Neighborhoods 943 results

Admiral Neighborhood Association’s biggest question for City Councilmember Lisa Herbold

Transportation questions dominated Q&A with City Councilmember Lisa Herbold at this month’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting.

Top of the list – the Admiral area’s dearth of Metro service, compared to West Seattle’s other urban areas. More than one attendee wondered why residents aren’t seeing return on the additional city taxes they’re paying for transit service.

Herbold said the city decided to go along with the county’s spending guidelines when the city-county partnership began, so right now, Metro’s priorities are focused on adding services to busy routes, and there’s no discussion of what to do about underserved areas. She thinks better metrics are needed to identify who needs better service. One suggestion: Invite Metro to Admiral for an open house, which could be a step toward showing what the area needs.

As she’s done at other community meetings, she also talked about the Alki-and-vicinity community survey that showed major concern about vehicle-noise issues; SPD is due to send a report to the council in March that will pave the way for working on enforcement, or on changing the laws to better facilitate it. Enforcement of the existing cruising ordinance is in the spotlight too.

And as she told the Southwest District Council last week, Councilmember Herbold mentioned the possibility of a West Seattle town hall with new Mayor Jenny Durkan. She says she’s confident it will happen, so watch for updates.

Also at the ANA meeting (which was held Tuesday night at The Sanctuary at Admiral):

SUMMER CONCERTS AT HIAWATHA: Planning for this year’s series is about to begin; committee members are needed to help out. The first concert is set for July 19th.

MEETING SCHEDULE: ANA’s been talking for a long time about cutting back on the slate of monthly meetings, and is now looking at meeting every two months.

Fauntleroy Community Association: From HALA to parking to tulips

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

When a citywide coalition of community groups announced they would appeal the Environmental Impact Statement for HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability upzoning, three West Seattle groups were part of it. Now, a fourth has decided to join the appeal – the Fauntleroy Community Association. That decision happened during last night’s FCA board meeting, which as usual included a wide range of topics:

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TUESDAY: Your city councilmember @ Admiral Neighborhood Association

January 7, 2018 9:35 pm
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Last week, our area’s City Councilmember Lisa Herbold brought updates on many issues to the Southwest District Council (WSB coverage here); your next chance to bring up a question or concer is next Tuesday, wen she’ll be at the Admiral Neighborhood Association. The full ANA agenda is in our calendar listing; they’ll also be launching planning for this year’s Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series (which ANA presents). You’re also welcome to be at the meeting (7 pm Tuesday, The Sanctuary at Admiral, 42nd/Lander) to answer two calls for volunteers: Leading the area’s Emergency Communications Hub, and chairing a new committee to plan Admiral District holiday decorations.

HALA UPZONING: Morgan Community Association update on what it’s pursuing and what’s next

That’s the “preferred alternative” map for proposed zoning changes to implement HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability in the Morgan Junction urban village, as included in the MHA Final Environmental Impact Statement issued by the city last month. The Morgan Community Association is one of the neighborhood groups that’s filed an appeal of that document, as well as joining in a separate citywide-coalition appeal. Tonight MoCA’s president Deb Barker sent out this community update on where things stand:

Dear Morgan Junction Community:

It’s the Holiday season and we know that you have a lot going on so we’ll keep this end-of-the-year summary brief.

The Morgan Community Association (MoCA) has been deeply engaged in the City’s HALA/MHA program changes for over a year, starting with our November 2016 HALA/MHA Workshop for District 1. We want to brief you on the current HALA/MHA status and how Morgan Junction is affected. If you have any questions – please ask.

Morgan Junction Comprehensive Plan Amendment. At a special Comprehensive Plan meeting on November 14, 2017, MoCA meeting attendees learned about some potential options to achieve housing results that address neighborhood concerns, and that would meet the Morgan Junction Plan Housing Goal. Attendees voted on the different options and endorsed a general policy statement of encouraging affordable, entry-level, family-sized owner-occupied housing within the urban village. In early December, MoCA focused on this policy concept in our comments to the City on their draft Comp plan amendment language. We also repeated our request for formal neighborhood-planning engagement to modify any portions of our neighborhood plan. The City Council will vote on Comprehensive Plan amendments later in 2018.

We are now taking steps to turn the policy concept into a tangible program, so that our community wishes are incorporated along with the MHA proposals that will be discussed for final adoption in 2018. We met with Councilmember Lisa Herbold in late December and have a meeting request in to Mayor Durkan to discuss the Special Review District idea.

Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Released. In mid-November, the City released its final EIS and proposed maps that up-zone all areas of the Morgan Junction Urban Village including eliminating all single-family zoning from the Urban Village. In the document, the City was dismissive of Morgan Junction’s concerns about flaws found in the original draft EIS. 

Legal Appeal. In reviewing the City’s FEIS document, the MoCA Board came to the realization that the only recourse to have our specific Urban Village concerns addressed would be to file an appeal of the FEIS. Other neighborhoods were realizing that only legal action would force the City to provide a true neighborhood planning process to address the environmental impacts specific to neighborhoods as well as city-wide impacts. The November 27 FEIS appeal deadline was several months before scheduled Morgan Community Association member meetings, and the Board voted to file a placeholder appeal and bring the issue to the January 2018 Membership meeting. The Board also approved joining with a coalition of 26 neighborhood and other interested groups (the Seattle Coalition for Affordability, Livability and Equity) seeking to require the City to adequately analyze, disclose and address the full impacts of its proposed up-zones, as well as provide a true alternative. Appeal efforts involve member commitment and funding, and a member group can withdraw at any time. The Seattle Hearing Examiner will hear the appeal starting on April 23, 2018.

What’s Next. MoCA’s next quarterly meeting is next month. There will be discussion about the MHA/FEIS, the appeal, the Comp Plan Amendment language and progress on the Special Review District policy concept as well as actions related to the Morgan Junction Neighborhood Fund. Please join us on January 17, 2018 at 7:00 at The Kenney to discuss the next steps and to vote on key policy issues. We look forward to seeing you.

Deb Barker, President
Morgan Community Association

The full agenda for the January 17th MoCA meeting is in our calendar listing.

Admiral Neighborhood Association: From noise to Hubs to HALA and beyond

By Linda Ball
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

The Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s last meeting of 2017 on Tuesday night brought a number of issues to the table.

Election of officers for the new year included president Larry Wymer and treasurer Carrie McCann continuing in their respective roles, but the vice-president and secretary positions remain available until the next meeting, or until someone comes forward to volunteer.

From noise to Hubs to HALA, here’s what else happened: Read More

TUESDAY: Admiral Neighborhood Association’s final 2017 meeting

December 10, 2017 7:54 pm
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Still a few more community meetings before holiday break – including the Admiral Neighborhood Association, 7 pm Tuesday (December 12th). Here’s the agenda, as announced by president Larry Wymer:

We welcome our Admiral neighbors to our last meeting of 2017 where we have a full agenda to address a variety of issues of interest to all, which includes:

1) ALKI PUBLIC SAFETY & HEALTH SURVEY (rescheduled from an earlier meeting)
Newell Aldrich, Legislative Assistant for City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, will be presenting the results of this recent survey initiated by Councilmember Herbold, which generated responses from 817 area residents (including 197 from Admiral). Mr. Aldrich will discuss both the survey, and the City Council’s response to it.

Seattle Fair Growth, along with at least 15 neighborhoods around the City, have filed an appeal, which Deb Barker will discuss.

The Admiral neighborhood is in need of a volunteer to take on the “Admiral Emergency Communication Hub Captain” position. This volunteer would help ensure Admiral is ready to be resilient after a disaster by setting up a communication point so Admiral neighbors can help Admiral neighbors, as well as maintain communication with other neighborhood hubs throughout West Seattle, and greater Seattle. If interested, please come find out more.

ANA would like to initiate a discussion among neighbors and businesses to consider establishing a committee to raise funds and assemble a group volunteers to purchase Christmas (and/or generic “holiday”) decorations which we would use to decorate the Admiral core in future years. Let’s discuss to gauge interest, and see if we can find volunteers!


ANA meets at The Sanctuary at Admiral (42nd/Lander), and all are welcome to attend.

Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Coalition toplines, from SPD to HALA

Quick toplines from this past Tuesday night’s Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Coalition meeting at Southwest Library:

CRIME TRENDS: Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith said a major problem in the area – shoplifting at Westwood Village – is down significantly, after months of emphasis patrols. (More on that in our upcoming Southwest District Council report.) SPD’s work at Westwood will soon be enhanced by an observation station.

SAFETY: WWRHAH member Earl Lee reported that the long-awaited lighting of the bus stop across Barton from WW Village is up and working:

(WSB photo, added Thursday night)

HALA UPZONING APPEAL: As reported previously, WWRHAH is participating in the citywide coalition that is appealing the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed upzoning in the city’s HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability plan. The coalition is now awaiting hearing dates, planning to go door to door to talk with neighbors, and raising money for legal help.

NO GENERAL MEETING IN JANUARY, BUT … Since the first Tuesday is the day after New Year’s, no general WWRHAH meeting until February. But watch for TBA details of a January 9th meeting about Roxhill Park.

FOLLOWUP: Why fight HALA upzoning? Four West Seattleites’ rationale

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

“I just want to thank you.”

Midway through our coffeehouse conversation with four local neighborhood-group reps about why they’re part of a citywide challenge to the city’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda upzoning plan, a woman walked up to the table and addressed that to them.

She admitted she had been eavesdropping and “figured out what you were talking about.” She says she lives in the Junction area – which is where we were talking – and doesn’t want the upzoning to happen.

But, she added, “I don’t know what I can do to help.” The four offered suggestions immediately. Earl Lee of the Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Coalition said, “We need every soldier we can get.”

Amanda Sawyer, who has led the Junction Neighborhood Organization for half a year, mentioned JuNO’s Land Use Committee will be talking about HALA and the appeal at a meeting tomorrow (6:30 pm Thursday, December 7th, Senior Center of West Seattle).

Equipped with ideas, the woman moved on. The four were heartened by that unsolicited feedback. What their groups had joined is not universally popular – some supporters of the proposed upzoning accuse opponents of being elitist, wealthy, interested only in keeping their theoretical white-picket-fence gates slammed shut to newcomers.

Not at all, these four insist. But before we go further, introductions and backstory.

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Alki Community Council: One last hurdle for vehicle-noise budget item

November 19, 2017 8:46 pm
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Tomorrow morning, the City Council takes its final votes on next year’s budget. One item that’s made the cut so far was the biggest topic at this past week’s Alki Community Council meeting:

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Delridge Neighborhoods District Council: Talking RapidRide H Line and more with Councilmember Herbold

November 16, 2017 11:50 pm
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When City Councilmember Lisa Herbold walked into Wednesday night’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting after an all-day budget session, members and attendees happened to be talking about the future conversion of Metro Route 120 to the RapidRide H Line. The discussion never did get around to any of the hot topics that had dominated the day – and some previous days – at City Hall, such as the “head tax” or encampment removals aka “sweeps.”

The RapidRide talk went on for a while, especially concerns that a lot of feedback already had been offered in previous discussions, mostly with SDOT during what was at the time referred only to the Delridge Multimodal Corridor process, but the next round of “engagement” seemed to be oblivious to that. Herbold said her office has been talking with King County/Metro and promised she personally would jump in after votes next week conclude the budget-change process – which she’s been leading as Budget Committee chair, a role gained in a domino process of sorts that began with former Mayor Ed Murray‘s resignation.

The road itself has enough trouble, one attendee said, without even the prospect of more, bigger buses, noting a big hole that we suspect was the same one called to our attention with photos on Twitter:

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Rezone concerns, crime stats, more @ Fauntleroy Community Association

The Fauntleroy Community Association board just wrapped up tonight’s monthly meeting at its usual location, the historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, where more than 15 people crowded into the conference room, several drawn by the biggest topic on the agenda – this site about a block west:

REZONE PROPOSAL: We broke the news two weeks ago about an early-stage proposal to rezone and redevelop 9250 45th SW in the heart of Fauntleroy’s Endolyne business district. Since then, two FCA board members have talked with the site’s owners to find out more.

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TUESDAY: No Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting this month

November 12, 2017 3:08 pm
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While the Admiral Neighborhood Association would usually meet this coming Tuesday – the second Tuesday of the month – the November meeting is canceled, president Larry Wymer tells us. But unlike many community groups, ANA will meet in December, so you can re-set your calendar for Tuesday, December 12th (7 pm, The Sanctuary at Admiral, 42nd/Lander).

HALA UPZONING: Morgan Junction’s next step toward ‘a neighborhood planning process with the city’

(New ‘preferred alternative’ upzoning map for Morgan Junction; the interactive citywide map is here)

Even before Thursday’s release of the city’s “preferred alternative” for HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability upzoning, the Morgan Community Association was working to ensure that it doesn’t override a longstanding parts of the community-created neighborhood plan. MoCA had proposed amending the city’s Comprehensive Plan toward that end; then the city countered with its own amendment. What next? Here’s the MoCA reminder about its followup meeting next Tuesday:

As discussed at the October 2017 Morgan Community Association Quarterly Meeting, the MoCA board has reviewed all the moving pieces of MHA and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment proposed for the Morgan Junction Urban Village. We found gaps between what we have heard at the community meetings and what the city is proposing to do with the single family zoned lands inside our Urban Village. Those gaps include the character change of the single family zones, the loss of starter homes and owner occupancy, and few ways to address displacement.

We have identified some specific options to address those gaps to propose for community consideration at a meeting set for Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at The Kenney Community Room, 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW. The meeting is set for 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

The community discussion and voting at this meeting will identify the Morgan Junction-endorsed options to move forward into a neighborhood planning process with the city. We encourage everyone who lives, works, shops, or enjoys the Morgan Junction area to come and weigh in!

We covered MoCA’s October discussion here.

Chronic crime/safety problems? Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Coalition gets resource rundown

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Outside of 911 calls when there’s trouble – what resources can police offer you to address chronic crime/safety problems?

A primer of sorts was presented at Tuesday night’s Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Coalition meeting, led by co-chair Kim Barnes.

The discussion started with Joe Everett, who is the (relatively) new City Attorney’s Office liaison to the Southwest Precinct. He explained that the position is meant to “address chronic problems as they are emerging … before they turn into really big incidents.”

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Highland Park Action Committee notes: SPU’s big West Seattle project; crime-trend updates; more…

Highlights from the Highland Park Action Committee‘s last meeting until January (since the fourth Thursday conflicts with winter holidays in November and December):

(South Operations Center rendering, from city website)

SEATTLE PUBLIC UTILITIES DRAINAGE & WASTEWATER SOUTH OPERATIONS CENTER: SPU project manager Tom Fawthrop presented details of the new facility at the bus yard at 4500 W. Marginal Way SW. It’s a retrofit/remodel project. SPU wants a center here to “position ourselves to be (on this side of) the bridge in case of The Big One” plus reduce the distance their crews go to serve this part of the city – one-fourth of Seattle, Fawthrop pointed out.

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@ MORGAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: HALA followup; Gatewood Elementary playfield preview; other quick updates…

October 22, 2017 8:59 pm
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We’ve already reported one story from this past week’s quarterly Morgan Community Association meeting – the installation plans for City Light’s new metering system – and we have one more to go, an update on a development project that’s taken a surprise turn. But first, tonight, other hot topics from Wednesday night, first of which was a followup from the city’s HALA-related open house the previous evening:

COMPREHENSIVE-PLAN AMENDMENTS, THE NEXT STEP: While Tuesday night’s open house in High Point (WSB coverage here) tackled two topics, one is of the most interest to MoCA – the proposal to amend the city’s Comprehensive Plan to override neighborhood-plan-related language related to single-family zoning. (We previewed this here.)

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@ Admiral Neighborhood Association: Fall’s big events, Westside Neighbors’ Network, more…

October 11, 2017 10:03 pm
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From last night’s hourlong Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting:

SURVEY BRIEFING POSTPONED: The meeting was shorter than usual because a staffer from City Councilmember Lisa Herbold‘s office wasn’t able to attend to talk about the Alki Public Health and Safety Survey; its results are in the councilmember’s most recent weekly update.

UPCOMING EVENTS: ANA president Larry Wymer, who’s also on the board of the West Seattle Transportation Coalition, mentioned the mayor/City Council candidates’ forum that WSTC will be co-sponsoring with the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce on October 19th (6:30 pm at American Legion Post 160, 3618 SW Alaska)… He also mentioned that ANA will be helping with the Admiral District Trick or Treat event on Halloween (3-6 pm), and that Hiawatha has a fall carnival coming up too (October 27th, 6-8 pm) … On October 22nd, Admiral Congregational Church will host an “Ask a Muslim” event, 1-3 pm, its pastor Rev. Andrew Conley-Holcom announced.

DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOODS: Community-engagement coordinator Laura Jenkins introduced herself to ANA and explained the department’s mission, which is focusing more and more on community engagement. Those in her role are “here to help you connect with the city and tell you more about … resources,” she explained. “We can help you find the right person to go to … even for us, it’s hard to figure out who that is” sometimes. She said she’s not assigned to a specific area – she “fills in where needed”; of the other three community-engagement coordinators, Yun Pitre is usually focused on the south end, including West Seattle.

WESTSIDE NEIGHBORS’ NETWORK: Judie Messier continues making the rounds of neighborhood meetings to promote the new organization that is now officially seeking members to support each other as they “age in place.” So many people who are getting older “are living alone … and worried about the possibility of losing (their) home,” Messier said, and WNN is meant to provide life-enhancing support. North East Seattle Together (NEST) and others in Greenwood and Capitol Hill are the three other “virtual villages” in the city so far, among more than 200 nationwide, in addition to WNN, which now has 13 founding members, and is offering two types of memberships. “Full” membership offers the option of creating an “intentional household” for mutual support. Messier fielded a variety of questions, explaining that for example, you don’t have to provide support to receive support. Someone expressed concern about the price of dues; Messier explained it’s far lower than other similar organizations. When another attendee brought up the Senior Center and its role in offering/coordinating resources, Messier noted that WNN sees itself as part of a “tapestry” of services and resources. She offered to answer any and all questions anyone has, no obligation – contact WNN through its website.

SAFETY CONCERNS: An attendee raised questions about traffic safety and other transportation concerns that could arise when Aegis Living opens its new senior-living facility at 47th/Admiral next year, five years after Life Care Center closed at the same site. There were suggestions that these be brought up with SDOT.

SOUTHWEST DISTRICT COUNCIL: ANA’s rep is SWDC co-chair David Whiting, who presented a recap. (We covered last Wednesday’s meeting here.)

The Admiral Neighborhood Association meets second Tuesdays most months, 7 pm at The Sanctuary at Admiral (42nd/Lander).

@ Fauntleroy Community Association: Fall Festival preview & more

October 11, 2017 11:58 am
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img_7116(WSB photo from 2016 Fauntleroy Fall Festival)

Sunday (October 15th) brings the Fauntleroy Fall Festival – and a preview was the centerpiece of last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting, including:

NEW THIS YEAR: You’ll find a raptor display in the garden area behind The Hall at Fauntleroy, between the building and the open area where you’ll find the pony rides and petting zoo. Also new, an inflatable obstacle course and some extra activities for the littlest festivalgoers.

RETURNING FAVORITES: Birdhouse-building in the Fauntleroy Church parking lot, visiting vehicles from Seattle Police (the Mobile Precinct is expected) and Seattle Fire. Lots of live music around the festival grounds!

FOOD: Vendors will include Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering with brats and squash soup, plus pretzel sticks … Fauntleroy’s new Wildwood Market will be there … Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) too … and “the tamale guy.”

CAKE WALK AND DECORATING CONTEST: It’s a highlight every year and cakes are needed – from the festival announcement:

There are three categories: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. To enter, bring your decorated cake to the Vashon Room at The Hall at Fauntleroy on Sunday 10/15 between 12 noon and 1 pm. Voting takes place from 1:30-3 pm. Prizes will be awarded for each category! The Cake Walk follows and continues until all the cakes are gone. Cakes can be any shape or size. They should have an autumn, Halloween, or West Seattle theme.

The festival is 2-5 pm Sunday on both sides of California SW in the heart of Fauntleroy – around Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW, east side of the street) and The Hall at Fauntleroy/Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW, west side).

Also at last night’s meeting:

CRIME TRENDS: Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith said the Fauntleroy area is seeing an increase in car prowls and auto theft and as often happens, police suspect it’s related to a repeat offender’s recent release, with some new accomplices, and Southwest officers/detectives are on their trail. Asked how best to thwart them, Lt. Smith repeated the most-important advice – leave absolutely nothing in your vehicle, and keep it locked.

FERRY BRIEFING: Gary Dawson, who’s on the Ferry Advisory Committee for Fauntleroy as well as the Triangle Task Force, updated the FCA board on the ongoing travails related to trying to reduce backups – including the recent meeting on Vashon (WSB coverage here).

The Fauntleroy Community Association board meets second Tuesdays most months, 7 pm at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse.

DELRIDGE DONATIONS: 3 community organizations get support from VIEWS

September 30, 2017 12:59 pm
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That photo shows one of three donation presentations made this week by VIEWS (Visualizing Increased Engagement in West Seattle), whose Pete Spalding – sending photos and news of the donations – describes it as “a non-partisan community organization comprised of local citizens creating programming to educate, engage & mobilize West Seattle citizens to sustain & improve the quality of life & services available across the peninsula.” At center above, accepting a $250 check from VIEWS, are David Bestock and Nafasi Ferrell of the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, with, from left, Chas Redmond, Ron Angeles, Pete Spalding, and Larry Winkler from VIEWS. “This donation of $250 will be used to help support youth and cultural programming that this organization presents to our Delridge Community,” Pete explained. “It was also given in recognition of the untiring efforts of Nafasi Ferrell, who has assisted VIEWS at Delridge Day the last two years in arranging our entertainment.” The other two recipients:

The Associated Recreation Council (ARC) based at the Delridge Community Center. This donation of $2,000 will be used to support the preschool and teen programs offered at the Delridge Community Center.

Wendy Westover (below left) accepted the check.

And on behalf of the West Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs, Cindi Barker (above right) accepted a $250 donation to help pay for new communication equipment. The VIEWS announcement adds:

Due to scheduling conflicts, VIEWS mainstays Michael Taylor-Judd and Ann Martin were not available for the presentation ceremonies held at the Delridge Community Center.

VIEWS has a history of making donations like these over its history to organizations that are striving to improve and build a better Delridge community. VIEWS organizes the Gathering of Neighbors and Delridge Day festival annually. In addition VIEWS also has hosted city council candidate forums and other community building efforts. If you are interested in the work that VIEWS does and would like to engage with VIEWS, please contact us at

@ Highland Park Action Committee: Roundabout update, crime & safety, and Westside Neighbors’ Network

Toplines from last night’s Highland Park Action Committee meeting:

ROUNDABOUT UPDATE: $500,000 of funding is in place so far for the proposed roundabout at the top of the Highland Park Way hill – the $200,000 announced at the Find It Fix It Walk in May, and another $300,000 from the Move Seattle levy. They’re now awaiting word on a state grant of more than $1 million, with hundreds of community members expressing support as well as city, county, and state elected officials plus U.S. Rep Pramila Jayapal. HPAC co-chair Michele Witzki says they hope to find out in November whether that grant will happen – it would virtually finish the funding for the roundabout. “This is exciting!” resounded around the room. Co-chair Gunner Scott noted that it’s far from the area’s only transportation need, though (as also discussed during the FIFI Walk). Witzki said that they’re awaiting a city report that will show the status of some of those other projects.

CRIME UPDATES: Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith told HPAC that car prowls in Highland Park are down 49 percent from this time last year but “crimes against persons” – anything from domestic-violence assault to lewdness incidents like indecent exposure – are up five percent.

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OPEN LETTER: ‘A community turned toward one another … is more safe than a community pulled away from one another in fear & hate’

This is a letter for you, from Sarah, a neighbor whose husband was among those first on the scene when a murderer shot and killed 25-year-old Edixon Velasquez this past week.

To My Dear West Seattle Community,

My husband ushered our children into the back bedroom to finish their movie, unaware in their innocence, as the gunshots cut the air of our neighborhood. A quiet street I’ve only ever known to be full of dog walkers, joggers, and the occasional driver going a tad too quickly down a residential street, now filled with flashing blue lights, yellow tape, and chalk.

Our front window, which still looks out at a row of adorable houses that remind me of a rainbow, now also looks out on the memorial of a young man, our new friend, killed just steps from our front door.

It has been a hard week for us. And here, in West Seattle, as I go to my kids’ school, to work, and talk to our neighbors and friends, it sounds like it’s been a harder season for us as a community in general. We’re growing a lot, so many new people, so much less space, so many more cars.

And it seems as if it the growth is coming with more stories like the one that unfolded outside my dining room window as a life flowed out into a storm drain in the street while the kids obliviously sang along to “let it go.”

There are more stories of people hurt, hurting one another, kids discouraged from walking to school without a grownup – our ideals of safety threatened and somehow suddenly fleeting.

People seem more afraid and it’s coming out as anger; I get honked at more, glared at more, and if I’m honest, I’m honking more, snarkier with the person taking too long (in my opinion) in the checkout line, defenses automatically up when I walk out the door. It just seems we’re all more on edge. The tensions of our world, our city, and our community, stuffed down into raincoats with zippers increasingly too short to hold all the pain and wondering in, and so there are quick glances away if our eyes meet a stranger’s. Friend or foe? We don’t know, and we’re too heart-tired to find out.

But in the wake of the events this week, I’ve thought of our West Seattle community a lot, and I had a few very simple things I wanted to share with you. So, here it goes…

I think a lot about fear. If I’m honest, I can feel a lot of it on a daily basis. I’ve learned over the years how to use it as a catalyst for good, how to be grateful for my constant vigilance, seeing the many ways it has benefited my family, my community, the things I am involved with. Fear is like a yellow light – it’s not a directive to stop or to go, it’s just a sign it’s time to make a decision. And the more information I have about my trajectory, goals, and physical realities, the more likely I am to make a wise choice in response to that yellow light.

My favorite yellow lights are the ones accompanied by an accurate pedestrian crosswalk – that number countdown to the yellow light is what all lights should be, and what I wish life provided: adequate time to know what to expect and how to prepare.

But in real life, which has come way too close to home for us this week, it doesn’t work that way. While the yellow light of fear happens frequently enough, it is very rarely preceded by a gentle warning: “fear is coming soon – just wanted you to have a bit of time to prepare and plan your response.”

Here is what I have learned about fear: if we do not choose how we will respond when it inevitably comes, then in the face of fear what flows out of us is our worst, not our best.

Fear tells us there is a threat, and in the absence of an intentional response to fear, our instinct tells us to turn away, to pull in, to put up higher fences, install bigger security systems, and fortify our defenses. And we do. I do.

But, here is another thing I have learned, having grown up in a city where the literal fences were high, topped with barbed wire, and monitored by dogs and armed guards.  The put-up, pull-in, back-off mentality does not bring a greater sense of safety, nor does it diminish an actual threat of risk. Perhaps it does for a moment, but not for long. It is fleeting, and our belief in our own ability to singularly control our individual outcome in the world is like a drug: we need bigger doses of heavier substances to retain our feelings of control.

We are a culture that prides itself on self-reliance and individualism, and a city where politeness is paramount but our internal walls are high and we more easily turn away than towards. Uncomfortably, especially for us, this truth remains: the anecdote to fear is not an exertion of power or a reinforcing of our own walls. The anecdote to fear is togetherness.

This week has been incredibly hard for me and for our neighborhood, but it has been so softened by the fact we already knew our neighbors – even the ones who were the victims in this senseless tragedy. There was instant comfort in knowing that even in the midst of real fear we were surrounded by people who knew us, knew our kids, had us watch their pets, and came over for drinks or bbqs.

We didn’t know our neighbors on accident; there was no roster passed out when we moved onto the block several years back. There was a lovely bottle of wine dropped off, and a couple phone numbers swapped at a Neighbors Night Out. The rest has been slow building. It has meant going on evening walks as a family and stopping to say hi to anyone we see out and about, including getting into or out of their cars (and yes, it’s always awkward, and yes, it’s always met with eventual warmth). We introduce ourselves, say where we live, offer to swap numbers and remind people “we’re close by if you ever need anything.”

It has meant watching when the houses go up for sale, knocking on the doors of folks as they unpack their boxes, passing on the next bottle of wine, swapping numbers, and again saying, “we just live right there…so glad you moved in.” It has meant large group text chains telling neighbors about impromptu BBQs on the first warm Saturday of spring, asking for help managing our chickens while we travel, walking the mail incorrectly delivered to us over to its rightful owner a block away and choosing to knock on the door rather than stuff it in the mailbox.

Building community, which I recently heard described as common unity, does not happen through programs, or private groups. Neighborhood groups on social media help with the transfer of goods and information, but they are no substitute for a handshake, an eye-to-eye smile, or a knock on the door.

I’ve lived in a lot of places, I’ve been close to a lot of pain, and experienced it myself. I’ve had my sense of safety violated more than once, and know it will happen again. As much as some knee jerk part of me wants to do everything I can to gear up for battle, I’ve lived long enough to know the real war isn’t in the moment of fear, it’s in how I’ve prepared my heart, my family, and my community before it comes.

I’m a fighter, through and through; there is no flight in me. But I won’t fight fire with fire or violence with violence for one simple reason: love is much stronger than hate or fear. You see, hate and fear eat a soul alive while love self-repairs and grows stronger each time it’s shown. A community turned toward one another, intentionally woven together, is more safe than a community pulled away from one another in fear and hate.

It’s not up to me to decide what your block is like – that’s up to you. But here on this block, even after the week we’ve had, we’re going to keep turning in. We’re going to keep watching each other’s pets and kids, inviting each other over for warm pies, asking how the day was & waiting to hear the real answer. And the folks at the corner of the block are going to wrap this around the block and across the intersection, and I hope it spreads like the blackberries at EC Hughes until West Seattle is known as the part of town where folks know their neighbors, aren’t afraid of the ways our city is changing, and see the yellow light of fear as an anticipated reality that we get to respond to with choice.

I hope you’ve already planted your own blackberry patch of love and togetherness in your neighborhood. But if you haven’t, that’s ok, just consider this letter a starter clipping from mine. It’s all you need to get started, just drop it in the soil of a knock on a neighbor’s door, water it with a the swap of a phone number, and fertilize with a text when you’re running to Target and just wondered if anyone in the neighborhood needed anything while you were out.

Hate raised its head this week, and it will again, even today. But I’ll raise my head even higher, choose to look in your eyes a little bit longer, fighting for love a little bit fiercer. It’s the very best thing I know how to do, and I really, really hope you’ll join me.  

And you know, we live just down the block so if you ever need anything, just holler; and if you’re new, we’re so glad you’re here.

– Sarah

Parking ‘fact-finding mission,’ park plan, more @ Junction Neighborhood Organization

(SDOT map showing where they’re studying Junction-area parking)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

When SDOT‘s last major review of West Seattle Junction parking resulted in this July 2009 announcement that it wouldn’t recommend metered parking, you could almost hear a huge collective sigh of relief.

That review had begun more than a year earlier, and months after the no-paid-street-parking news, ended with what we described at the time as “a relatively minor set of changes” – some tweaks to time limits.

But The Junction has had metered parking before – and the city’s new review has rekindled concerns that it will return. A lot has changed since the 2008-2009 review – primarily a dramatic amount of redevelopment adding hundreds of new apartments to the heart of The Junction – and some projects including fewer parking spaces than units, or even none, with the city changing its rules in 2012 to say that nearby “frequent transit” means parking might not be needed. (As reported here last week, those rules might be loosened even more.)

So with all that setting the stage, two SDOT reps were at last night’s Junction Neighborhood Organization meeting at the Senior Center/Sisson Building.. They weren’t the only speakers of interest – the next Junction park and a HALA update were part of the agenda too – but we start with the parking discussion:

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TUESDAY: Parking & park, @ Junction Neighborhood Organization

For the first time in almost a decade, SDOT is reviewing parking in The Junction. Department reps will talk about it at the Junction Neighborhood Organization‘s next meeting, tomorrow (Tuesday, September 19th). Here’s the “fact sheet” for the review, just added to the city website today:

(Click image for full-size PDF on city website)
Q&A is promised, too. (Whether or not you’ll be there, the city’s just opened this online survey as part of the review.)

Also on the JuNO agenda: Next steps for the future Junction park in the 4700 block of 40th SW, following the recent “open house” – Seattle Parks reps including project manager Karimah Edwards will be there. And with the final HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability Environmental Impact Statement and its proposed upzoning maps due soon, the JuNO Land Use Committee will present an update, too. All welcome at tomorrow night’s meeting, 6:30 pm, at the Senior Center/Sisson Building (4217 SW Oregon).