(Photos republished with permission of Rick Miner)
Thanks to Creighton for spotting this one in the real-estate listings. The house next to the Alki Point Lighthouse (on the northeast side) is for sale, asking $1,300,000. The 2-bedroom, 1-bath house at 3221 Point Place is 92 years old, according to the listing information, which pronounces it a teardown. We dug around to find out more of the backstory – read on to see what we found out:
Property records show the owner listed as John Doutrich, an entrepreneur, sports enthusiast and Special Forces veteran who died in May 2008 (according to this pay-to-view online obituary) at age 69.
There’s only so much you can find online – so we tracked down the listing agent, Rick Miner of Coldwell Banker Bain, sent him a note, and got a quick callback. He specializes in unique properties – among his past sales, baseball star Ichiro‘s Issaquah home.
The Alki Point house, he explained, now belongs to John Doutrich’s brother and sister, since Mr. Doutrich had no children or spouse to leave it to. And he says the house itself is unquestionably a teardown – it hadn’t been kept up. So the listing really is all about the site, and they’re not even showing the house itself. He says the current owners have consulted an architect and met with the city Department of Planning and Development so that they can speak to what might be possible on the site and make sure nothing’s in the way of a new owner building a “dream beach house.” The foundation is still good, he says, and the 6,700-square-foot site could likely hold a 2,600-square-foot home, maximum height 35′ with pitched roof, “like other homes in the area.”
Other numbers he is quick to rattle off – “the historic lighthouse is your neighbor, 100, 150 yards away … I’ve never seen a piece of property that has this kind of charismatic sitement.” 65 feet of waterfront. “Somebody will see the scene and be able to fulfill it.”
By the way, Miner has a story beyond his real-estate business: He describes himself as a “former Hollywood producer-director” — short subjects and documentaries — and (as this article noted two years ago) still a voting member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which gives out the Oscars. The Starlight Foundation has a big local Oscar party as a fundraiser every year in this area – the only one sanctioned by the Academy – and Miner says they’ve moved it to Snoqualmie Casino this year; more information on the March 7 event is here.