topics:
The Department of Finance and Administrative Services’ Consumer Protection Division will lead education and outreach to businesses and restaurants that are reported to be out of compliance with the Governor’s mandate to wear a facial covering in indoor and outdoor public spaces. Outreach to these businesses and restaurants will focus on education. Businesses that do not enforce the facial covering mandate can be reported to the City’s Customer Service Bureau at 206-684-2489 (CITY).
In the coming days, FAS will also be issuing a Director’s Rule to give the Consumer Protection team enforcement authority over businesses that violate the mandate. Violation of the statewide order is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in jail and up to a $100 fine. Businesses that routinely violate the order also face losing their City of Seattle business license.
PANDEMIC-AFFECTED BUSINESSES: Meantime, the pandemic continues to affect local businesses. Two are temporarily closed: Duke’s on Alki reports a second employee has tested positive; Bank of America says its Junction branch is short-staffed.
FERRY SYSTEM’S PANDEMIC PAIN … was extensively discussed during an online public meeting we covered tonight.
GOT INFO? westseattleblog@gmail.com or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!
(Fauntleroy ferries inbound and outbound: WSB file photo)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The pandemic has hit Washington State Ferries hard, and that’s likely to affect service for a long time to come.
So warned WSF executives including assistant transportation secretary Amy Scarton in tonight’s systemwide online meeting.
But before we get to that – some news about the Fauntleroy ferry terminal.
An update and invitation from Seattle Lutheran High School:
We are so excited to present our response to the changes we have faced – we are working to create a schedule for next year. SLHS plans to be back in the fall! Our goal is to capitalize on what we have learned through home-based learning and ultimately create a schedule that benefits our students. It is our priority to ensure all students are safe upon returning to classes, which is why we become a leader in this transition, building a schedule unlike any other school. Check out the attached graphics on the tentative weekly layout for the Saints returning this fall.
If you, or anyone you know, has questions about our plan or is
interested in enrolling at Seattle Lutheran High School, the only
Independent High School in West Seattle, join our town hall this Wednesday evening (7/1). Email Dave Meyer for invitation (dmeyer@seattlelutheran.org)
Duke’s on Alki is closed until Thursday for a “deep cleaning” after a second employee tested positive for COVID-19. We contacted Duke’s after this was first mentioned in a new comment today on our Saturday report about the first case. Here’s what CEO John Moscrip told us: “To confirm, we have had 2 total positive cases, and we are closing today and tomorrow for a professional, deep cleaning using an Electrostatic spray, as well as so our team members can get tested. We anticipate opening again on Thursday.”
After multiple readers asked us Monday about the West Seattle Junction Bank of America‘s “temporary closure,” we went over and found only that sign, no explanation, so we inquired with corporate media relations. They acknowledged our inquiry relatively quickly but didn’t send this answer until this afternoon:
We did temporarily close our West Seattle financial center. We are operating with an abundance of caution around keeping employees and clients as safe as possible during coronavirus. So, for example, if employees become high risk due to preexisting conditions, or need to take time off to care for family members during these times, we may not have enough staff to maintain enough onsite services. When this happens, we work to ensure that the full service ATMs onsite are regularly restocked so that customers can still transact for the most common needs, along with our award winning mobile and online banking.
We will be closed for the remainder of the week ,with plans to reopen, Monday, July 6. Our customers can use our mobile app for many of their banking needs and find the latest schedules, as well as the nearest ATM and financial center locations by going to www.bankofamerica.com/locator.
We’ve been checking with police and the Medical Examiner‘s office repeatedly since the discovery a week and a half ago of “human remains” found off Luna/Anchor Park. Today – new information: Police say the remains were those of two people, a 27-year-old man and a 36-year-old woman.(Their names have not yet been made public, nor has the cause of death.) They’re not saying anything more except that it’s very much an active homicide investigation and they “do not believe this case is connected to any other investigations in the Puget Sound area.” Police add, “Anyone with information on this case is asked to contact the Seattle Police Department’s Violent Crimes tip line at (206) 233-5000.”
ADDED – MORE BACKSTORY: As noted in our first followup last week, the discovery on June 19th – chronicled by teenagers in a TikTok video – involved a suitcase on the rocks by the Luna/Anchor Park viewpoint. The teens, who said they went to the park while playing Randonautica, called police because the suitcase smelled bad; officers weren’t able to get there for two hours, by which time the tide had risen and the suitcase’s contents started floating away.
(Rendering by Steve Fischer Architects)
Land-use approval has been granted for 32 townhouses planned along Harbor Avenue SW. Rather than one project, the townhouses – though next to each other – are in the system as four separate projects: Seven units at 3252 30th SW, nine units at 3315 Harbor SW, eight units at 3303 Harbor SW, and eight units at 3257 Harbor SW. The approval notices – linked to each of those individual addresses – open a two-week period in which appeals can be filed, deadline July 13th. The townhouses passed Design Review last September; here’s our report on the final meeting.
Spotted this on Twitter: The National Weather Service wants your opinion on the wording it uses for alerts. Should they drop the use of terms like advisory, watch, and warning? Here’s a survey you can take to tell the NWS what you think. It’s open until August 21st, so save it for later if you’re too busy now!
Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:
CAN YOU HELP FIND THIS STOLEN ITEM? Dennis Dye‘s insurance office in The Junction was broken into over the weekend. He’s asking you to help watch for an item that wouldn’t be of any value to the burglar(s), “a personal journal I was writing to my kids. It’s red and would contain the names Bill and Sarah in it. Thank you very much!” The SPD incident # is 20-199597.
HOME BURGLARIZED: Will sends word of a break-in at his house on 52nd SW June 19th, around 4;30 pm. A neighbor’s security camera caught a vehicle driving by multiple times, then pulling into Will’s driveway.
SPD incident # is 20-191864.
Four events to spotlight for today/tonight:
SUMMER MEALS FOR KIDS/TEENS: 10 am-4 pm at Highland Park Playground. (1100 SW Cloverdale)
STAND UP FOR BLACK LIVES: Streetcorner demonstration led by Scott from Puget Ridge Cohousing and Hate-Free Delridge. 4-6 pm. Bring signs, and wear your face covering. (16th/Holden)
HEAR FROM YOUNG LEADERS: Local youth are among the speakers at the North Highline Coalition for Drug-Free Youth online event, 6-7:30 pm. RSVP info is here.
WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES’ FUTURE: Online meeting for everyone interested in WSF:
WSF staff will discuss the response to COVID-19, and how it may affect the agency’s finances and service plan. Online participants will be able to ask questions and provide comments during the meeting.
6 pm. The announcement explains how to RSVP and get the link.
Just as the delayed tax deadline approaches, so does a chance to get some shredding done. The announcement is from John L. Scott Real Estate-Westwood (WSB sponsor):
(We’re adding this to the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, which we’re getting into gear again after its virus-crisis hiatus.)
6:07 AM: Good morning – the 99th morning without the high-rise West Seattle Bridge.
Lane reductions continue for the Delridge Way project – here are the key points of this week’s work.
Here are the cameras for the 5-way intersection, and the restricted-access low bridge just east of it:
The main detour route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map) – which has up to 14 overnight closures planned next month. Meanwhile, here’s that camera:
The other major bridge across the river is the South Park Bridge (map) – this camera shows the SP-side approach:
If you’re going through South Park, neighbors have a message for you:
P.S. Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed for info about any of those bridges opening for marine traffic.
You can see all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.
Metro – Some service has been restored – details here.
Water Taxi – Some service has been restored on the WT too, plus the 773 and 775 shuttles – see the schedule here.
Holiday note – Since July 4th is on Saturday, Independence Day will be observed Friday – that means no Water Taxi, and Metro’s on its Sunday schedule.
Trouble on the roads/paths/water? Let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.
We start the last day of Pride month with a photo sent by Carolyn Newman – a rainbow reflected on Elliott Bay, from the T-Mobile Park roof lights, photographed Sunday night.