West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
That’s the “preferred alternative” map for proposed zoning changes to implement HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability in the Morgan Junction urban village, as included in the MHA Final Environmental Impact Statement issued by the city last month. The Morgan Community Association is one of the neighborhood groups that’s filed an appeal of that document, as well as joining in a separate citywide-coalition appeal. Tonight MoCA’s president Deb Barker sent out this community update on where things stand:
Dear Morgan Junction Community:
It’s the Holiday season and we know that you have a lot going on so we’ll keep this end-of-the-year summary brief.
The Morgan Community Association (MoCA) has been deeply engaged in the City’s HALA/MHA program changes for over a year, starting with our November 2016 HALA/MHA Workshop for District 1. We want to brief you on the current HALA/MHA status and how Morgan Junction is affected. If you have any questions – please ask.
Morgan Junction Comprehensive Plan Amendment. At a special Comprehensive Plan meeting on November 14, 2017, MoCA meeting attendees learned about some potential options to achieve housing results that address neighborhood concerns, and that would meet the Morgan Junction Plan Housing Goal. Attendees voted on the different options and endorsed a general policy statement of encouraging affordable, entry-level, family-sized owner-occupied housing within the urban village. In early December, MoCA focused on this policy concept in our comments to the City on their draft Comp plan amendment language. We also repeated our request for formal neighborhood-planning engagement to modify any portions of our neighborhood plan. The City Council will vote on Comprehensive Plan amendments later in 2018.
We are now taking steps to turn the policy concept into a tangible program, so that our community wishes are incorporated along with the MHA proposals that will be discussed for final adoption in 2018. We met with Councilmember Lisa Herbold in late December and have a meeting request in to Mayor Durkan to discuss the Special Review District idea.
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Released. In mid-November, the City released its final EIS and proposed maps that up-zone all areas of the Morgan Junction Urban Village including eliminating all single-family zoning from the Urban Village. In the document, the City was dismissive of Morgan Junction’s concerns about flaws found in the original draft EIS.
Legal Appeal. In reviewing the City’s FEIS document, the MoCA Board came to the realization that the only recourse to have our specific Urban Village concerns addressed would be to file an appeal of the FEIS. Other neighborhoods were realizing that only legal action would force the City to provide a true neighborhood planning process to address the environmental impacts specific to neighborhoods as well as city-wide impacts. The November 27 FEIS appeal deadline was several months before scheduled Morgan Community Association member meetings, and the Board voted to file a placeholder appeal and bring the issue to the January 2018 Membership meeting. The Board also approved joining with a coalition of 26 neighborhood and other interested groups (the Seattle Coalition for Affordability, Livability and Equity) seeking to require the City to adequately analyze, disclose and address the full impacts of its proposed up-zones, as well as provide a true alternative. Appeal efforts involve member commitment and funding, and a member group can withdraw at any time. The Seattle Hearing Examiner will hear the appeal starting on April 23, 2018.
What’s Next. MoCA’s next quarterly meeting is next month. There will be discussion about the MHA/FEIS, the appeal, the Comp Plan Amendment language and progress on the Special Review District policy concept as well as actions related to the Morgan Junction Neighborhood Fund. Please join us on January 17, 2018 at 7:00 at The Kenney to discuss the next steps and to vote on key policy issues. We look forward to seeing you.
Deb Barker, President
Morgan Community Association
The full agenda for the January 17th MoCA meeting is in our calendar listing.
(WSB photo, Highland Park Not-So-Silent-Night Parade 2016)
You can make it a neighborhood New Year’s Eve again this year by celebrating with Highland Park Improvement Club – starting with the all-ages Not-So-Silent-Night Parade along nearby streets. As also featured in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, here’s the full night’s lineup for Sunday at HPIC:
Join us in our annual celebration of the New Year. We’ll be hosting a Masquerade Party, so come donning your best masks, disguises, or alter egos.
Not So Silent Night Parade – Assemble at 6 pm. We will head out into the neighborhood when everyone is ready. Bring your noisemakers, lights, umbrellas – whatever is necessary!
DJ Dr. Lehl & DJ Evan will provide us the tunes that take us to the main event.
The HPIC Hot Dog Stand will be open in the Courtyard, courtesy of Nickie Jostol!
McTuff will provide us with the life-sustaining music that will power us to and through the New Year from 9ish until late (1-130?)
RL Carroll will be here again for all your keepsake photos!
All ages!
Beverages – Draft beer, wine, special cocktail and champagne! As always, we offer a wide assortment of non-alcoholic beverages as well. Please remember that no outside alcohol is allowed.
HPIC is on the northeast corner of 12th SW/SW Holden. (If you’ve never seen, or been part of, the parade, check out our coverage from last year.)
Got a New Year’s Eve/Day event in West Seattle that’s not already in our Holiday Guide? Please e-mail us the info ASAP so we can add it – editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!
Get on the air in 2018! The announcement just out of the WSB inbox:
Is learning a new skill one of your New Year’s resolutions for 2018? If so, the West Seattle Amateur Radio Club has an old-but-new opportunity for you.
In late January, the Club will be offering classes so you can learn about amateur (ham) radio and take the test to get your FCC license, all in the same weekend.
And while ham radio has been around a long time, there are many new applications which are being adapted to take advantage of amateur band radio frequencies. Did you know that you can now send email over radio waves and create your own Wi-Fi using radio equipment?
“Our club likes to say ‘it’s not your grandfather’s ham radio any more’,” says Ron Zuber, president of the club. “We know that ham radio is the best and most fundamental way of communicating when all other methods are unavailable; we are also incorporating new technologies and equipment that go beyond simple voice communications.”
If you’re interested, details are in these flyers (PDF here, or embedded below):
(Dinah Brein, photographed by WSB’s Patrick Sand on opening night for Star Wars Episode VIII)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
In the Admiral Theater‘s long and storied history, the curtain is about to fall on another episode.
This one has spanned almost a decade, including the latest incidence of West Seattle’s moviehouse being brought back from the brink. You might subtitle it “Return of the First-Runs,” though that’s just part of the story.
What’s happening is that next week will bring the departure of The Admiral’s longtime manager Dinah Brein. She says simply, “It’s time.” Her brother, Jeff Brein, is co-proprietor of Far Away Entertainment, an independent regional chain of community movie theaters including The Admiral, and Dinah’s been working for him since 2004, four years before she came to The Admiral, originally doing public-relations work for his PR firm on Bainbridge Island.
After Dinah and her husband Larry McClellan bought a house in West Seattle in 2006, that started to become a somewhat onerous commute. When her brother took over The Admiral, an opportunity arose for her to work much closer to home.
But at first, she wasn’t running the theater.
One of the newest New Year’s events added to the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide is also an introduction to a new business. Nia teachers who were previously at the Center for Movement and Healing in Gatewood are opening a new space, Move2Center Studio, in The Triangle. And they’re offering a 10 am class next Monday (January 1st) to “dance in the New Year with plenty of positive energy”; drop-in fee is $10 (plus tax). The new space is on the lower level of the West Seattle Veterans’ Center/American Legion Post 160 building at 3618 SW Alaska – enter the studio from the 37th SW side. Co-proprietor Melanie McFarland says their full class schedule starts two days later, on January 3rd.
We’re now less than a week away from the first local community meeting of the new year, the Southwest District Council‘s meeting next Wednesday (January 3rd) at the Sisson Building/Senior Center in The Junction (4217 SW Oregon). Besides discussing 2017 accomplishments and 2018 goals, SWDC is scheduled to hear from and talk with District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. Got a question or comment for her? She’s expected at 7 pm, half an hour into the 6:30 pm meeting, at which everyone’s welcome.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
6:56 AM: Good morning. No incidents reported in/from West Seattle so far this Thursday morning.
One transit alert so far: Metro texted/tweeted that “The first Route 55 due to leave SW Atlantic St & 44 Av SW is operating more than 20 minutes late this morning.”
7:30 AM: Another after-the-fact Metro alert: The 6:33 am Route 116 headed downtown did not operate.
Thanks to Denny International Middle School principal Jeff Clark for the photos and report:
Denny Scholars Continue Learning over Winter Break!
Thanks to our terrific and dedicated staff, our scholars had the opportunity to continue to learn and have fun over Winter Break. Congratulations to all of our scholars who completed the four-day Winter Break Academy at Denny International Middle School!
After four days of learning, we celebrated with a trip to the roller rink.
A huge thank you to the staff who made it possible! Thank you, Mr. Rodriguez, Mr. Moor, Mr. Lai, Ms. Fondale, Ms. Ostroff, Mr. D. Evans, Mr. Fernandez, Ms. Jackson-Williams, Mr. King, Ms. Mosley-Freeman, Ms. Wilson, Mr. Higuchi, Ms. Farah, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Baker, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Webb! Go Dolphins!