Re: Future Mom Daycare ?



In general, finding care for infants is very hard, so start early and get on waiting lists! FCC (already mentioned) and Mount St. Vincent are always highly recommended, but have LONG waiting lists (if you can even get on them). The Montessori programs are generally for older kids, but I believe one of them in WS does accept kids under 2. If you’re open to all kinds of daycare, the subscription to is worth it– it will allow you to search daycare options by zipcode, including the licensed family daycares (run by individuals in their own homes). We found that for infants, we preferred (for our two children) the smaller environment that in-home daycare offers, as well as the exposure to older children. There are some great folks out there running extremely high-quality daycares, so you might consider it. Most in-home daycares are licensed for a total of 6 children (only 2 under the age of 2). I think the going rate is between $50-60/day for infants, a little less once your child turns 2. The bigger centers are a bit more expensive (but may have better hours or less mandatory vacation time). Good luck!