Re: Hot for Hillary



JoB i am sorry you take things so personally but this is actually a relatively calm blog from others I have seen. Just because we dont agree with you does not mean it is a personal attack. But you are a bit unreasonable at times so we do get passionate back.

And in response to your comment to me.

1) It is asinine to actually think that Obama should pay Clintons campaign dates. Just because he has rallied more support and he managed his finances while she relied on the support of only a few of the Democratic parties wealthier supporters and they maxed their donations and she obviously missed accounting 101 does not seem reason enough for me to have my donations to Obama go to pay her debts. I dont pay your rent or mortgage do i???

2) Obama has asked for unity. He has said many times publicly he respects Clinton and respects that she is staying the race until the end of the primary season because he does see how passionate her supporters are. So dont say that he isnt doing these things.

3) Your interview is off with Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi said that a dream Obama/Clinton ticket is not feaseable now NOT because of President Bill Clinton but because of Senator Hillary Clinton tactless decision to endorse Senator John McCain over Senator Obama. I dont have time to find the link now.