Get ready to play ball! Registration open for West Seattle Little League’s spring season

Even as we get to the shortest days of the year, there are reasons to think ahead to the warming months of spring. For one: Youth-sports leagues are opening spring registration, and this morning we have the announcement from West Seattle Little League:

West Seattle Little League Spring (WSLL) 2025 registration is now open for all youth ages 4-14.

Join us, your West Seattle neighbors in the bleachers, for another incredible season of hot dogs, cool drinks, sunny afternoons, and fun moments that your child and your family will cherish forever!

We are competitive, but most important, our coaches encourage fair play, teaching, and positive sportsmanship. Whether that’s summoning up the courage to swing the bat or running the bases with passion, we are here to listen, teach and inspire West Seattle youth to find their best self.

Each year, we want to make sure all kids have the opportunity to write the next chapter in the Little League story, regardless of their situation. No child will be denied an opportunity to play due to financial reasons. If you are in need of a full or partial scholarship, please visit our scholarship page for more info. We are dedicated to finding a confidential financial solution for families.

WSLL is excited to announce the fourth year of the Challenger Program! The Challenger program is Little League’s adaptive baseball program which offers additional support for athletes with disabilities.The Challengers program is free to all participants and open to West Seattle residents between the ages of 4-18 or up to age 22 if still enrolled in school. Inclusion and opportunity is the cornerstone of Little League, and it’s our passion to ensure everyone has an opportunity to play. Find more info here or email with any questions.

The WSLL spring season will run from March – June and features fun activities including the jamboree, sandlot days, and end of the year bash. Interested to know more details? Check out to find information about boundaries and divisions of play.

Register by February 9th. Registering early helps streamline our league operations – sign up today!

4 Replies to "Get ready to play ball! Registration open for West Seattle Little League's spring season"

  • Softball parent December 8, 2024 (1:07 pm)

    I’m so glad WSLL has a softball program! Over 150 girls played last year – hoping for more this Spring. Let’s go Westside!

  • Southwest parent December 8, 2024 (2:10 pm)

    Hi, does anyone know if registration is still available for the southwest Seattle little league as well? The website isn’t updated or it has closed? 

    • WS Mom December 8, 2024 (2:32 pm)

      They often open registration later. Recommend reaching out to the league for details on reg dates. 

    • Rdubs December 8, 2024 (3:26 pm)

      Yes, SWLL is still open as well. noticed their site was having some issues though and I couldn’t load certain content. Try emailing them at if it’s still not working. 

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