Even if you don’t live in the Morgan Junction vicinity, you might want to check out the Morgan Community Association‘s community briefing this Thursday (December 12) on the city’s new zoning plans.
Wherever you live, there’s likely change on the way, even if only to bring lots up to the new state-mandated “at least four units” law. Before the comment time runs out on Friday, December 20th, MoCA decided to set up a community briefing. We checked with MoCA president Deb Barker (a former municipal land-use planner) to verify that city reps will not be in attendance. She confirms that and adds, “It is solely community driven. Morgan Community Association wants folks to understand what types of zoning changes are proposed where. We also want community feedback on those proposed Morgan Junction Urban Center changes. The MoCA Board will forward the Urban Center comments to SDCI by the December 20th comment deadline. Copies of MoCA’s May 6, 2024 ‘One Seattle Plan’ comments will be available.” (The “Morgan Junction Urban Center” would be the city’s new name for what was the “Morgan Junction Urban Village.” Barker adds that they did get a bit of city support – “SDCI has provided MoCA with the following maps of proposed zoning changes which we’ll display: Morgan Junction – (Modified Urban Center, former known as Urban Village), High Point (a new Neighborhood Center), Endolyne – (a new Neighborhood Center, in Fauntleroy), Fairmount – (a new Neighborhood Center). Thursday’s briefing is at 6 pm in the High Point Library meeting room (3411 SW Raymond).