West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
A frequent reader who got involved in the recent Pagliacci uproar says PP claims to have quietly stretched its delivery area south, finally. Maybe as far south as Holden. Anyone who can confirm this with an actual pizza delivery south of Morgan, let us know; Holden isn’t south enough for us, but we tried asking anyway, and got the slapdown. We also e-mailed Pagliacci management early today to inquire; no reply. (Though WS Blogger Spouse insists that if Pagliacci notes enough of a drop after Garlic Jim’s opens in two weeks, “bet you’ll see them deliver all the way to Southcenter.”) Well, we won’t hold our (garlic) breath.
Mark Wainwright reports on the Our Town West Seattle group that he and the folks who run the endangered Charlestown Cafe have agreed on a time and date for a community meeting: 7 pm March 28, at CC. They’re hoping for a big show of support; mark your calendar now!
-The viaduct’s just in a bad place, period.
-What life would really be like during a rebuild.
-A rebuild would spend $50K on behalf of each of us, says the Sightline Institute. (Can we just take the $ instead?)
… at least, you’ll want to be here if you’re a parade fan like us. Just got word that it looks like 11 am Saturday, July 21, for this year’s Hi-Yu Parade down Cali. (The Seafair parade downtown is one week later; Blue Angels, one week after that.)