Hollywood Video getting ejected

Looks like at least one of the big east-of-Junction mixed-use projects is about to accelerate: Got an e-mail tip that Hollywood Video at Alaska and 41st had announced it would be closing Feb. 11; went over to check it out, and before we could even approach the counter to inquire, we heard the clerk say it loud and clear to three different sets of customers. Apparently they expected more warning, but then suddenly, this weekend, the owner gave them two weeks’ notice — or so went the clerk’s version. This is the project that supposedly will include a QFC, just a few blocks west of the future Whole Foods, practically across the street from Safeway … wonder how soon the wrecking ball will show up?

6 Replies to "Hollywood Video getting ejected"

  • Jiggers January 28, 2007 (5:56 pm)

    I thnik the lease runs out as the same time Shucks does. New changes headed are way this year on that whole strip. But no more cupcakes and bakery’s please.

  • Andre January 28, 2007 (7:28 pm)

    Great to hear that this project is finally taking off. My wife and I walk by the site every time we go up to California. This project together with the upcoming Junction Plaza will be great additions.
    I was excited to hear that it was designed by Hewitt Architects (http://www.hewittarchitects.com). They are a well established architecture firm that did a a lot of great work in and around Seattle.
    We also can’t wait to have a QFC in walking distance. Does anyone know if (and where) Hollywood Video will reopen somewhere in the Junction?

  • Eric January 29, 2007 (9:25 am)

    Video stores are on their way out in general. With Netflix and OnDemand type services, it is only a matter of time.

  • Jiggers January 29, 2007 (10:20 am)

    The former Monorail project I think is what’s causing all the changes.

  • Jiggers January 29, 2007 (10:52 am)

    Video stores and record stores both Eric. Easy Street was smart enough to turn half of it into a restaurant if that’s what you can call it. But I don’t think they would be able to survive just on selling music alone. Again, what do I know.

  • John January 30, 2007 (10:13 pm)

    I love this. I knew this would happen. For years, I’ve been accruing the occasional small fine at Hollywood Video. Total of about $13 over the past six years. And every time I rent there, they ask me “would you like to pay that now?” and I always say, “No, not really.” Because I’ve always known – KNOWN! – that they would some day leave.
    I’ll be clutching my sweeeeeet thirteen bucks when the wrecking ball hits.
    Wait, is there closure my fault?

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