West Seattle restaurants 1541 results

Pagliacci says it’s true

Two days after e-mailing the guys at Pagliacci, we just got this reply:

Thank you for inquiring about our delivery area. We have indeed
expanded our delivery service area in an effort to reach more of our
customers. Our new border to the south is Holden Street and to the
east is 27th.

Thank you,

Jeff Woodruff
Director of Operations
Pagliacci Pizza

New scoop on what’s going into the ex-flower shop

Just got details on the restaurant in the works for the ex-Neilsen Flowers space at the north edge of The Junction. Its proprietor says it’s been a long slog to get some necessary city approvals (note permit just issued, six months after application!), but they’re finally making progress. It’ll be a 21-and-up restaurant and bar, called “Shadowland” (a change from the original plan, and a reference to a biography of West Seattle’s troubled movie legend Frances Farmer). They’re hoping to be open by summer.

Pagliacci going south?

A frequent reader who got involved in the recent Pagliacci uproar says PP claims to have quietly stretched its delivery area south, finally. Maybe as far south as Holden. Anyone who can confirm this with an actual pizza delivery south of Morgan, let us know; Holden isn’t south enough for us, but we tried asking anyway, and got the slapdown. We also e-mailed Pagliacci management early today to inquire; no reply. (Though WS Blogger Spouse insists that if Pagliacci notes enough of a drop after Garlic Jim’s opens in two weeks, “bet you’ll see them deliver all the way to Southcenter.”) Well, we won’t hold our (garlic) breath.

Show your support for Charlestown Cafe

Mark Wainwright reports on the Our Town West Seattle group that he and the folks who run the endangered Charlestown Cafe have agreed on a time and date for a community meeting: 7 pm March 28, at CC. They’re hoping for a big show of support; mark your calendar now!

It finally happened …

… a night when we could barely get into a WS restaurant. Maybe it’s all those folks moving into all those townhomes, or else it’s just that we’ve got great places dishing up great food. First we tried The Junction; barely found a place to park; walked into our restaurant of choice, were told we’d have to wait at least half an hour. Eventually moved on to Admiral; nowhere to park but that dingy garage near Bartell … eventually managed a table at one of the few not-so-trendy places nearby. Anyway, congrats to the places where business is booming; reservations might be in order soon!

Let’s talk tacos, amigos

“K” e-mailed us to ask if we have any taco truck recommendations, in WS or White Center vicinities. Sorry to say, we haven’t gotten any more exotic than Taqueria Guaymas. Anyone with a recommendation for “K”?

Rave review

That’s what Kokoras Greek Grill in Morgan Junction just got from the Seattle Weekly, five months after opening.

Sneak peek inside

February 25, 2007 11:37 am
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After the latest update from the guy opening Garlic Jim’s in The Junction, we asked if he could share any interior-in-progress photos, since they’ll be cultivating sit-down biz as well. So he sent a few — including this one showing where monitors are going in over tables:


Restaurant reports

-Ryan, owner of the forthcoming Garlic Jim’s in The Junction, says the grand opening next month will now kick off with an 11 am ribboncutting on March 19 featuring WS-residing City Council member Tom Rasmussen. Ryan also notes he’s still looking for drivers (with tips, he says, they could earn $18-ish an hour).

-Not even a week after its closure, the ex-Guadalajara Hacienda is already sadly signless:


Beyond chocolate chip cookies

If you want to learn how to really bake, it appears you can do so with the help of the champion chef who runs Bakery Nouveau in The Junction — he’s offering classes, according to BN’s relatively new webpage.

WS this weekend

February 16, 2007 5:17 pm
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We’ve been slacking lately on our previously reliable Friday roundups of weekend events. Luckily, today, Alki’s contributor to Metroblogging Seattle, C Ro, did it for us — although with a lot more drinking opportunities!

Goodbye, guacamole; farewell, fajitas

The “hard copy” version of this week’s Herald has something you won’t find online — a big color ad from the folks who run Guadalajara Hacienda, on Cali between Morgan and Alaska Junctions. Says the restaurant’s closing as of this Sunday. We checked the city land-use system; you probably don’t even need to click this link to guess what’ll be built at the site.

Coming, going, building

February 11, 2007 12:44 am
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-As a couple people wrote to tell us, a “retirement sale” is now under way at Leslie’s, just south of Spiro’s.

-The construction site at Westwood Village now has a banner up promising GIANNONI’S PIZZA (different from the website spelling but we still can’t figure out who’s behind it), COMING SOON, PIZZA BY THE SLICE.

-Lots of signs of progress as Garlic Jim’s Pizza in The Junction gets ready to open next month, including a NOW HIRING sign.

-Just up the block from there, facade work is under way at the ex-Bobby’s Hobbies, future (apparently) bakery.

-Today’s supposed to be the last day for Hollywood Video at 41st & Alaska (mixed-use megaproject coming soon).

Junction lunchin’

WSB comment denizen “Jiggers” wrote to say Jak’s Grill in The Junction (trivia: they used to be in Admiral) is now open for lunch, Tues-Fri. (He recommends their burgers.)

One more “comfort food” WS needs more of

Seems we’ve dissected the pizza issue down to the last clove of garlic. Now if you can bear one more food fight … WS needs non-KFC fried chicken. Got a craving for spicy fried chicken tonight and we had only two real choices: drive to Renton for Popeye’s, or drive to the Central District for Ezell’s. (We chose the latter.) Long ago, Ezell’s had a nearby outlet — the south-of-White Center spot that was previously a Wendy’s and more recently El Chalan (now mysteriously closed; even its entrances are blocked). Yes, we know grocery-store delis have fried chicken, but that’s not the same!

If you can stand one more word about pizza

February 1, 2007 9:25 pm
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Construction appears to be starting at the Gionnoni’s Pizza (STILL don’t know who they are)/Taco Del Mar site at Westwood Village. Noticed tonight that a fence is up (where a tree lot stood weeks ago), with a construction trailer and Honey Bucket on hand too.

Hot (food) tip

In all of our recent pizza patter (which has some fascinating new comments), questions kept popping up — like pepperoni atop the mozzarella — about which West Seattle Asian restaurants deliver. So guess what — just confirmed a tip from “The House” — Tom Yum Koong in The Junction has a banner up proclaiming that it’s delivering, starting today. 

Slice of silliness

We appreciate Robert Jamieson’s P-I columns sometimes, but clearly he doesn’t know the paradigm is that us blogger types are supposed to run around commenting on the paper, not the other way around. Searching for a column idea in a slow news week, he lands today on our Pagliacci delivery-limits discussion. (Nice the company responded to him but not to us.) Anyway, the same guy who defended Mars Hill’s misogynist main man just a wink of time ago is now defending Pagliacci. Sorry, the “seven-minute rule” doesn’t wash (seven minutes to get from The Junction to any place south of Cali & Morgan? in a horse-drawn cart?). We personally don’t think we’re aced out for economics (our own humble shack is a lone island of affordability among a slew of expensive view homes), just non-business sense (what’s the BS about a “cold, soggy pie,” when other outlets further north can get a hot one to us just fine?) — Mr. Columnist implies that the classism claim is the only complaint here and chides us for it, yet this was included in only TWO comments out of more than 50 on the two posts where we’ve had this discussion (#1 here, #2 here). But at least Pagliacci, in his column, has removed any hope they’ll be delivering to us south WS’ers. Welcome, Garlic Jim’s!

Speaking of signs

The Huling/Gee sightings below aren’t the only notable sign activity under way. In The Junction, Jak’s Grill seems to be in transition between awnings; if you look really close at where the awning used to be, you’ll see the old KRESS AND CO. name in the masonry (city historic link here). And a bit further north, the Garlic Jim’s sign is up:


Serving up a warning

Along with updates on menu items and special events, the latest e-mail newsletter from West 5 features a warning about being careful where you park behind that block of Junction businesses (excerpted in full after the jump):Read More

ANOTHER Junction bakery?

According to a construction permit just issued for the former Bobby’s Hobbies (across from Pagliacci/Clementine), a bakery is taking over the site. The permit lists only a fancy architect as “applicant.” Seems like The Junction is already bakery-laden enough that perhaps a flour wholesaler should be moving in next.

Pagliacci progress?

Maybe it’s the prospect of Garlic Jim’s breathing (aromatically) down their necks. Seems Pagliacci might reconsider the issue of expanding its ridiculously small West Seattle delivery area. The lively discussion in comments on this post led at least one WSB reader to e-mail Pagliacci, and they replied by telling her they’re “getting together” to discuss it. (We e-mailed them about the same thing months ago and got a noncommittal e-mail with no followup. Hmph.) So she suggests anybody and everybody who would like to see Pagliacci deliver to more of WS, post comments to that effect. Where are you? Do you, like us, get other pizza instead because Pagliacci won’t deliver to your place? Leave a comment on this post. (No worries, you can be entirely anonymous.)

Biggest news in this week’s Herald

… is in the Letters to the Editor section: The Charlestown Cafe folks say they may be staying months longer than they thought. (Their letter includes a reminder of tomorrow night’s Design Review Board meeting on the site’s future project, reportedly the relocated Petco.)