day : 13/03/2019 12 results

CONGRATULATIONS! 2 West Seattle High School baseball players sign letters of intent

Two more West Seattle High School student athletes have signed letters of intent. We were invited to a short celebration in the WSHS gym this afternoon as seniors Kai Osaka and Reuben Gut signed their college commitments in front of their Wildcat baseball teammates:

Reuben is going to Everett Community College, and Kai is going to Chapman University in Southern California. WSHS athletic director Corey Sorenson lauded both for their hard work on academics as well as athletics.

After the signing, it was practice time over at Hiawatha. The WSHS baseball team plays their first regular-season game at 4 pm Friday vs. Chief Sealth IHS at Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle).

From culverts to crimefighting @ Fauntleroy Community Association, 1 week before annual Food Fest

March 13, 2019 10:09 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

Toplines from last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting:

CULVERT REPLACEMENT: As noted here last weekend, the Seattle Public Utilities project to replace century-old culverts that take Fauntleroy Creek under 45th SW and California SW is approaching the design phase, and the FCA board meeting was the first of three stops in less than two weeks for project manager Cody Nelson. Construction is likely in multiple phases between 2021 and 2024, each several weeks long, since it has to take into account the windows with least effect on the creek’s fish as well as neighborhood impacts.

Nelson showed images from a video survey of the existing culverts, showing damage and wear. New laws require the culverts to be much wider than the current ones so that fish have fewer barriers to passage. The replacements will still be 30 to 40 feet underground, as are the current ones, but they’ll be at least 11 feet wide as required. SPU is also talking with Fauntleroy Church, as part of the California culvert is on church-owned property, so the work would affect the church/YMCA parking lot as well as the road.

The design process isn’t expected to start before the end of this year, so there’s plenty of time to ask questions and voice concerns, starting with two events next week: SPU will have an informational table at the FCA’s annual Food Fest membership meeting (6-8 pm Tuesday, March 19th, The Hall at Fauntleroy) and then a project-specific open house the next night, also at The Hall, 5-7 pm Wednesday, March 20th.

CRIME/SAFETY UPDATE: Southwest Precinct operations commander Lt. Steve Strand was in attendance. He said SDCI has taken action against the “problem house” across from the main Lincoln Park parking lot, unsafe for occupancy because of a fire a while back, and said those in the house were supposed to be out by last Friday. No reports of trespassers since then. He also mentioned Westwood Village, saying it’s had signs of improvement, with shoplifting starting to drop, but they’re keeping up the pressure, including another attempt at an observation tower/platform on the grounds.

FOOD FEST NEXT WEEK: The FCA’s annual all-community meeting, famous for food samples from local businesses, is next Tuesday (March 19th) at The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW). No list yet of participants – the FCA board member organizing that is out of town. This is a night for renewing FCA membership ($25 a year for residents) and for a bit of official business like board elections, which are planned at 7 pm.

Much-discussed new schedule nears for Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferries

March 13, 2019 8:34 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

After two years of planning, Washington State Ferries is getting close to launching the new schedule for the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route. It was hashed out in consultation with the Triangle Route Task Force, an all-volunteer advisory committee originally launched to try to find a solution to backups in Fauntleroy. WSF is now circulating reminders about the new schedule – see it here, and get background info here. It will be in effect starting two weeks from Saturday – March 31st.

UPDATE: 1 injured, 1 arrested after fight at school

ORIGINAL REPORT, 7:18 PM WEDNESDAY: Multiple Chief Sealth International High School parents forwarded us this letter emailed tonight by CSIHS principal Aida Fraser-Hammer:

Dear Chief Sealth Families,

I would like to let you know of an incident which occurred at school yesterday around lunch. It involved a small group of girls but was witnessed by many scholars and may cause them to feel unsafe at school. I want to share information regarding the incident in case your young people have questions.

The situation started out as a disagreement between scholars outside of the school and spilled into school resulting in a physical fight that eventually included several non-students. Because of the escalating confrontation,. the Seattle Police Department (SPD) and medics were called, and families notified. One student was hurt badly enough to necessitate on-site medical attention.. One scholar was arrested and the student has been disciplined consistent with district procedures.

Please be assured that the safety and security of our scholars is a top priority at Chief Sealth International High School. This incident, although infrequent, emphasizes the need of good communication between school and home. Our staff continues to discuss personal safety and conflict resolution strategies as well as district rules and state laws with our scholars.

Most importantly, I wanted to let families know about these conversations and ask families to help all our students understand the importance of sharing critical safety information immediately with adults at school. The more we know, the better we can work to address it appropriately and proactively.

Thank you for your continued support.

ADDED THURSDAY, 1:30 PM: We requested and obtained the police-report narrative from SPD. Here’s what police wrote:

Ün 03-12-2019 at about 1127 hours I was working uniformed patrol within the City of Seattle as 2-Frank-01. I was dispatched to 2600 SW Thistle St (Chief Sealth High School) to investigate an assault.

The remarks on the call stated, “ADMIN REQ SPD FOR BROKEN UP PHYS FIGHT BETWEEN 2 STUDENTS AND TWO PARENTS, ALL PARTIES SEPARATED. MEDICS DECLINED, NO WPNS.” Upon arrival, I spoke with School Resource Officer Vargas, Jose A (#8457) who stated that an assault had occurred inside of the school. During the assault, (victim) was struck in the head with a wrench. (Suspect) was identified as the suspect who struck (victim) with a wrench. (Victim) was being attended to by SFD Engine 11. SFD’s initial assessment of (victim) revealed a laceration about 1 inch in length above her right eyebrow. This laceration would require stitches. There was swelling and bruising to the side of as head. He made complaints of pain to her head and reported feeling dizzy.

(Redacted) stated the following: There was supposed to be a mutual fight between her and (redacted). However, a physical fight began between her and another student named (redacted) occurred in the school hallway.

(Redacted) stated that she hit (redacted) first who then hit her back. As the two were fighting, (redacted) was struck in the head several times from someone behind her. She identified the individual who struck her in the head as (redacted). (Victim) was transported to HMC.

Officer Eby (#8498) took photos of injuries. He noted that the wounds on the side of (victim’s) head were actively bleeding. The photos were uploaded to DEMS.

Officer Vargas viewed cell phone footage of the assault. He stated the following: In the cell phone video, he witnessed (redacted) physically fighting with a student. (Redacted) appears in the video and is standing behind (redacted) … (Redacted) is seen clutching a wrench in her hand and approaches from behind. (Redacted) strikes (redacted) in head with the wrench in 3 consecutive strikes.

I spoke with (redacted) who stated the following: She has had rising tension with (redacted) which was leading up to a physical altercation over the past several weeks. She believed that (redacted) was going to attack her so she began carrying a wrench on her person as protection. (Redacted) stated that she used a wrench to strike in several times. The wrench was in her bag with her other personal belongings. She does not know where or who has her bag.

(Redacted) was placed into custody and read her Miranda Rights with the additional Juvenile Warning at 1206 hours. She was arrested for Assault in the Second Degree (RCW 9A.36.021).

The redactions – where police block out names before releasing a report – make it difficult to tell whether more than two people were quoted, aside from the very start, where suspect and victim (the injured girl) are clearly labeled. SPD spokesperson Det. Mark Jamieson adds, in response to our request for information: “The victim is a 14-year-old girl, the suspect is a 15-year-old girl. Suspect was arrested and booked into YSC for felony assault. Precinct detectives are doing the follow-up.” (YSC is the juvenile-detention center.)

ELECTION 2019: Mayor unveils Seattle Public Library replacement-levy plan

checkbox.jpgThe seven-year maintenance and operations levy for the Seattle Public Library system is expiring – it was passed in August 2012. Today Mayor Durkan announced the plan for a replacement levy to go to voters this August. Here’s the official news release. Toplines, from the one-sheet:

Renewing the Library Levy while maintaining only current services would cost $167.4M. Under Mayor Durkan’s plan, making additional investments in equity and opportunity like expanding hours and eliminating fines would cost the average homeowner an additional $1.58 per month, for a total of approximately $7 per month. With the critical new investments, the total Levy cost would be $213.3M.

The 2012 levy totaled $123 million. More on two of the “new investments”: Three area libraries would be among those with increased hours – Delridge, High Point, South Park. The levy also would spend a little over $1 million a year to end the practice of overdue fines. Next step for the levy proposal: It goes to the SPL Board next week, and then to the City Council. That part of the process will determine when it goes to voters, the mayor’s office tells us.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Tire taken from brand-new car; mailbox break-in video; 911 coming to WSCPC

March 13, 2019 3:58 pm
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Three notes in West Seattle Crime Watch:

TIRE TAKEN: The photo and report are from Brendan:

Came out to my new 2018 Honda Accord on my fifth day of ownership to find it had been hoisted up on cinder blocks overnight and the front passenger tire was gone. Delridge & Trenton. Spoke with a neighbor and they mentioned they actually caught a group of people attempting this on their car in the same area last week – cinder blocks and all – and thwarted it. I was not so lucky.

MAILBOX BREAK-IN VIDEO: This is a followup to Carolyn‘s report from Tuesday, about Highland Park mailbox break-ins. She has since posted and shared this video:

No police-report number yet.

911 AT WSCPC: Community meetings with Southwest Precinct police often include questions about 911 – how it works, why calltakers/dispatchers ask what they do, and more. Bring your questions to next Tuesday’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, 7 pm (March 19th) at the precinct (2300 SW Webster) – a 911 center rep will be the special guest.

REMINDER: Avalon/35th/Alaska road project open house Thursday

A big week for transportation-project meetings continues tomorrow (Thursday, March 14th) with the pre-construction open house for the Avalon/35th/Alaska project, which includes repaving and, for much of the stretches involved, rechannelization. As reported here and here earlier this month, SDOT expects to start work in mid-April, and it will continue for more than a year. Tomorrow’s event is at American Legion Post 160 (3618 SW Alaska), near the south end of the project zone, and you’re invited to stop by any time between 5:30 and 7 pm.

Alki Community Center reopening this afternoon

Seattle Parks says Alki Community Center will open this afternoon as regularly scheduled, after an unscheduled one-day closure. Yesterday’s problem was described as flooding from a broken pipe.

FOLLOWUP: Answers to questions about Alki’s replacement restroom

(WSB photo)

Earlier this week, we brought you Seattle Parks‘ announcement of a March 30th open house regarding the plan to replace that beachfront restroom building on Alki. A few questions emerged in subsequent discussion, so we took them to Parks spokesperson Karen O’Connor.

Q: When will the construction happen?

A: “As you know, our construction timeline is dependent on permitting. The project manager is working towards a construction in early 2020 with completion by early summer 2020.”

Q: Will it look anything like the building it’s replacing?

A: “Roughly the same footprint. It will not be a brick building; we are still sourcing materials. This project just went through our internal Pro-View and we are working on incorporating feedback we heard in the meeting. Our permit intake date is mid-June. At the March 30 Open House from 10 – noon, we will present building material samples and proposed schematic.”

Q: What other parks around the city are getting restroom renovations/replacements?

A: “Pratt Park, Maple Leaf Playfield (arson response), Lincoln Park (beach), Brighton Playfield, Mount Baker Park. We’ll also be renovating the outdoor restrooms at South Park as part of the community center renovation there, too.”

As mentioned in our previous report, what’s on file so far indicates that unlike the Alki project, the Lincoln Park plan is NOT a building replacement – just an interior remodel. Meantime, bring your questions to the March 30th open house at the site, which is on the Alki trail at 57th/Alki.

So much happening, now through night, for your West Seattle Wednesday!

(The early killdeer gets the worm? Photo by Mark Wangerin)

So much happening on this late-winter Wednesday! Here, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, is just part of it:

OPEN HOUSE @ TINY HOUSE: Until 3 pm, you are invited to stop by the Block Project/Facing Homelessness demonstration “tiny house” outside American Legion Post 160 to get a closer look. (3618 SW Alaska)

CIRCUITS CHALLENGE: 2:30-4 pm, kids/teens 8-16 are invited to drop in at the West Seattle (Admiral) Library for this fun STEM craft activity. (2306 42nd SW)

WRITING CIRCLE: 6-7:30 pm at West Seattle (Admiral) Library with author Jeanine Walker, it’s a free drop-in event for writers. (2306 42nd SW)

SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE: 6:30 pm, free pizza, Diver Laura‘s “Virtual Salish Sea,” the Green New Deal, and more if you come hang out with SWS at Beveridge Place Pub, as previewed here. (6413 California SW)

HOW WILL THE FEPP LEVY WORK? City reps are traveling around town to explain how the newly passed Families, Education, Preschool, Promise Levy will work. You’re invited to the West Seattle gathering tonight at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 6:30 pm dinner, 7 pm presentation, child care provided. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

POETRYBRIDGE: 7 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor). This month’s featured readers are Jazno Francoeur and Shin Yu Pai. (5612 California SW)

PRIMARY OR CAUCUS: How should Democrats in our state be counted as the party chooses a 2020 presidential nominee? That’s the big topic at tonight’s 34th District Democrats meeting, 7 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy. The agenda’s in this month’s newsletter. (9131 California SW)

SKYLARK OPEN MIC: Signups for The Skylark‘s renowned open-mic night start at 7:30, music at 8, all ages until 10! (3803 Delridge Way SW)

TRIVIA FOR A CAUSE: Play tonight at Talarico’s, starting at 8:30 pm, and your entry fee plus raffle proceeds benefit the West Seattle and Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor), as explained in our calendar listing. (4718 California SW)

YADDA YADDA BLUES BAND: Get bluesy at Parliament Tavern starting at 9 pm. No cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

MORE TODAY AND TONIGHT … see it all on our complete calendar.

THINK SUMMER! Chief Sealth all-class reunion

March 13, 2019 9:31 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

If Chief Sealth was – or is – your high school, here’s an invitation for you for midsummer – 5-9 pm July 26th at Lincoln Park:

Save the date for the 4th Annual Chief Sealth All-Class Reunion!!

This event is open to all Chief Sealth alumni and their families. Come and reunite with old classmates and make connections with those you haven’t met before. Please pass the invitation along to any alumni you know – the more the merrier!

More details to come.

*David Katt and Tom Huling have assisted in organizing this event for the past three years and are looking for some eager new volunteers to assist this year! If you are interested in helping, please contact:

David Katt
(206) 650-0863
djkatt (at) comcast (dot) net


Tom Huling
(206) 947-1900
tdhulingiii (at) comcast (dot) net


March 13, 2019 6:58 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:59 AM: Good morning! No incidents to report in/from our area, but a transit alert just arrived: Metro says the 7:16 am Route 56 won’t run today.

7:06 AM: Another alert from Metro – the 7:34 am Route 113 won’t run.