(King County Assessor’s Office photo)
New in the city-permit files: An early-stage proposal to rezone a site in Fauntleroy’s Endolyne business district and demolish the building that’s there now, replacing it with a new 5-story mixed-use building. The early documents were filed last week for 9250 45th SW (photo above), the site also known as 4412 Brace Point Drive and bounded by Wildwood Place on the north side, just uphill from the Fauntleroy ferry dock [map]. Notes from an early conference with city reps say the building would be ground-floor “retail,” four floors residential, with 32 units proposed, no offstreet parking. (It’s on the RapidRide C Line.) The site is currently zoned NC (Neighborhood Commercial) 1-30 (for up to three stories), and the owners are proposing a rezone to NC3. Working title for the project, as shown on one early-stage sketch, is “The Fauntleroy.” Again, this has just appeared in city files, no formal application yet, but we’ll be watching for official comment periods and other parts of the process that would be required for rezoning – which ultimately requires City Council approval – as well as redevelopment. (This is the same area where traffic flow was reconfigured a little over a year ago, with the Brace Point Drive side changing to one-way eastbound.)