West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
We stopped by the first RapidRide H Line drop-in meeting in Burien tonight to preview what you’ll see if you go to the White Center meeting tomorrow. It’s classic open-house format – informational boards around the room, staffers there so you can ask questions, maps on tables, comment forms to fill out if you choose to. They include explanations of how RapidRide works, as well as focusing in on specifics of this project, which is scheduled to convert Route 120 into the H Line in 2020.
While there’s a separate meeting coming up in Delridge one week from tonight to talk about the new options for that stretch of the route, those boards are available too – ask if you don’t see them.
It’s not a different route, we were told, but rather some possibilities for where the stops will be – which has been a major concern in previous community discussions. The new Delridge option – they started with two and now this is #3 – would include stations at Genesee, Andover, Hudson, Findlay in the north, for example. (Andover would eventually be a connection at/near the future Sound Transit Light Rail stop.) For those who have been advocating to have RapidRide H use the Delridge/Barton triangle stop, that’s still not considered an option; Metro’s Jenna Franklin told us their projections suggest the Westwood area will have many more jobs by 2025 and the connection needs to be closer. The proposals include more than just bus-stop locations, but also multi-modal right-of-way improvements, so take a good look and be ready to discuss, especially at the Delridge meeting on January 17th (Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW), which starts as a drop-in event and then is followed by a discussion with the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council starting at 7 pm. (We also are scheduled for a more in-depth briefing on the proposal, so watch for a followup.)
Also note that tonight’s Burien meeting had materials in multiple languages and you’ll find those in White Center Thursday night, too (5-8 pm, Mount View Elementary, 10811 12th SW). And whether you do or don’t get to an in-person meeting, the “online open house” is open now too, linked from this info-laden page about the RapidRide H Line project – if you need it translated, look for the SET LANGUAGE button at lower left, which brings up a list of dozens of languages.
First time in a while that we have received a reader report of a car-stereo theft. The photo and report are from Alex:
Someone broke into my truck last night and took my car stereo as well as some speakers. Truck was parked IN my apartment’s parking lot at Willow Court Apts. on Delridge [map].
SPD incident #: 18-011457.
Just after Christmas, we reported on partner site White Center Now that a new enterprise from the folks behind Drunky’s Two Shoes was on its way to the space vacated by short-lived Zanzibar: Dottie’s Doublewide. We’ve finally been able to talk to the Dottie’s team for the full story, and published it on WCN tonight.
(Northbound deck inside Highway 99 tunnel – WSDOT photo from last week)
WSDOT‘s newest Highway 99 tunnel update is out, and the state says that Seattle Tunnel Partners‘ newest schedule indicates “the tunnel could open to drivers as soon as this fall.” They’re not ready to estimate a date yet, and WSDOT notes that a “significant amount of work remains between now and tunnel opening,” but it’s getting closer. And WSDOT’s update includes the reminder that when “the tunnel is ready to open, SR 99 through downtown Seattle will be closed to traffic for approximately three weeks” so that connections can be finalized. You can read the entire update here.
P.S. As we’ve been reminding you in the morning traffic/transportation updates, the Battery Street Tunnel will be closed for four hours this Saturday morning, 6-10 am, for an inspection related to its future decommissioning
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
When a citywide coalition of community groups announced they would appeal the Environmental Impact Statement for HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability upzoning, three West Seattle groups were part of it. Now, a fourth has decided to join the appeal – the Fauntleroy Community Association. That decision happened during last night’s FCA board meeting, which as usual included a wide range of topics:
The new year brings a new location for longtime WSB sponsor John Moore and Northwest Insurance Group. (That’s John in our photo above with, from left, Heather Hanson, Marla Hoecker, and Ruth Sarvis.) He’s moved north a few blocks from his previous Morgan Junction location, and you’ll now find Northwest Insurance Group at 5431-B California SW [map]. The new location has more room for meetings, as well as expanded offices/workspace on the upper floors. As an independent agent, they deal with a long list of companies. Got questions? They’re at 206-932-2500 and nwinsgroup.com.
Just announced by Metro:
King County Metro will briefly pause all bus service at 4:04 p.m. Monday, Jan. 15, for a moment of reflection and remembrance to honor the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to mark the 50th anniversary of his assassination.
About 975 commute time Metro and Metro-operated Sound Transit buses will be in service at that time, and the majority will pull over and stop for a brief moment of reflection in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose legacy of justice, inclusion and diversity serves to drive King County to better serve people. King was assassinated April 4, 1968, and King County is named in his honor.
“Dr. King devoted his life to fighting for equality and human rights for all, and we dedicate this moment to equity and social justice for all that Dr. King lived and died for,” said King County Metro General Manager Rob Gannon. “Metro believes that mobility is one of those rights. We are proud to provide public transportation services that enable all people to access the opportunities needed to thrive in King County.
“As we briefly pull our buses to the curb for a moment of reflection, we invite you to join us.”
Metro and Metro-operated Sound Transit buses in King County will pull over and stop only where and when it is safe to do so. Buses will not pause service if they are traveling on highways, in the Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel or on roadways where there is no place to safely pull over.
Metro will notify riders via transit alerts and on-board announcements in the days leading up to the moment of reflection. We appreciate and share our thanks to riders in advance for respecting and supporting our pause in service, and give our assurance that transit service will quickly restart at the conclusion of the moment of remembrance.
This could be the tastiest fundraiser in West Seattle – and it’s days away.
One week from Friday, 5:30-8 pm on January 19th, the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group is hosting its third annual Chocolate Fest at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse (4705 W. Marginal Way SW). DRCC/TAG invites you “to drink beer, eat chocolates and cupcakes, and celebrate the cleanup and stewardship of Seattle’s only river, the mighty Duwamish.”
You can get tickets now by going here.
(Fox Sparrow, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
From community involvement to entertainment, here are highlights of your options for the rest of today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
BABY STORY TIME: 11:30 am at High Point Library. Geared toward babies up to one year old. Free and fun. (35th SW/SW Raymond)
RAPIDRIDE H LINE: While the conversion of Metro Route 120 to the RapidRide H Line isn’t scheduled until 2020, key decisions will be made soon about routing, stops, and other things, so this is the time to jump in and speak out. The first of three meetings over the next week is planned tonight – this one’s in Burien, but if you can’t make either of the other two, you might consider going. Drop in any time between 5 pm and 8 pm at the Burien Community Center. (14700 6th SW)
34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: First meeting of the year for this area’s biggest political organization, 7 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy. Featured guest is state Democratic Party chair Tina Podlodowski. (9131 California SW)
POETRYBRIDGE: Monthly readings at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) are now on second Wednesdays, 7 pm. Tonight’s featured readers: Judith Camann and Thomas Hubbard. More info here. (5612 California SW)
TRIANGULAR JAZZTET: The band’s back in West Seattle for gigs every two weeks at Whisky West in Morgan Junction. First one 7 pm tonight. No cover. 21+. (6451 California SW)
STUDENT-DIRECTED THEATER: First of 3 nights for “Killjoy,” directed by student Kimberly Le, at West Seattle High School, 7:30 pm. $10/door. (3000 California SW)
RIPPIN CHICKEN: “Power soul funk” at Parliament Tavern, 8-11 pm. No cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
PLEASE CHECK OUR CALENDAR for more – and thanks in advance for sending us info on public events your school, business, organization, etc. has coming up – editor@westseattleblog.com – as far in advance as possible.
Back in September, we published an invitation for entries in a student essay contest presented by the VFW. Among the local students who responded and participated, there are winners in subsequent rounds of judging, and two going on to state competition! VFW Post 2713 in The Triangle shares the news:
Congratulations to the 22 student winners of the Youth Essay contests from the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 2713 in West Seattle. The student winners came from Arbor Heights Elementary School, Holy Family School, Madison Middle School, and Our Lady of Guadalupe School. A total of $770 was given to the winners, according to Bill Dwyer, Post 2713 Senior Vice Commander and Chairman of the Youth Essay Scholarship program.
Five of the 22 student winners from VFW Post 2713 also went on to the District 2 competition. On January 6, the District 2 meeting was held at VFW Rainier Post. Here are the results of the competition:
–Liam Stampe won 2nd place for 4th grade from Our Lady of Guadalupe School.
–Malik Dawson won 1st place for 5th grade from Holy Family School. Malik now competes at State Level.
–Danika Ronda won 1st place for 6th grade from Madison Middle School. Danika now competes at State level.
–Roxanne Elder won 3rd place for 7th grade from Madison Middle School.
–Miles Dawson won 3rd place for 8th grade from Holy Family School.Congratulations to the District 2 winners (there are 15 Districts in the state). The State winners will be awarded January 20.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:02 AM: Good morning! Just checked around and no incidents are reported in West Seattle or on the outbound routes.
Looking ahead:
RAPIDRIDE H LINE MEETINGS: 5-8 pm tonight in Burien, it’s the first drop-in meeting related to the conversion of Route 120 to RapidRide H Line. Tomorrow night, White Center; next Wednesday, Delridge. They’re all listed here. Routing/stops are being decided at this early stage so if that’s your bus, get to one if you can.
SATURDAY MORNING REMINDER: 6-10 am Saturday (January 13th), WSDOT will close the Battery Street Tunnel for an inspection. If northbound on 99, you’ll have to exit at Western; if southbound, you’ll have to exit at Denny.
HOLIDAY REMINDER: Next Monday (January 15th) is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. School will be out; Metro will be on “reduced weekday” service.
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