West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
Last night, the political-news website PubliCola reported that this year, abortion-rights-supporting organizations NARAL and Planned Parenthood were not being allowed to have booths at West Seattle Summer Fest – see the PubliCola report here, and a followup here. The PubliCola report has been a hot topic in the WSB Forums all day long. Minutes ago, West Seattle Junction Association director Susan Melrose sent WSB and PubliCola this statement – saying they’ve changed their minds.
After the 2009 West Seattle Summer Fest, the West Seattle Junction Association (WSJA) decided to not accept organizations into the event to discuss the issue of abortion. In past years, WSJA received strong negative feedback from the public against how the issue of abortion was being presented though we had asked these organizations to be contentious. Many families wrote, called and emailed that the graphic displays still offered by certain groups were not appropriate for their children. Summer Fest is a family and community oriented event, therefore WSJA listened to community input and chose not to accept any organizations to debate abortion. This seemed like a fair way to address the issue since not all applicants are accepted into the festival due to limited space. The first responsibility of the WSJA is to our community and we were responding to community feedback.
Now the West Seattle community has spoken out again. After it was publicized that pro-choice and pro-life organizations would not be registered with Summer Fest, we received calls and e-mails that many do want this issue to be presented at the event. Our organization has no position on this issue and our decision to not accept organizations from either side of this debate was based solely on the feedback of the community who we tried to accommodate.
Based on recent community input, WSJA has made the decision to allow one booth for each side of the issue into this year’s festival. In our effort to be neutral, we created a far greater stir than expected. We hope to respond to and remedy the initial complaints by having vendors sign a statement that all displays and handouts are subject to approval by WSJA.
A summer day in the life of a West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court queen or princess – On the 4th of July, we photographed Queen Kailin and Princesses Isabella and Kaitlin at the Admiral Kids’ Parade in the morning, and then again at the Burien Independence Day Parade in the afternoon. And that’s just part of the fun. Hi-Yu leaders tell WSB they’ve extended the deadline for girls to apply to be on the next Junior Court: You now have till July 13th – that’s next Tuesday. If you’re interested, you can e-mail Hi-Yu’s Deena Mahn at dbmahn@comcast.net
and she’ll reply with all the info you need (or if you’re interested in downloading the application right now, you can get it here. Plus, you’ll find application forms at the Hi-Yu booth at West Seattle Summer Fest this Friday-Saturday-Sunday. Qualifications, you ask? Ages 8-11 by September, and must live and/or attend school in West Seattle. Apply by Tuesday, and there won’t be too much suspense – coronation is the following Friday, July 16th.
From WSB Forums member BookGal, via e-mail:
I just witnessed a full grown coyote running up SW Juneau Street and head north on SW 37th Street [map]. Yes, in broad daylight! It almost looked like the crow was chasing the coyote and by all the very loud cawing, it was reading the coyote the riot act. I still hear a crow in the distance.
As always, here’s the “coexisting with coyotes” info; previous sighting reports are archived here.
The whiteboard with the produce prices proudly proclaims that this is the first farm-stand day of the season at the High Point Market Garden (32nd/Juneau). We just stopped by, and found out that the produce is so fresh, they’re picking it even as customers are shopping! Here’s the stand to look for, on the east side of the beautiful “farm” plot where it’s all grown:
They’re open till 7, and subsequent Wednesdays, 4-7 pm. Read more about the market-gardens program here; meet some of the farmers here.
At 4 pm, Sea-Tac’s temperature was 89 degrees … breaking the old record of 88 (set in 1953). And the forecast still says it’ll be hotter tomorrow. Then Friday will cool a bit, according to the updated “special weather statement.”
That’s Tamea Duckworth, who not only is community sales manager for Sylvan Ridge Townhomes in West Seattle, she lives there too. We’re introducing you to her, because today we welcome Sylvan Ridge Townhomes as one of the newest WSB sponsors. And per WSB tradition, it’s their chance to let you know what they’re about: “Most Sylvan Ridge clients are in the 1st-time-homebuyers category, or moving up from a condo. People visiting Sylvan Ridge find our floor plans very unique because of the openness on the main floor. Our double-sided gas fireplaces with built-in bookshelves act as a room divider between the dining & living room. The upper-level master suite and second bedroom have vaulted ceilings for a spacious and airy feel. We are one of the few townhomes here in West Seattle that have two-car attached garages, and we are our own community, meaning we are in our own little cul-de-sac surrounded by trees, so it’s very quiet. All our homes have two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a powder room.” Tamea adds some information about her personal touch: “I have tried to be not just a friendly & informed sales agent here at Sylvan Ridge but, a good neighbor as well because I do actually live here, so I schedule window washing, dryer vent cleanout, got the community involved with the neighborhood-watch program. I am now working on our upcoming 2nd annual community picnic.”
This month at Sylvan Ridge Townhomes, a new phase with 10 more homes is scheduled to be ready. Our home of the week is priced at $299,950. We have other homes from $314,950 that qualify for our limited-time $8,000 buyer bonus. The Sylvan Ridge sales center and available homes are open Fridays through Tuesdays, 12 to 6 pm, at 2733 SW Sylvan Way, above the Home Depot and down the hill from the junction of 35th and Morgan. Tamea can also be reached by phone at (206) 933-6800 or tduckworth@matrixrealestate.com, and more information is available on our website at www.sylvan-ridge.com.
We thank Sylvan RIdge Townhomes for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.
The fences are going up around the track at Hiawatha Playfield today, as the Parks Department had warned field users would happen – this is so the last phase of the Hiawatha renovations, the rubberized track, can be installed. Project manager Garrett Farrell says the contractor has until July 23rd to finish the job, so the track and field are scheduled to be off-limits for the next few weeks. (Summer events at Hiawatha including the July 16 Family Fun Fest and West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court Coronation, the July 17-18 Mediterranean Fantasy Fest, and the July 20th Hi-Yu Concert in the Park – with West Seattle Volunteer Recognition Award winners honored! – are on the other side of the community center.)
You’ve probably heard about the controversial decision for NOAA to leave Seattle, where it’s had vessels on Lake Washington, and move to the central Oregon coast. Just got word of a media event in West Seattle tomorrow to urge the federal government to reconsider, and to take a look at “existing federal facilities” including Federal Center South on the Duwamish. Scheduled to appear tomorrow morning at Herrings House Park is a contingent including Mayor Mike McGinn, U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott, City Councilmember Jean Godden, and, from Harbor Island-headquartered Todd Shipyards, retired Adm. John Lockwood. They’re planning to announce a letter they’re sending to Commerce Secretary (and former Washington governor) Gary Locke asking that the NOAA-siting process be reopened.
Saw the name on the liquor-license application lineup recently but couldn’t get the scoop – the name Blackboard Bistro, attached to new liquor licensees for 3247 California SW, the Eness/Beato/O2/Ovio/etc. spot. But this afternoon, Nancy Leson at the Seattle Times (WSB sponsor) has the full story – she reports that Eness is making way for Blackboard Bistro to open next month. Its proprietor worked most recently at Olivar on Capitol Hill. Read all about it here. 6:21 PM NOTE: We went over to the restaurant to look for signs of the transition, and to see if anyone was around to talk to. Aside from the “Blackboard Bistro” liquor notice, there is no sign of the impending change; a flyer taped to the window just says the restaurant will be closed July 1-12. THURSDAY MORNING UPDATE: A spokesperson for Blackboard Bistro says Eness is definitely “closed for good” and that Blackboard plans to open “mid-August.”
Just in from Jack Wagstaff, ops manager at West Seattle Food Bank:
Do you have an hour or two once a week to help alleviate hunger in West Seattle? West Seattle Food Bank is currently seeking drivers for our Home Delivery program. We are looking for volunteers to deliver groceries to seniors and adults with disabilities at their homes or apartments. Prospective volunteers should meet the following requirements:
• Proof of WA driver’s license and the ability to pass a WA State Patrol background check.
• Use of their own vehicle and proof of current insurance.
• The ability to deliver groceries on Wednesday or Friday (mid morning to early afternoon)
• The ability to continuous lift 20-30 lbs for an hour or more.
• We are looking for a minimum commitment of six months.
• Ability to interact with a diverse population with kindness, consideration, and confidentiality.We are especially looking for volunteers with mini-vans and covered pick-up trucks.
You can reach the food bank via e-mail or phone – all the info’s here.
This was first noted in a comment at 3:45 this morning, and we just got confirmation from the theft victims – Someone returned “Bones,” the drummer in a popular Delridge driveway-side art installation, overnight, five days after he was stolen (as originally reported in the WSB Forums). The theft victims’ note was addressed to us but we believe it’s meant for all of WSB-land:
We just wanted to thank you one last time and let you know that to our immense delight Bones was returned last night. He’ll be going back into surgery (we’re beginning to worry he may have an addiction) and was missing his shoes, but otherwise we’re hopeful he’ll return to his drum kit soon. Thanks again for helping to restore our faith in the world!
If you, like us, hadn’t seen the band when they were all “together,” go here to see a photo shared by Brian Zenk.
In case you hadn’t checked the WSB West Seattle Events calendar yet – where things are getting lively again now that the long holiday weekend is over for most – the night’s marquee event is the Southwest District Council meeting, where they’ll get the latest road/highway construction updates directly from WSDOT and SDOT reps. Also scheduled as guests, Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Joe Kessler and King County Councilmember Jan Drago. The public’s always welcome; the meeting’s at 7 pm in the board room in the central building at South Seattle Community College (6000 16th SW).
For the first time in a half-year, the Southwest Design Review Board will soon have a project to review. The meeting tentatively scheduled for August 12th – no time/place yet – will be “early design guidance” for a proposal at 7100 Delridge Way SW (map). It’s described on the city Department of Planning and Development website as a “split-zone site” with one 4-story mixed-use building “containing 58 units over 1,750 sq ft of retail space,” plus three single-family homes. The proposal also mentions underground parking for 77 vehicles. Owner/developer is John Su, best known for Bellevue high-rise projects like this one.
As the “second day of summer” begins – here’s the latest forecast – we have two you-don’t-see-THAT-every-day photos to share, both taken along Alki on Tuesday. The first is from Eilene Hutchinson, who explains:
We were out enjoying the sunshine with a walk along the Alki Promenade when we met Jason Aman and his 3-year-old albino Burmese Python, “Albi.” Albi drew quite a crowd of onlookers who had many questions.
Next, from Bob Bollen:
(Related to Journey to Makah 2010, later this month, maybe?)
Perfect weather, too:
THE BIG SATURDAY BIKE RIDE: It’s the annual Water and Spirit Bike Ride, starting at St. John the Baptist Church in the Admiral District with registration 6:30-8 am, proceeding through three ferry crossings over the course of the day, concluding with a barbecue on Alki. Proceeds benefit Family Promise of Seattle, a West Seattle-based nonprofit that helps homeless families around the city. Full details here.
THE NOT-AS-BIG SATURDAY BIKE RIDE: Meet at the Log House Museum at 12:30 pm to tour Alki, and beyond; the ride will end at the Duwamish Longhouse around 2 pm. Details here.
SUNDAY BIKE RIDE: From Stu Hennessey at Alki Bike and Board: His shop is the meeting place at 10 am Sunday for this month’s Spokespeople West Seattle ride, North Admiral to downtown, “a stay-together ride at a leisurely and easy pace, 11.5 miles round trip, with hills … This ride will feature the new SODO bike trail along the Sound Transit light-rail line.” Questions? Contact Stu at alkistu@hotmail.com or 206-767-9366.
If your teen’s summer isn’t quite filled out yet – there’s a new weeklong camp next month, offered by the West Seattle-based nonprofit Nature Consortium: Arts in Nature Camp, 10 am-4 pm daily, August 16-20, for ages 12 and up, at Camp Long. It’ll feature “workshops from real local artists” and activities including “challenge course, recycled art, world music, nature games, sound installations, and forest ecology/restoration.” Full details and online registration, here.
From KV:
After reading through the blog it seems like these might be the same people that struck other neighborhoods. I live in the Gatewood neighborhood between Holden and Kenyon. Older model loud blue pickup with two men stopped pickup in alley, one African American male and one Caucasian male, got out and walked into neighbor carport. The whole back of the pickup was full of large metal items and they looked through the neighbors whole carport and stole fencing and other pieces of miscellaneous metal. The pair was stopped by another neighbor further down the block when they were found in the backyard looking around another neighbor’s yard. They said they were looking for scrap metal, but were going to ask permission before they took anything. This time, one of the people was actually around the front and side of the house and it is unclear what they were doing.