month : 02/2019 237 results

SCHOOLS: Tuesday closures and changes

Here’s today’s list so far (updated 8:30 am):

Seattle Public Schoolsclosed today
Highline Public Schoolsclosed today
Seattle Lutheran High School – closed today
Westside Schoolclosed today
Explorer West Middle School – closed today
Hope Lutheran School – closed today
Holy Rosary School – closed today, no BASE or preschool
Our Lady of Guadalupe School – closed today
Kennedy Catholic High Schoolclosed today
Holy Family Bilingual School – closed today
West Seattle Montessoriclosed today
Summit Atlas – closed today (per commenter)
Vashon Island School Districtclosed today

South Seattle College – now CLOSED today (change)
Seattle Colleges – all campuses closed today
Highline Collegeclosed today
UWclosed today

A Child Becomes Preschool – closed today
Fauntleroy Children’s Center – closed today
Little Pilgrim School – closed today
Cometa Playschool – closed today
Learning Way School/Day Care – closed today
Taproot School – closed today
Community School of West Seattle – closed today (per commenter)

Tilden School (always open for students/staff who can get there safely)
The Cove School

Please text or call the WSB hotline at 206-293-6302 with additions – thank you!

VIDEO: Highway 99 tunnel dedication, report #2 – end of a road

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

After a dramatic 18-year prelude, the Highway 99 tunnel’s Monday debut was upstaged, big time.

Two inches of snow overshadowed two miles of tunnel.

But before the new tunnel becomes old hat, we need to finish telling the tale of its Saturday dedication, and the memories the event unearthed.

Read More

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Snowy sunset, and what’s next

(Photo by Chris Frankovich)

A colorful end to a day blanketed in white. No new weather alerts currently but the temperature could be in the upper teens by morning, according to the updated forecast.

(Photo by David Hutchinson)

You’ve probably heard talk that more snow might be on the way later in the week. The newest National Weather Service “forecast discussion” says it’s too soon to say for sure but it’s not likely before Friday.

(Photo by Lynn Hall)

But in the short run, two sunny days are expected – so we might see more scenes like these. First: Our Tuesday weather/traffic/transit/schools/etc. watch will get going by 5 am.

CONGRATULATIONS! State championship for Chief Sealth International High School Ethics Bowl Team

(From left, team members Khaim Vasser-Fontenot, Clarissa Perez, Nassir Sayda, Logan Webster; coach Matt Baudhuin)

Congratulations to the Chief Sealth International High School Ethics Bowl Team, which just won the state championship! Their proud coach, social-studies teacher Matthew Baudhuin, sent the news and photos:

On Saturday, the Chief Sealth International High School Ethics Bowl team competed in the Washington State High School Ethics Bowl against 19 other teams and went undefeated over five rounds of competition to become state champions! Chief Sealth IHS is the first public school to ever win the competition (though came close two years ago with both a 2nd- and 3rd-place finish). Next stop is Chapel Hill, NC, for the national competition in April.

(Team members preparing their position on a case about whether robots should be used as caregivers for people with dementia)

As explained on the Ethics Bowl website, this “is a competition in which teams analyze a series of wide-ranging ethical dilemmas involving topics such as cheating, plagiarism, peer pressure, relationships, and abuse of social media. An Ethics Bowl is similar to debate, although in Ethics Bowls teams are not forced to take adversarial positions or to hold fast to an assigned perspective. Instead, students have a forum in which to engage in dialogue, and they are judged on the quality of their analysis and the degree to which they engage in a thoughtful, civil exchange.” Judges are “drawn from the local legal, education, and philosophical communities.”

WEST SEATTLE SNOW: Monday PM updates, including announcements for tomorrow

TUESDAY SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS SO FAR: Seattle Public Schools 2 hours late CLOSED … Holy Rosary 2 hours late … Seattle Lutheran HS, 10:30 am start … Hope Lutheran, 2 hours late … Westside School, 10:15 am start … Explorer West Middle School 2 hours late … Highline Public Schools, 2 hours late … South Seattle College, 11 am start … Our Lady of Guadalupe, 2 hours late … Holy Family, 2 hours late … A Child Becomes Preschool, 10:15 am start

(2:45 pm photo, SDOT plow heading NB on California from Thistle)

2:04 PM: We’re starting our PM traffic/weather/etc. updates, as this was just announced:

(Added: Seacrest photo by Matthew Olson)

WEST SEATTLE WATER TAXI CANCELED: North winds are still a problem at Seacrest, so no PM service.

Other transportation notes:
SEE WHERE SDOT’S PLOWED/DEICED: Here’s the “winter response” map.

3:57 PM: Though the snow stopped falling earlier this afternoon, the weather has new hazards ahead – the temperature remains below freezing and is expected to drop into the low 20s overnight. The city has issued this alert about preventing your pipes from freezing.

Road-wise, the city alert map mentions a few closures in West Seattle – including Ferry between California and Harbor, and Lander from Admiral to 56th.

4:14 PM: FIRST SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TUESDAY – Seattle Public Schools is tentatively planning to open 2 hours late tomorrow, with buses on snow routes.

4:20 PM: Metro alert – the 57 that should have just left downtown is not running.

4:29 PM: New Metro alert – the 5:30 pm Route 56 to WS won’t run.

4:33 PM: Reminder that residential trash/recycling/composting pickup is delayed a day for everyone, all week – here’s the newest info from SPU.

4:46 PM: Holy Rosary School is tentatively planning to start 2 hours late Tuesday, no AM BASE, no AM preschool.

5 PM: Seattle Lutheran High School plans a 10:30 am start Tuesday. … Highline Public Schools will start 2 hours late. … Hope Lutheran will be 2 hours late … Explorer West Middle School will start at 10. (Again, check back early tomorrow morning in case there are changes.)

5:55 PM: Westside School will start at (corrected) 10:15 am Tuesday.

6:03 AM: Not related to the weather but many are asking, so – the TV helicopters over White Center are there because King County Sheriff’s Office deputies are trying to talk a domestic-violence suspect out of the Subway shop near 16th SW and SW 104th – we have updates on White Center Now.

6:46 PM: Here’s the West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) current plan for Tuesday, from executive director Shalimar Gonzales:

Due to the freezing temperatures and driving conditions, we will delay our opening to 10am on Tuesday, February 5th at both West Seattle and Fauntleroy location. Below are some additional updates that may impact people’s visit to the Y:

All morning swim lessons are cancelled
Group Exercise classes will start at 11 am
WS Kids Corner will operate with limited staffing, Fauntleroy Kids Corner will be closed

7:29 PM: Be careful outside tonight, whether walking, driving, riding – multiple reports of VERY icy streets and walkways. … Also just hearing scanner traffic about police blocking all lanes at Delridge and Spokane, though we didn’t hear why.

ADDED 9:47 PM: More Tuesday school announcements:

South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), “opening delayed until 11 am on 2/5/19. Classes starting before 11 am are canceled/offices are closed.”
Our Lady of Guadalupe, “tentative 2-hour late start … no morning EDC or Spanish class.”
Holy Family Bilingual School, tentatively planning 2-hour-late start, no AM preschool.
A Child Becomes Preschool (WSB sponsor), delayed start, 10:15 am.

10:35 PM NOTE: With postseason high-school-basketball games canceled tonight, three local teams’ games have been rescheduled:

-Chief Sealth girls @ Cleveland, 7 pm Tuesday
-Chief Sealth boys @ Bainbridge, 5:45 pm Tuesday
-Winner of that game plays @ West Seattle 7 pm Wednesday

The WSHS girls are still scheduled to host Franklin at 7 pm Tuesday.

ADDED TUESDAY MORNING: Our new updated school list is in progress here.

UPDATE: Teen hurt while sledding, taken to hospital; driver arrested

(Added: Scene photo shared by Ray in comments)

1:28 PM: Thanks for the tips about an emergency response in Arbor Heights. According to SFD radio communication, a 14-year-old boy was hurt in a collision with a car while sledding at/near 35th SW and SW 110th. His injuries were not believed to be life-threatening and he was described as “awake and alert,” but he is being taken to Harborview Medical Center. Streets are blocked near the intersection while police investigate.

ADDED TUESDAY MORNING, 8:04 AM: The driver is under investigation for possible DUI.

10:48 AM: SPD has posted the case on its blog-format “blotter”:

A 14-year-old boy sustained a head injury after he collided with a car while he was riding a sled down a hill in West Seattle yesterday. The 20-year-old driver of the car was later arrested and booked into jail for DUI.

On Monday, at approximately 1:00 pm, a Ford Focus was traveling southbound on 35th Avenue SW approaching SW 110th Street when the 14-year-old on the sled entered the intersection. The 20-year-old male driver of the Focus attempted to brake, but the vehicle continued to slide on the icy road and the Focus and sled collided, causing the injury.

The driver called 911 reporting the collision. Officers arrived, along with the Fire Department. The driver was evaluated at the scene and was later arrested for suspicious of DUI (marijuana). The 14-year-old was transported to HMC where he is recovering.

The driver of the vehicle was later booked into the King County Jail. This remains an active and on-going investigation.

WEST SEATTLE SNOW: Monday photos

Before we get to the part of the day where everyone will start looking ahead to tomorrow … some snowy scenes.

Greg Harrington sent that photo of a hummingbird, explaining, “This poor guy was under some cover on my back deck hoping the feeder won’t freeze.” Do remember to thaw some water for the birds, too. … From North Delridge, Joy Patman captured the beauty of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center against the snow:

Read More

FOLLOWUP: See the final proposal for West Seattle Junction-area Restricted Parking Zone and other street-parking changes

That’s the map of the proposed Restricted Parking Zone in the West Seattle Junction area, and other street-parking changes, just made public by SDOT, which had said it would have the final proposal out in January. Now it’s time for one last round of feedback before a final decision. First, the SDOT announcement that accompanied the map:

We sent out the initial proposal in July 2018 [WSB coverage here] and released an update in October 2018 [WSB coverage here]. We’re now seeking feedback from stakeholders in the area on whether they’d like the final proposal implemented.

We just updated our project webpage and will send an email to those who have subscribed to our listserv. In the next few days mailers [see the mailer here in PDF] will go out to all residents and businesses in the area. A summary of the proposed RPZ is below:

SDOT received a request to evaluate residential streets near the West Seattle Junction for a new Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ). An RPZ would prevent all-day parking by commuters on blocks with RPZ signs.

RPZ signs would be installed on the orange-lined blocks shown on the map and would limit vehicles without RPZ permits to 2-hour parking, 7 AM – 6 PM, Monday – Saturday.

RPZ signs would not be installed next to businesses and employees would not be eligible to purchase permits.

All residents living within the orange-shaded area would be eligible to purchase RPZ permits.

Vehicles displaying an RPZ permit would be exempt from the 2-hour time limit on RPZ-signed blocks.

Permits are currently $65 per vehicle for a two-year cycle. One hang-tag guest permit is available per household. A $10 low-income permit is available.

Comparing the proposed map with the one that was released last October, it appears almost identical, aside from (updated) proposed carshare spaces near Alaska/44th that alreay have been installed.

HOW TO COMMENT: You can tell SDOT what you think by commenting before March 15th. Four ways:

*Send email to
*Use this comment form
*Call 206-684-4103
*Speak at the public hearing set for 6:30-8 pm Thursday, February 28th, at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon)

Final decision on whether to put the RPZ in place, SDOT says, would be made by June.

BACKSTORY: The RPZ proposal results from a community request two years ago – almost a decade after a previous one in the Junction area was turned down. It would be the second in West Seattle; the first one is in the Fauntleroy ferry-dock area.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT/WEATHER/MORE: Snowy West Seattle Monday AM updates, info

(MONDAY SCHOOL INFO: Local closures/changes are ALL LISTED HERE)

5:53 AM: Snow continued overnight. We’re under a Winter Weather Advisory until 10 am. Here are key links/updates for starters:

Transit/other transportation (updated 8:25 am)
METRO: All buses on snow routes – info here
RIDE2: Canceled today
WATER TAXIS: Some West Seattle runs canceled (Doc Maynard is sailing, per Water Taxi Watch); all Vashon runs canceled
SDOT WINTER WEATHER MAP: See it here (shows treated/plowed routes)
SDOT TRAVELERS’ MAP: The map we regularly feature
OUR TRAFFIC CAMS PAGE: Cameras particularly relevant to WS and vicinity

Other changes (updated 9:36 am)
No residential solid-waste pickup today, per Seattle Public Utilities – full details here
West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA: BOTH LOCATIONS CLOSED TODAY (2nd update)
Seattle Parks – some closures; here’s the roundup
Seattle Public Library facilities that usually open at 10 will open at noon (Southwest, Admiral); added – Delridge closed
Neighborcare High Point closed
City of Seattle: Here’s the latest
King County offices/services – some closed, some late (update)

We’ll keep adding to those lists and add incident etc. info below as the morning continues.

6:47 AM: Metro has sent two alerts about Route 37, saying the 5:48 and 6:44 trips didn’t run this morning. As noted above, all buses are on snow routes. And it’s still snowing.

6:53 AM: Just in via text – WEST SEATTLE WATER TAXI CANCELLATIONS: Because of high winds at Seacrest, the 6:50, 7:25, 8, 8:35, 9:10 runs have been canceled.

7:11 AM: We’re continuing to add to the lists above as info comes in – cancellation of residential trash (etc.) pickup for today is the latest change. Overall, in terms of getting around, remember that side streets generally are NOT plowed/treated – Michael reports the ones he’s been on are VERY icy – this is NOT the typical Seattle snow situation where the snow is followed almost immediately by warmer weather.

7:26 AM: Streets where the “closed” signs go up on days like these generally won’t show up on any official maps, so in general, beware West Seattle’s many hilly streets – for reasons like what Brian describes in this comment.

7:48 AM: Lots of reports of bus trouble this morning – see comments. And this photo’s just in from under the bridge:

7:58 AM: And a belated alert from Metro saying Route 55’s 6:31, 6:48, 7:30 trips didn’t operate.

8:41 AM: Now a Metro alert saying the 775 Water Taxi shuttle isn’t operating this morning. Update – 14 minutes later, Metro sent updates saying 773 and 775 WILL operate … If you’re even thinking about going out, please note that the wind’s blowing snow around and the temperature’s in the 20s, unlike the “typical” Seattle snow day on both fronts. Here’s a photo showing wind-fueled waves on the Alki promenade earlier (high tide was three hours ago), from Mike Livdahl:

(James Tilley sent one too – we tweeted it.) Thanks to everyone who’s sent other photos – we’ll be putting together a gallery a bit later, when we get past the commute (for those who absolutely have to) etc. period. … Just in, another update from the West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) – now both locations are closed for the day.

8:58 AM: The Winter Weather Advisory has just been extended through 1 pm. Still snowing.

9:22 AM: Seattle Parks has posted its closures/changes list. See it here (also added to our list above).

11:11 AM: About 40 homes are without power since just before 11 am toward the end of Roxbury. A separate, larger outage in North Highline and North Burien south of there is going on six hours now. Updates on the SCL map … Still lightly snowing. We’re going to get a gallery going shortly but first, there are a few non-snow news stories we need to publish next. Thanks again for all the tips, reports, comments, and other info!

SCHOOL CLOSURES/CHANGES: Here’s the updated Monday list

UPDATE – TUESDAY MORNING INFO: If you find this story while looking ahead to TUESDAY, see the top of our Monday PM updates for what’s been announced so far.


EARLIER – MONDAY MORNING INFO: As the snow continued overnight, some changes and additions so far this morning. We’ll continue adding to this list (most recent update 8:29 am):

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Closed today (update from last night’s announcement)
HIGHLINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Closed today (update)
SOUTH SEATTLE COLLEGE: Closed today, all classes/activities canceled (update)
VASHON ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT: Now closed today (update)

WORLD KIDS ACADEMY: All locations closed today

TILDEN SCHOOL (as always – if you can get there safely!)

Thanks for these FYI’s as well

Earlier announcements are in our coverage from last night but what’s above supersedes whatever was announced last night. Please call/text us with additions at 206-293-6302.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Highway 99 tunnel now open

11:23 PM SUNDAY: It’s official – the Highway 99 tunnel is now open. The video above is by Paul Weatherman, who reports his was the first non-government vehicle to travel the northbound lanes right after they opened around 11 pm (added – full clip here); WSDOT says it’s working to get the southbound lanes open too. No toll until sometime this summer. This sign we photographed during Saturday’s dedication event will verify that for skeptics:

If you’re heading northbound on 99 from the eastbound West Seattle Bridge or from south of here, remember, no downtown exit before the tunnel for another week or so.

12:22 AM MONDAY: And now the southbound direction is open too. With this plus the snow, a unique morning commute is ahead, and we’ll be tracking it all starting at 5 am.

WEST SEATTLE SNOW: Sunday pm updates, plus Monday changes/closures

(MONDAY SCHOOL CHANGES: Update – see separate story)

(Added: 4:40 pm in Morgan Junction, photo from Tamsen Spengler)

FIRST REPORT, 3:10 PM: Thanks for all the reports! We’ve seen some of the first light snow ourselves, traveling on Roxbury after leaving a meeting. We’ve also seen evidence that SDOT has been out treating the roads. More coverage to come!

3:28 PM: We’re in The Junction and it’s a steady snow shower. Not yet sticking.

3:44 PM: In south Morgan Junction, it’s sticking on cars and planting strips/yards. Getting similar reports in comments and via Twitter from other areas.

4:32 PM: Continuing to snow lightly. The updated forecast projects about an inch tonight, maybe another inch tomorrow morning. We’ll be watching weather and traffic (roads are bare and wet now – see cameras here) throughout the night and into the morning – if you see something we should know about, our 24/7 hotline (text or voice) is 206-293-6302.

6:05 PM: While the roads were bare and wet just over an hour ago, when we took the picture above this line, that’s changed – at least on side streets:

7:31 PM: Driving home from a Super Bowl party? Be careful. Snow has stopped for now, and no major road problems are reported, but temps are close to freezing and we might see ice as they drop further. No official total yet but Kristina, near West Seattle Nursery, sends this measurement:

7:55 PM: Update from here in Upper Fauntleroy:

8:08 PM: New weather alert – Winter Weather Advisory saying at least another inch of snow is likely.

8:43 PM: Regarding buses – “Metro currently plans to pre-chain most of the bus fleet as a precaution prior to the AM commute. (But) We don’t yet know whether buses will shift to snow routes.”

9:16 PM: From the West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor):

WEST SEATTLE AND FAUNTLEROY DELAYED OPENING ON MONDAY: Due to the overnight weather advisory predicting 1-3” of snow, both our West Seattle and Fauntleroy locations will open at 9am on Monday. There will be no AM Kids Corner at Fauntleroy YMCA. All school based programs will follow the SPS weather schedule (no decision has been made by SPS yet).

9:23 PM: Now the school announcements are rolling in. We will start a separate story for these soon but first we’ll add them here:
Hope Lutheran School, closed, no preschool/extended care
Seattle Lutheran High School, 10:30 am start
Highline Public Schools, 2 hours late, morning/afternoon classes canceled for preschool and ECEAP.
Vashon Island School District, 2 1/2 hours late.

ADDED 10:06 PM: Seattle Public Schools, 2 hours late, buses on snow routes, other details here, including:

o door-to-door service. No preschool or Head Start. No out of district service. No taxi cab, therapy, partial day or shuttle transportation. No before school activities. Check with your school regarding athletic events. Check with your childcare provider about child care.

ADDED 10:21 PM: South Seattle College starts at 10 am. Classes scheduled to start earlier are canceled.

12:42 AM: No additions to the list yet.

5:04 AM: Changes are coming in, including SPS now CLOSED for today. We’re starting a list here. Call or text us at 206-293-6302 with school (and other) info.

VIADUCT/TUNNEL TRANSITION: What you need to know about other new ramps and intersections that ARE now open

We can’t say this enough: When the Highway 99 tunnel opens – hours from now – there will be a transitional week or so during which the exit to NB 99 from the EB West Seattle Bridge is a “tunnel only” exit, because the offramp to downtown, before the tunnel, isn’t done yet. Separate from that, some new ramps/intersections HAVE just opened on both ends of the tunnel, including the one that you will use to get to SB 99 just south of the tunnel. WSDOT has just published this update that we’re reposting in its entirety:

The Feb. 4 opening of the SR 99 tunnel brings big changes to several important intersections at the tunnel’s north and south ends. New intersections can be confusing, so use the renderings below to help familiarize yourself with what you will encounter on the road. You can also preview the intersections via narrated videos.

North end of the tunnel: Harrison Street and Aurora Ave North

What’s changing:

New northbound SR 99 on-ramp
New southbound SR 99 off-ramp
Harrison Street open east-west across Aurora Avenue North
The new tunnel dives underground at Harrison Street, several blocks north of where the now-closed Battery Street Tunnel begins. The new intersection of Harrison Street and Aurora Avenue North is where the northbound on-ramp begins, and the southbound off-ramp ends. Harrison Street is now also open east-west across Aurora Avenue North.

Note: Construction begins this month on the inside lanes of Aurora Avenue North between Denny Way and Harrison Street (yellow zone at bottom). Learn more about how the North Surface Streets project is rebuilding Aurora Avenue North.

North end of the tunnel: Republican Street and Dexter Avenue North

What’s changing

New northbound SR 99 off-ramp
The intersection of Republican Street and Dexter Avenue North is where the northbound SR 99 off-ramp ends. New signals will control traffic coming off the highway. From the off-ramp drivers will be able to turn left toward Mercer Street, head straight toward South Lake Union, or turn right to head toward Denny Way. Stay alert for people using the Dexter Avenue bike lanes on both sides of the street.

South end of the tunnel: Alaskan Way, South Dearborn Street, and First Avenue South

What’s changing:

New southbound SR 99 on-ramp
New northbound SR 99 off-ramp [NOT YET OPEN]
New east-west street, South Dearborn Street
New primary path between First Avenue South and Alaskan Way
Alaskan Way extended farther south
One of the biggest changes to surface streets is at the tunnel’s south end, just west of CenturyLink field. Alaskan Way no longer ends with a jog under the viaduct onto Railroad Way South. Instead, it continues straight to a new intersection with a new road, South Dearborn Street.

South Dearborn Street is the new east-west connection between Alaskan Way and First Avenue South. This intersection connects SR 99, Alaskan Way and First Avenue. Alaskan Way continues south from this intersection toward East Marginal Way South. Railroad Way South is currently closed from First Avenue South, and when it reopens it will be a local-access-only road.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The northbound SR 99 off-ramp bridge is still under construction and will open one to two weeks after the tunnel opens.

Note: The rendering above does not show the now-closed Alaskan Way Viaduct, which sits in the yellow-highlighted work zone and will be removed section by section over the next six months.

South end of the tunnel: South Royal Brougham Way and First Avenue South

What’s changing:

New northbound SR 99 on-ramp
New southbound SR 99 off-ramp
Colorado Avenue South with two-way traffic to South Atlantic Street
Drivers who previously joined SR 99 northbound from Royal Brougham Way will find striking changes to that intersection. Where once there was a ramp to the viaduct, now there are two ramps to the tunnel. This is where southbound drivers in the tunnel will exit to reach SODO, the stadiums, and I-90 and I-5. This is also where drivers coming from I-90 or the stadiums will enter the tunnel for northbound SR 99.

Note: A shared-use path along Colorado Avenue South will be built in a future phase of the project.

South end of the tunnel: South Atlantic Street and Colorado Avenue South

What’s changing:

New surface-street connection to Alaskan Way South
Colorado Avenue South with two-way traffic to Royal Brougham Way South
The changes around South Atlantic Street are less drastic but still worth knowing. The Atlantic Street overpass over SR 99 is now a complete connection to Alaskan Way (to the north) and East Marginal Way South (to the south). You can now reach both via South Atlantic Street by taking the ramp labeled below.

Colorado Avenue South (previously called East Frontage Road) is now a two-way street, providing a north and south route between South Atlantic Street and SR 99 on- and off-ramps. A common path from SR 99 southbound to reach I-90 will be to take Colorado Avenue south, then take a left turn onto South Atlantic Street.

Note: At tunnel opening South Atlantic Street does not pass beneath the SR 99 overpass to Alaskan Way South. That connection will open later in winter/spring 2019.

Again, no specific time yet for the actual tunnel opening – but WSDOT has said it’ll be in time for the earliest edge of tomorrow’s morning commute (4 am-ish). We’ll have a separate update when it’s announced, and we also still have one more report in the works from Saturday’s tunnel dedication.

BIZNOTE: Former Alki Tully’s to become Harry’s Beach House

10:59 AM SUNDAY: The “for lease” sign has been down for a bit but there’s been no hint of what’s ahead for the former Tully’s at 2676 Alki Avenue SW – until now. A “site plan” has just showed up in city files. The early-stage plan is for remodeling the space into a “new eating and drinking establishment” that the document names as “Harry’s Beach House.”. What’s on file also notes that the siding and windows will be replaced, but the alterations otherwise are interior only. That’s all the info so far. It’s been 11 months since the Alki Tully’s suddenly closed, part of a wave of other closures around the area, followed by legal action for eviction a few weeks later.

EARLY MONDAY: In finest community-collaborative-news style, more information has unfolded in the comment discussion – thanks to Will o Wisp saying he’d learned of an affiliation with Harry’s Fine Foods on Capitol Hill, we found a clue, that Todd then confirmed.

8 for your West Seattle Sunday

(Cormorant in sunset reflection, photographed by Dan Ciske)

It’s not all about the football on this you-know-what Sunday. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and inbox:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, stroll the market to find out what’s fresh this week. (California SW between SW Alaska and SW Oregon)

CAMP SECOND CHANCE COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 2 pm at Arrowhead Gardens, the monthly meeting for updates, questions, and concerns related to the sanctioned encampment on the Myers Way Parcels. (9200 2nd SW)

SUPERB OWL PARTY: 2 pm at Parliament Tavern, which opens early for “the annual epic throwdown between the folks from that one corner vs. the folks from that other corner. Hosted by Science Mike.” 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

OPEN HEARTS: 2 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, a “celebration of Brazilian and American music in support of Centro Espirita Beneficente, Uniao do Vegetal // Nucleo Claridade Divina.” (4408 Delridge Way SW)

AUTHOR AT C & P: 3 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor):

West Seattle author Elise Hooper will be offering an alternative to devouring Super Bowl seven-layer dip this Sunday (2.3.19) by visiting C & P Coffee Company at 3 PM to give a talk about Learning to See, her new novel about pioneering photographer Dorothea Lange. Publisher’s Weekly says, “Historical fiction fans will gobble up Hooper’s novel and be left with the satisfied feeling that they have lived through much of the 20th century with Dorothea Lange.” Library Journal describes Learning to See as “a fascinating and sometimes surprising introduction to a woman known for her iconic photographs but not her eventful life.”

Hooper’s previous novel, The Other Alcott, a 2017 Washington State Book Award nominee that People Magazine called “irresistible,” told the story of the real women behind the beloved characters in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. The New York Times Book Review raved “[May’s] adventures illuminate the world of intrepid female artists in the late 1800s, a milieu too little appreciated today.”

Page 2 Books will be providing book sales and Hooper will be giving a brief talk about her work, answering questions, and signing books.

(5612 California SW)

FAMILY MEDITATION: 5 pm at West Seattle Contemplative Church. Open to all. Free but RSVP requested at (4157 California SW)

‘WOMEN OF WAKANDA’: Variety show and fundraiser at The Skylark, 6 pm, all ages – details in our calendar listing. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

TRIANGULAR JAZZTET: 7 pm music at The Alley in The Junction. (4509 California SW)

LOOK BEYOND … via our complete calendar.

BASKETBALL: Chief Sealth hosts West Seattle for regular-season finales

All four varsity basketball teams from West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth International High School have postseason games in the next few days, following their regular-season-ending crosstown clashes Friday night:

The Seahawks hosted the Wildcats, and the girls were up first.

Read More

UPDATE: West Seattle early-morning power outage cuts electricity to 4,700+ customers for hour-plus

1:01 AM: Getting reports of a power outage – so far hearing from Gatewood, Arbor Heights, The Arroyos. Anyone else?

1:07 AM: Big outage – just showed on the map (always a lag). 4,700+ homes/businesses.

1:10 AM: No official word of the cause yet but we have at least two reports from Gatewood of a “zap” heard and flashes seen. (Added atop this story: Screengrab of City Light map, for the record.)

1:21 AM: As noted in comment discussion, SCL has assigned an estimated restoration time of 7 am, but those are always just guesstimates – could be much sooner … or later.

2:01 AM: Second hour of the outage. SCL says its crews are still investigating.

2:32 AM: After an hour and a half, we’re getting reports that at least some have their power back.

2:37 AM: The SCL map is now updated. 3,000+ customers still out.

2:51 AM: And now everybody else (except for 1 customer) is back on, the map shows. (Added) SCL says via Twitter that while the cause is still under investigation, crews “rerouted power to restore the affected area.”

ADDED TUESDAY: SCL says an underground cable failure caused the outage.

VIDEO: Aerial and underground views from Tunnel to Viaduct 8K

That’s WSDOT drone video of the run/walk that started this day of tunnel/viaduct festivities – with 29,000 participants. We also have three views from inside the tunnel, courtesy of Vy Duong:

Note the signage including the new name of the Mariners’ home (as also seen in above-ground signage we showed in our first report on the dedication ceremony that started just as the run/walk was ending). And here’s Vy’s view as the run/walk reached the tunnel’s south end:

And some of the bicycle officers who were in view at multiple sites throughout the day :

We saw them at the ribboncutting, too, after they escorted runners/walkers out:

Speaking of bicycles – Sunday morning, 12,000 people are registered to ride through the tunnel and on the viaduct, in a sold-out event that is the last component of the celebration weekend before WSDOT goes through final steps to get the tunnel open by early Monday morning.

SNOW? Here’s the newest forecast

The newest Special Weather Statement is still projecting snow showers as a possibility Sunday night into Monday:

There is a threat of lowland snow showers across Western Washington beginning Sunday afternoon in Whatcom county and spreading to the remainder of Western Washington Sunday evening as a cool and moist weather system tracks over the region. Snow levels will be close to sea level. Given the showery nature of this system, snow amounts will not be uniform with heavier accumulations possible in stronger showers. Showers will decrease Monday morning as the system exits south of the area.

Weather analyst Cliff Mass also thinks we’ll see some flakes.

UPDATE: Viaduct farewell; Water Taxi abandons schedule

(Webcam showing north end of Viaduct; refresh for newest image)
3:26 PM: We had planned to head back downtown after coverage earlier of the tunnel dedication, in hopes of covering the Viaduct event. So far we’re hearing of long lines – at least for the Seneca access to the Viaduct itself – and transit delays. So heads up if you’re headed out.

4:36 PM: And if you’re headed back via the Water Taxi – King County now says the schedule has been thrown overboard:

4:55 PM: Finally back downtown. Just passed the Seneca event entrance. Looks like the line subsided.

5:20 PM: Verified – we are on the Viaduct now via Seneca. No wait, no ticket/pass checking. Not too crowded.

6:40 PM: The event is winding down. We’ve left downtown – note that southbound 1st is extremely sluggish; one lane north of the stadiums was set aside for buses being used as shuttles, though that was starting to empty as we passed through. Tomorrow’s only event is the sold-out morning bike ride; after that, WSDOT has a punch-list of items to go through to get ready for opening the tunnel by early Monday.

UPDATE: Highway 99 tunnel dedicated, report #1

FIRST REPORT, 11:12 AM: We are at the south end of the Highway 99 tunnel to cover the 11:30 am dedication/ribboncutting ceremony. Driving on otherwise-closed 99 to access the media-parking zone, we got a look at some of the new signage:

Runners/walkers finishing the 8K are passing by, steps away. Among the West Seattleites waving at us, Deb Greer and Karen Berge of the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network:

Gathering for the ceremony, many who were involved in making the tunnel happen, from politicians to advisory-group members. West Seattleites we’ve already seen include, in the former category, ex-Mayor Greg Nickels (below with wife Sharon Nickels), and in the latter, longtime advisory/stakeholder group members Vlad Oustimovitch and Pete Spalding.

Also seen already, former Gov. Chris Gregoire, who signed the tunnel bill almost 10 years ago. A West Seattleite who stood by at that Seattle Aquarium ceremony, King County Executive Dow Constantine, is one of today’s scheduled speakers. More former mayors sighted as we got ready to publish this – Mike McGinn, longtime tunnel critic, and Ed Murray, who also was there at the 2009 signing.

Again, though the tunnel is being dedicated today as a prelude to an afternoon/evening of events inside it and up on the soon-to-be-demolished Alaskan Way Viaduct, WSDOT doesn’t plan to open it until early Monday morning.

12:36 PM: Minutes ago, the ribbon was cut:

And a photo:

Full coverage later. First – on to the afternoon of viaduct/tunnel celebrations.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Abandoned bicycle

February 2, 2019 11:06 am
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From the “dumped and likely stolen” file. George sent the photo:

“In the alley between 37th and 38th SW just south of Morgan St.” is where George found it.

West Seattle (and beyond) Saturday: Viaduct/tunnel party, and what else is up

We start with reminders about today’s biggest event:

(Photo by Long Bach Nguyen, from just after the Alaskan Way Viaduct’s permanent closure earlier this month)

VIADUCT/TUNNEL PARTY: Along with all the event details on the official website, key points of the schedule are in our Friday report.

WEST SEATTLE WATER TAXI SCHEDULE: It’s running today only, on a special schedule you can see here. Free parking at Pier 2, too, with a shuttle to/from the dock. But be sure to get your car out by 7:45 pm or else it’ll be locked in until Monday morning! And remember that the 773/775 shuttles are NOT running.

If you’re headed downtown for other things, remember there are road closures and bus reroutes. Also happening today:

SATURDAY GROUP RUN: Meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), 8 am. Free! (2743 California SW)

PRIORITIZE PROJECTS: As previewed here, you are invited to help prioritize projects in West Seattle/South Park that are up for a share of Neighborhood Street Fund money. Be at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center at 10:30 am. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

2000 SW ORCHARD SITE TOUR: As part of the Design Review process’s Early Community Outreach for a development proposal here, you’re invited to join project-team reps for a site tour at 11 am. (2000 SW Orchard)

BABY STORY TIME: 11:30 am at High Point Library – bring your up-to-12-month-old(s)! (3411 SW Raymond)

M. BUTTERFLY: 7:30 pm curtain at ArtsWest. “Clever parallels to the famous opera Madame Butterfly abound in this fearless play about a French diplomat who falls for a Chinese opera star.” Check ticket availability here. (4711 California SW)

AT THE SKYLARK: Swinson and the Expedition, Smackout Pack, live at 8 pm, $8 cover, 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

AT THE PARLIAMENT: Selectcop w/19ADD, 9 pm at Parliament Tavern. $7 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

SEE THE FUTURE … via our full calendar, here.