West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
“K” e-mailed us to ask if we have any taco truck recommendations, in WS or White Center vicinities. Sorry to say, we haven’t gotten any more exotic than Taqueria Guaymas. Anyone with a recommendation for “K”?
Wow, what a bizarre turn of events. So our latest opponent in Metroblogging Seattle‘s never-ending popularity poll registered a sudden burst of votes last night, and the poll operators started the whole thing over again, one-day sudden death. Now today the comments on the original poll post went totally nuclear. We appreciate the people who cared enough to vote for us (and if you haven’t yet, you can still vote, with just hours left to go), but gosh, it’s not worth mudslinging, it’s really just a goofy little blog stunt (we hope MS has gotten a few thousand extra pageviews for its trouble!).
-Two more cases for “no/hell no” — Geov Parrish and Cascadia Report.
–Viaduct, The Blog keeps shilling for “repair & prepare,” aka “retrofit” and … (You know, we just keep yearning to rhyme “retrofit” with “acquit,” a la Johnnie Cochran.)
-Shockingly, Slog hasn’t posted ANYTHING on the VV so far today.
Reminder — Deputy Mayor Tim Ceis talks transportation at the Fauntleroy Community Association’s community meeting at The Hall tonight. (He’s filling in for Hizzoner, who is in DC this morning to talk to Congress about global warming.)
Though the North End is still a mess, looks like WS made it thru the night snow-free. No school changes either, except for a few Head Start programs to the north.
That’s what Kokoras Greek Grill in Morgan Junction just got from the Seattle Weekly, five months after opening.