West Seattle housing 588 results

Saving the Shoremont: New owner ‘really just liked the building’

The latest Land Use Information Bulletin from the city brought word that the proposal to renovate the interior of the Shoremont Apartments on Alki is proceeding – it’s been determined no environmental review is needed. You’ll recall the twin apartment buildings were once proposed for demolition, to make way for an ultra-modern development planned 3 years ago; then foreclosure led to new ownership. This morning, we talked for the first time with new owner Dennis Schilling, who tells WSB he bought the Shoremont because he has “always liked small brick buildings … I thought (these) were pretty interesting.” More about his plans, ahead:Read More

First Mural & Link; next for Harbor Properties in West Seattle, Nova

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli)
One week from tonight, the Southwest Design Review Board convenes for the first time in many months, to offer “early design guidance” on a new West Seattle project. As reported here previously, that project is by Harbor Properties, which is about to open Link in The Triangle, a followup to its mixed-use sibling in The Junction, Mural. (Both are WSB sponsors.)

The new project is in The Triangle, two blocks east of Link, on a relatively small parcel (4600 36th SW) that Harbor bought while also at one time holding an option on the adjacent motel, an option it didn’t convert (as reported here last year, the motel has new owners and a new plan). We just spoke with Emi McKittrick and Denny Onslow of Harbor, who say the new project has a name: Nova. They’re looking at around 60 apartments, mostly one- and two-bedroom, and no retail – “because of where it’s located on 36th, we don’t think retail can thrive there; the site is kind of ‘tucked in’,” McKittrick explained. They’re aiming for six stories, and an as-yet-undetermined amount of parking – most likely similar to Link, with about two-thirds as many spaces as units.

With Link already having secured tenants for more than a quarter of its 195 units, before the first move-in (which is about a week away), Harbor is still banking on strong apartment demand in West Seattle: “It went undiscovered for so long as a delightful place to be,” Onslow observed. They don’t have sketches for Nova just yet, but we’ll see them in pre-meeting material sometime before next week’s Design Review Board meeting, 6:30 pm Thursday 3/24 at the Senior Center of West Seattle (SE corner of California/Oregon).

Family changing, house not? West Seattle NestFest ahead

Families grow and change no matter how much you wish sometimes things would just stand still for a bit – but your house, maybe that nice little bungalow you bought when there were just two of you (or just you!), isn’t going to adapt unless you take action. West Seattle NestFest next Saturday aims to help. It’s a free workshop presented by West Seattle Family Zone, with participants including WSB sponsors Ventana Construction and WEdesign. As Anne Higuera from Ventana puts it, “Often, the arrival of a new family member is the impetus for starting a remodeling project. And more often than not, there’s a bit of urgency involved (i.e.– there’s a baby on the way and we want to finish the project before the baby arrives). Whether it’s an addition onto the house, converting a basement, or creating new space in or above a garage, there’s a lot to keep in mind as you plan. We’ll be talking specifically about how to plan for remodels that involve kids and kids’ spaces, and how to make sure those spaces are functional for the long term, as the kids grow up.” NestFest is next Saturday morning, 10 am, at the Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon); though it’s free, registration is required – here’s how to sign up.

P.S. The next edition of Ventana’s own free remodeling/custom-building workshop is tomorrow night (Monday 3/14), 6 pm – call 206-932-3009 to RSVP for that.

2011 Green Home Tour to include stops in West Seattle

February 7, 2011 2:02 pm
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Stopping by the Sustainable West Seattle booth at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market every other Sunday usually yields the proverbial wealth of information. This time around, Laura Elfline shared the announcement of the 2011 Green Home Tour, planned for 10 am-4 pm April 16-17. She says there’ll be at least a few West Seattle stops on the tour, presented by the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild. And she said the tour sites haven’t all been finalized yet, so if you know of a sustainably designed/built home that might be perfect for the tour, you can reach organizers through tour@ecobuilding.org.

From peninsula to Phinney: West Seattleites @ Home Fair today

Remember all the talk about “backyard cottages”? Now that they’re legal in Seattle – this city webpage explains the concept – local builders are starting to add them to their repertoire. In the photo above, you see the first one built by West Seattle-based NCompass Cottage Company. The cottage is in Ballard, but NCompass is West Seattle’s first specialist. And today, they are one of three WSB sponsors participating in an event that’s a must-visit for anyone considering not only a cottage but any other type of home project, even though the event’s not happening in West Seattle: It’s the 14th annual Home Design and Remodel Fair at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, 6532 Phinney Avenue North (here’s a map), 10 am-4 pm. The three WSB sponsors among the 90 exhibitors are NCompass Cottage Company and Ventana Construction, as well as the landscape specialists of WEdesign. Detailed information is available here, including full lists of exhibitors and workshops (WEdesign is presenting a workshop on sustainable landscaping at 2:20 pm). There is a $9 adult admission fee.

High Point showdown: Housing Authority boss apologizes

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

High Point homeowners got a high-level apology last night.

Tom Tierney, executive director of the Seattle Housing Authority, faced a meeting of the HP Homeowners’ Association “with some apology and a little embarrassment that I let stress grow in this community to a point where you all feel like you need to come out on a Thursday night.”

That stress had spawned a list of concerns that frustrated homeowners wanted to see addressed. It also clearly had sparked some changes already, with new faces in on-site management, such as property manager Terry Hirata, who took over a few months ago.

Top of last night’s list was a change in plan for a prominently vacant High Point corner, a change first made public in a story here on WSB exactly one month ago: The new plan for about 90 townhouse units at 35th and Graham instead of the mixed-use apartment/retail building that had been under review in 2008.

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West Seattle’s new Link is quickly linking apartments & people

Before the first week of pre-leasing was even over at Link (WSB sponsor) in The Triangle, nine units already were spoken for. Harbor PropertiesEmi McKittrick says that’s quite the pace. She took us on a tour of the almost-complete building along 38th SW between Fauntleroy and Alaska (map) this past week, our first tour since this one in October. Ahead, come on up to the expansive view-deck roof and into the model units, as well as a lobby that’s even going to sport iPads:

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Milestones for Link: 3rd business, and pre-leasing ‘Twinkie’

2 more milestones for the biggest development under construction in West Seattle right now, Harbor Properties‘ almost-finished Link in The Triangle. First, Emi McKittrick from Harbor tells WSB that they are close to locking down the third and final tenant for Link’s business space. Already unveiled are Chaco Canyon Organic Café, opening in April (read about it here) and Bright Horizons child care opening in May (with an info event coming up soon). Now, McKittrick says they are close to agreement with a third tenant – which she describes as a “hot yoga” studio.

(Photo added Thursday, courtesy Harbor Properties)
In the meantime, Link will be ready in March for the first of its almost 200 apartments to welcome their tenants, and pre-leasing starts this weekend. The pre-leasing office will draw some attention – it’s an Airstream “Twinkie,” and it’ll be set up at the Link site (map) later tonight. In the building itself, the model unit is in the final stages of setup for tours, and online, they’re finalizing a new website you’ll also see this weekend. According to McKittrick, Link – which has been under construction since September 2009 – is “a little bit ahead of schedule” and could be ready for move-in as soon as mid-March. (Here’s our last progress report, from early October.) Like Harbor Properties’ nearby Mural (WSB sponsor), Link will feature local art – Junction-based Twilight Artist Collective is in charge of that part of the project, which includes a mural that will be created in the next few weeks. (As reported here night before last, Harbor already is looking to its next West Seattle project, looking to develop land that’s currently a parking lot at 36th/Snoqualmie.)

West Seattle showcased on HGTV’s ‘House Hunters’ tonight

Thanks to Evan Wilson, who shared that photo after we asked for one when he e-mailed to say tonight’s episode of HGTV’s “House Hunters” will feature him and wife Becky: “Our house is here in West Seattle (in the Gatewood neighborhood). All the homes we toured were in WS and we did some filming at Lincoln Park and Bird on a Wire Espresso as well.” Evan also notes they worked with West Seattle-based realtor Todd Williamson. Tonight’s episode is at 10 pm.

Need help around the house? 2 workshops coming up next week

September 10, 2010 4:32 pm
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First — Longtime WSB sponsor Ventana Construction is about to present its next free monthly “Building a Better Home” workshop for people looking at remodeling or custom homebuilding; they’ll also explain this year’s new EPA lead-paint rules affecting work done on homes built before 1978, as well as energy tax credits. Next Wednesday, 6 pm, at their offices at 5458 California SW – just call 206-932-3009 to RSVP.

Second — We just got word of a workshop the next night – Thursday, Sept. 16, 6-8 pm (with a repeat edition on October 14) – “Ask an Expert: For the Do-It-Yourselfer,” at the West Seattle Tool Library (north side of South Seattle Community College on West Seattle’s Puget Ridge). Read on for the full details on that:Read More

Ncompass Cottage Company: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

Today we’re welcoming a new WSB sponsor, Ncompass Cottage Company, West Seattle’s only contractor specializing in backyard cottage design and construction. As reported here last fall, the city now issues backyard-cottage permits, which allow homeowners to build small dwellings on their property. Ncompass Cottage Company owners Drew Foster (photo, left) and Stefan Hansmire say the current demand for cottages includes people looking to house kids returning from college as well as people creating home-office space or making a place for older parents who want to be near family. Both say that building a cottage allows for a fun, livable dwelling that makes efficient use of the space available. Ncompass has built three cottages; two are in West Seattle — one by the Fauntleroy ferry terminal, the other in the Schmitz Park neighborhood. Overall, they have more than a decade of experience in the remodeling and construction trade, which also gives them experience with the permitting process needed to build a cottage. Drew and Stefan also have partnered with designers who have cottage floorplans on file and with finance people that they recommend to prospective clients. They say that they have streamlined the process to make it easier to get your cottage built. Ncompass Cottage Company belongs to the Better Business Bureau and Built Green Builders Association; Stefan and Drew both live in West Seattle and have kids in neighborhood schools. You’ll find Ncompass Cottage Company online at ncompasscottages.com, with contact information here.

We thank Ncompass Cottage Company for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.

Transitional Resources announces Avalon Place groundbreaking date

August 3, 2010 1:44 am
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(From December 2009 – “current” and “future” views of Avalon Place site)
Last December, the project finished Design Review – now, construction’s about to start. Transitional Resources has officially announced August 14th as the date for its groundbreaking ceremony at the site of Avalon Place (2988 SW Avalon Way). Read on for the TR news release:Read More

Video: House ‘installation,’ road closure on 61st SW

FIRST AS-IT-HAPPENED REPORT, 11:23 AM: Some days just have a theme. Today’s theme is heavy equipment. Our next stop post-totem pole: We’re in the 3200 block of 61st SW, where a house is being installed, in four pieces built offsite. 61st SW is closed in the block immediately south of Admiral as a result, till 3 pm, by the way. We arrived in time for the third of four pieces to be craned into place at the site (video added 1:08 pm):

If you’ve driven past Salty’s on Alki in the past day or so, you probably noticed the sections, which we’re told were brought in by barge. The project’s being overseen by Double Diamond Remodeling, whose owner Dave Farrell says the owners chose to buy a house built offsite – it’s a 2-story house going into a fairly small lot. Homeowners Leonard Jones and Charlie Fink joke that they hope to be settled by Thanksgiving – though their actual moving-in will be a lot sooner:(video added 1:09 pm):

The house itself was built by South King County-based Timberland, which comes in tomorrow to start “matching everything up,” Farrell says. 1:44 PM NOTE: The fourth piece was being trucked in just as we left after the third one was secured. Adding two more photos – a long shot for perspective, from before piece #3 was installed:

And as close as we could get to the house after:

The “no parking” signage on the street is marked until 5 pm, but as noted earlier, the crews were expected to clear 61st SW sooner.

All-night coverage: Moving the 4516 42nd SW house to a new home

(The all-night moving operation ended at 6:25; below, our coverage as it unfolded from midnight on)

(ADDED 3:19 AM: Video of the 2nd half of the 14-minute process to roll the home off its lot)
ORIGINAL 12:20 AM REPORT: We’re here along 42nd SW, about half a block north of the Junction QFC, where workers are in the early stage of the delicate process of moving an old house – broken down over the past few weeks of work, so that it’s more or less a roofless one-story box – from its original site in The Junction, part of a future development site, to a new location in the Admiral District. Background and photos here. We’ll be posting periodic updates. There’s a dozen-plus spectators out here. Tough photography conditions but we’ll be rolling video when actual action ensues, and photos are likely to be easier once the house is closer to the street lights. The crew’s having a meeting right now, which we can hear from across the street – getting safety reminders from their boss, hearing that traffic controls will be in place at both ends of this block of 42nd as they get started soon.

12:59 AM: The block is now closed from Oregon to Alaska. The crews are placing long wood strips to create ramps for the house, which has been jacked up on wheels, to roll onto the flatbed that’s also standing by.

1:24 AM: The house is rolling down the ramp momentarily.

1:51 AM: “This seems pretty improbable!” the house’s new owner, Jacques White, laughed nervously in the midst of the first phase of the move – getting the house off the lot and onto the street. That phase is now complete. We rolled video (up later) – it took about 15 minutes, once the tow truck started to pull it down a wide temporary ramp. We’ve been told they won’t start rolling it down the route to its new site until 3:30 am. It’s in the middle of 42nd SW on its trailer now, engines off, while the crew does some cleanup on its now-empty original site. Once it was fully onto the level street, the dozen-plus spectators hooted and cheered. White says the contractor tells him it will take about six months to make the house ready to live in; he and his wife currently live in a house on the same lot, on which they once had hoped to build a new home – that didn’t work out, but the idea of finding a great old home and moving it did. Here he is, in a pullover with the contractor’s logo:

3:15 AM: Heading back to the site after a quick break, since the house should be rolling down the route to its new home shortly. Night owls can watch our Twitter feed for photos along the way, till the next update here. (added later) Here’s video of the house making the turn onto westbound Charlestown from northbound California:

5:15 AM: The house is just yards from its new home. The actual on-the-streets move has taken two full hours, with delicate maneuvering around signs, hydrants, trees.

Owner Jacques says getting it onto the lot will be tricky too.

5:41 AM: They are getting ready to slide it onto the new site.

7:09 AM: Just got back to HQ. As of 6:25 am, the moving operation is over; the house’s owners, Jacques and Beth, popped a bottle of champagne (and were giving another one to Alex Schenkar, their contractor, who hollered up at the end of the move, “We’re within an eighth of an inch – is that good enough?”).

(That’s part of the house behind him, by the way, formerly over the front door, removed for the move, but to be put back into place.) The last few inches were heart-stoppers, as the house, still jacked up on a wheeled trailer, was pushed onto a platform elevated over the hole that will be turned into its foundation over the next few weeks before work on the house itself resumes. The Seattle Times (WSB partner) was the only other media organization covering it from start to finish, though a few others parachuted in and out, so keep an eye out for the Times story and video too. Meantime, we’ll be adding a few more visuals – photos and video – to this narrative over the next hour or so.

2 reminders for tonight: Outdoor Movies; house on the move

(UPDATE – 7:11 pm, just substituted this new photo for previous “file” pic – courtyard’s starting to fill up!)

(WSB photo from July 18, 2009, last year’s first Outdoor Movies night)
ORIGINAL 6:15 PM REPORT: Two Saturday night reminders: First, if you haven’t gathered up your chairs and blankets yet – just a couple of hours till the first West Seattle Outdoor Movies presentation of the year, “Mamma Mia” – preceded by two shorts and even a dance party. Full details in our Friday preview. We’ve been asked “what time does everything start” – that’s always tricky since it’s a matter of “when’s dusk” and backtiming from there, and also the “first come, first served” nature of seating space. We’d advise erring on the early side. Meantime, for our fellow night-owls – tonight’s the night for an unusual overnight journey that will wind up here:

Lots of activity this morning at the Admiral site (2758 46th SW) where a house will be moved in the wee hours from its current spot at 4516 42nd SW in The Junction. We’ve reported on this a couple times before – our second story has the most details and photos, including some of the interior touches that led a local couple to buy it so they could have it moved and renovated. There’s “no parking” signage along some of the route that will be used between midnight at 6, so if you’re parked in the area along the route (mapped here by our partners at the Seattle Times), make sure you’ve moved your vehicle in time! We’ll be covering this as-it-happens overnight, so if you’re up, check in for updates.

‘House on the move’ update: What the ‘No Parking’ signs are for

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli)
3 weeks after we brought you first word – thanks to a tip from Larry Nitkey – that this old house at 4516 42nd SW (part of the site of a future development project) is going to be moved to another lot in West Seattle, the big overnight move is coming up early this Sunday. And if you are on the route, you are probably seeing “No Parking” signs by now. JayDee e-mailed WSB to say he spotted them yesterday along 44th near Charlestown, but we didn’t make the connection immediately until a Facebook note from Jenny this morning. Our partners at the Seattle Times have mapped the entire route here; they also published a great story with lots more about the home’s history here. (Note added later: There are apparently two sets of “No Parking” signs in that general area – one for the July 24th West Seattle Grand Parade bus re-route, one for this event, so look at the fine print if you have to park near one!)

Sylvan Ridge Townhomes: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

That’s Tamea Duckworth, who not only is community sales manager for Sylvan Ridge Townhomes in West Seattle, she lives there too. We’re introducing you to her, because today we welcome Sylvan Ridge Townhomes as one of the newest WSB sponsors. And per WSB tradition, it’s their chance to let you know what they’re about: “Most Sylvan Ridge clients are in the 1st-time-homebuyers category, or moving up from a condo. People visiting Sylvan Ridge find our floor plans very unique because of the openness on the main floor. Our double-sided gas fireplaces with built-in bookshelves act as a room divider between the dining & living room. The upper-level master suite and second bedroom have vaulted ceilings for a spacious and airy feel. We are one of the few townhomes here in West Seattle that have two-car attached garages, and we are our own community, meaning we are in our own little cul-de-sac surrounded by trees, so it’s very quiet. All our homes have two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a powder room.” Tamea adds some information about her personal touch: “I have tried to be not just a friendly & informed sales agent here at Sylvan Ridge but, a good neighbor as well because I do actually live here, so I schedule window washing, dryer vent cleanout, got the community involved with the neighborhood-watch program. I am now working on our upcoming 2nd annual community picnic.”

This month at Sylvan Ridge Townhomes, a new phase with 10 more homes is scheduled to be ready. Our home of the week is priced at $299,950. We have other homes from $314,950 that qualify for our limited-time $8,000 buyer bonus. The Sylvan Ridge sales center and available homes are open Fridays through Tuesdays, 12 to 6 pm, at 2733 SW Sylvan Way, above the Home Depot and down the hill from the junction of 35th and Morgan. Tamea can also be reached by phone at (206) 933-6800 or tduckworth@matrixrealestate.com, and more information is available on our website at www.sylvan-ridge.com.

We thank Sylvan RIdge Townhomes for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.

Followup: Saving 4516 42nd SW by moving it within West Seattle

(Photos by Christopher Boffoli)
One week ago, we shared Larry Nitkey‘s photo of the 86-year-old house at 4516 42nd SW (map), one of four eventually slated to make way for a mixed-use development at 42nd/Oregon, and his report it would be moved. For WSB, Christopher Boffoli subsequently went to the site to get a closer look and speak with the contractors, who had told us by phone that we were welcome to come find out more, and take more photos.

Read More

Landmarks Board agrees to consider “Bloss House” for designation

“Too often, our landmarks are big, grandiose houses,” observed one member of the city Landmarks Board just before their vote moments ago, unanimously agreeing to consider designating West Seattle’s far-from-grandiose “Bloss House” as a landmark. We wrote about it two and a half weeks ago, when the Southwest Seattle Historical Society (Log House Museum) shared the news that Historic Seattle would bring the 1915 North Admiral Craftsman bungalow (4055 SW Holgate) to the board. Most board members noted that its main attribute as a potential landmark is the fact that its interior is virtually unaltered from the original Craftsman-style details, as well as its exterior, so before they agree to officially designate it, they may decide they want the nomination to include its exterior as well – though that is not usually what’s done with private residences. The home’s owner was not able to be at the hearing because of health challenges but several people spoke in support of the nomination, one citing comments on the previous WSB story as evidence of community support. The board also had a full presentation on the nomination document (text here, photos here), which includes information about West Seattle history as well as this home in particular. Next step: June 2nd is set for the hearing and vote on whether to officially declare the “Bloss House” a Seattle landmark.

Remodeling this year? Learn about new rules, and available $

April 12, 2010 8:29 pm
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There’s a new feature in the next edition of the free workshop that Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) is presenting this Wednesday night – important information about new EPA lead-paint rules starting this month for homes built before 1978. And you might also be interested in learning how to cash in on the energy-tax credits that are ending this year. The “Building a Better Home” workshop offers information for custom-home building as well as remodeling. It’s free, led by Ventana’s owners along with architect Kim Goforth, starting at 6 pm Wednesday and running about an hour and a half. They request that you RSVP ASAP since space is limited – call 206-932-3009.

West Seattle’s Dakota Condominiums: Welcome, new WSB sponsor

April 9, 2010 11:44 am
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We’re welcoming the Dakota Condominiums today as a new WSB sponsor. Here’s what they’d like you to know: The Dakota Condominiums are located at 4116 California Ave. SW (map), just two blocks to “The Junction,” West Seattle’s shopping and dining district and home of the year-round West Seattle Farmers’ Market and West Seattle Summer Fest. This is a great neighborhood where homeowners can walk to everything — the bank, the grocery, cafés, shops, the post office — but when they need to drive into downtown Seattle, it’s also very accessible. Priced from $219,950, the collection of 39 studio, one-, and two-bedroom homes is FHA-approved. The developers, Kevin Krout with Paul Cesmat and Steve Butler of Omni Construction, hand-selected quality materials that represent the Northwest’s natural beauty and have a classic, timeless appeal. Interiors feature oak hardwood floors in the main living areas and kitchens, slab granite countertops with full-height backsplashes, maple cabinetry, full-sized washers and dryers and a full stainless steel kitchen appliance package. Many of the homes include mountain and/or sound views and a select few surround a landscaped interior courtyard for added outdoor entertainment possibilities. Additional amenities include a rooftop terrace with seating and 360-degree views, a controlled access parking garage and video-monitored entry. The Northwest Multiple Listing Service recently reported an increase in home sales, and its agents say buyer traffic is up as the April 30th deadline approaches for the federal tax credit of up to $8,000 for first-time buyers and $6,500 for existing homeowners who purchase a new residence. Buyers should try to take advantage of the tax credit if they qualify and be aware that historically low interest rates could go up soon. All of the condominium homes at The Dakota are complete and ready for move-in. The community’s model homes are open weekends from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Tuesdays through Thursdays 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. For photos and floor plans, visit our website at www.westseattlecondos.info, or call 206-948-6046 with any questions.

We thank the Dakota Condominiums for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.

3 Elements Property Management: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

March 22, 2010 4:12 pm
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This afternoon we welcome one of our newest sponsors, 3 Elements Property Management, and as with all new sponsors, this is their chance to tell you about their business: 3 Elements Property Management is a local company with an intimate knowledge of West Seattle. Since half of the office staff (photo, from left, Patricia Shiras, Lisa Merz, Pamela Dundas, Tom O’Boyle) lives in West Seattle , we have a vast network of resources to pull from. With more than 80 years of combined property-management/real estate experience, we can provide accurate and detailed information regarding the area. Our customer service and commitment to serving our clients are our #1 priorities. We go above and beyond to reach our clients’ goals. They seek us out because we rent quality units and are great property managers. Once we have moved a tenant in, we ensure the smooth transition, and we are very timely regarding service requests or needed items. We strive to maintain excellent relations for our tenants and owners. This is a key to successful property management. This is why we have repeat clients. We try to make things move smoothly for tenants and meet business goals of property owners. One client said, “As a landlord, I found 3 Elements to be professional, detail-oriented and able to meet my criteria and goals. I appreciated the time they took to obtain quality tenants and keep me informed of market conditions. My units have remained full and rents are never late because of their thorough screening. My bottom line is strong. Thanks, 3 Elements.” You’ll find 3 Elements Property Management online at 3eam.com, or call 206-619-6630.

We thank 3 Elements Property Management for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.

West Seattle real estate: Alki Point’s $1,300,000 “teardown”

(Photos republished with permission of Rick Miner)
Thanks to Creighton for spotting this one in the real-estate listings. The house next to the Alki Point Lighthouse (on the northeast side) is for sale, asking $1,300,000. The 2-bedroom, 1-bath house at 3221 Point Place is 92 years old, according to the listing information, which pronounces it a teardown. We dug around to find out more of the backstory – read on to see what we found out:Read More