day : 16/11/2017 11 results

Delridge Neighborhoods District Council: Talking RapidRide H Line and more with Councilmember Herbold

November 16, 2017 11:50 pm
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 |   Delridge | Delridge District Council | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

When City Councilmember Lisa Herbold walked into Wednesday night’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting after an all-day budget session, members and attendees happened to be talking about the future conversion of Metro Route 120 to the RapidRide H Line. The discussion never did get around to any of the hot topics that had dominated the day – and some previous days – at City Hall, such as the “head tax” or encampment removals aka “sweeps.”

The RapidRide talk went on for a while, especially concerns that a lot of feedback already had been offered in previous discussions, mostly with SDOT during what was at the time referred only to the Delridge Multimodal Corridor process, but the next round of “engagement” seemed to be oblivious to that. Herbold said her office has been talking with King County/Metro and promised she personally would jump in after votes next week conclude the budget-change process – which she’s been leading as Budget Committee chair, a role gained in a domino process of sorts that began with former Mayor Ed Murray‘s resignation.

The road itself has enough trouble, one attendee said, without even the prospect of more, bigger buses, noting a big hole that we suspect was the same one called to our attention with photos on Twitter:

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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! The Westy Sports and Spirits celebrates 3 years on Friday

November 16, 2017 9:03 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

(WSB photo)

We photographed JP Vidican and Paul Ritums, co-proprietors of The Westy Sports and Spirits (7908 35th SW; WSB sponsor), after getting word this afternoon that they’re celebrating 3 years in business:

We want to take this time to thank the West Seattle Community for the overwhelming support we’ve received here at The Westy. We want to invite everyone to come help us celebrate our 3-year anniversary this Friday, November 17th.

To celebrate, we will be offering our Happy Hour drink specials all day long. We will be tapping an experimental IPA from Georgetown brewery along with a taproom exclusive from Reuben’s. Our gaming – which includes skeeball, golden tee, and a classic arcade game – will be set to free play all day. And we have compiled quite a few items to give away to our guests as a show of appreciation. Everyone in attendance will be entered in a raffle for prizes being given away throughout the day.

Friday’s hours at The Westy are 11 am-2 am.

Site notes: West Seattle Holiday Guide 1.0 now live; sorry about the technical trouble

November 16, 2017 7:58 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news | West Seattle online

Two site notes tonight:

HOLIDAY GUIDE: Version 1.0 is live – with much more to be added as the season goes on – but with Thanksgiving a week away, it’s time to get this big wave of information out there. See it here, and check back often – we’ll be updating it at least once a day throughout the season.

TECH TROUBLE: Sorry if you’re having trouble tonight with our site in desktop/laptop browsers – since some glitching hit a few hours ago, we’ve brought most components back but we’re still working on restoring the rest. And thanks again to the first people to let us know about the problems – we work in an administrative interface and might not know immediately when something is wrong. (Tech trouble can be reported the same way news tips are – or 206-293-6302 – thank you.)

Councilmembers Gonzalez, Herbold issue reminder of rights after South Park situation

Just in from Councilmembers Lorena González and Lisa Herbold, after word of an incident at 14th/Cloverdale in South Park today:

As residents of West Seattle, we are heartened by the power of the South Park community in action reported to us earlier today. This morning, U.S. I.C.E. agents were said to have requested access to a residential building to serve a warrant. The owner of this building rightly turned to a trusted advocate in the neighborhood for assistance about responding first. As luck would have it, this advocate was meeting with a City of Seattle employee, and Seattle as a welcoming city took swift action.

The three individuals – armed with knowledge from a Know Your Rights training – checked for key things that make a warrant legal and actionable. The administrative warrant held by the I.C.E. agents did not meet the legal threshold that would allow them to legally enter the building. Denied entry, the I.C.E. agents stated they would wait in their cars. The three were soon joined by members of the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network’s Rapid Response Team, who helped monitor the situation and photographed the agents’ unmarked cars. The agents soon dispersed. To the knowledge of those on the scene, no one was detained by agents at or near the apartment building today.

What happened this morning is a terrifying reminder that knowing your rights also means knowing what to do if I.C.E. shows up. Knowing what to look for or whom to turn to in the moment is vital to ensuring that legal processes are followed and, thus, preventing a catastrophic outcome.

Unequivocally verifying that an enforcement action is taking place before posting it on social media, is crucial to preventing the unnecessary spreading of fear or panic within our immigrant neighbors and communities. If you believe you are seeing an enforcement action taking place, report it to the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network hotline at 844-RAID-REP (844-724-3737). Resources, in multiple languages, to Know Your Rights can be found at: OneAmerica, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, or with civil-rights organizations like ACLU.

The instinct and care to look out for one another and your neighbors is what makes Seattle a welcoming city. We applaud the bravery and quick thinking of our three community members and Rapid Responders from Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network to help at least one family stay together today.

SEEN OFF WEST SEATTLE: USS John C. Stennis, headed back to Bremerton

Thanks to Jim Borrow for the photo – the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74), seen from West Seattle a little over an hour ago as it headed back to Bremerton after 13 days away. According to the Stennis website, it was out for “routine training for future operations” including “damage control and firefighting training, seamanship training, small boat operations, medical training, and exercises designed to maintain technical and tactical proficiency in a variety of warfare areas.”

Don’t miss your chance to speak out about crime, safety, police

November 16, 2017 2:27 pm
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 |   Crime | Safety | West Seattle news | West Seattle police

Two weeks left for this year’s Seattle Public Safety Survey – with a holiday right in the middle of those two weeks, so we’re reminding you today: If you haven’t answered the survey’s questions about crime, safety, and police, consider setting aside some time for it before the November 30th deadline. The survey is overseen by Seattle University, which will provide the results to SPD, and also works with the department on analyzing crime trends, via interns at local precincts. The survey starts here and is available in 11 languages.

VIDEO: ‘It’s going to be an interesting year and a half,’ Sound Transit rep tells West Seattle meeting, and explains why

That’s our video of last night’s Junction Neighborhood Organization-hosted Sound Transit light-rail briefing/Q&A session at the Senior Center/Sisson Building.


No revelations in the presentation itself. ST’s Cathal Ridge recapped the overall Sound Transit 3 plan, including the 4.7-mile extension from SODO to the West Seattle Junction that’s scheduled to open in 2030, connecting to a new downtown tunnel opening in 2035 with the northward extension to Ballard.

Key timeline points: “Alternatives development” from now through early 2019, then the environmental-review process, 2022-2025 design, with construction starting in 2025. An attendee asked about right-of-way acquisition; Ridge said that would likely happen around 2023. When concerns were raised about ST taking property via eminent domain, he said they try to use that as little as possible.

Key process point: ST plans to assemble three “stakeholder” groups for an engagement process starting next year. “We really want people to be involved from the get-go and issues to be identified” early. These groups – one of which will involve elected officials – will have “20 or so” people who are “able to meet periodically.” In Q&A, some worried that too much decisionmaking will be up to people from outside the area; it was pointed out that the Sound Transit board currently includes two West Seattleites, King County Executive Dow Constantine and County Council Chair Joe McDermott.

Open houses are planned in January-February of next year (no specifics yet), and that’s when Sound Transit will come back to West Seattle with more information on where things stand at the start. That includes the roughed-out “representative alignment” of where the West Seattle route and stations might be. While Ridge did not bring the existing maps to the JuNO event, he acknowledged that they had already been shown by the West Seattle Transportation Coalition (as seen below, republished from our coverage of WSTC’s unofficial design workshop back in June):

That’s part of what Ridge described as “a lot of work” that already has happened, even at that early stage, though he added, “It doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what will be built,” while reiterating that ST wants to hear issues and ideas.

Those will, it was made clear by several attendees, continue to include the suggestion that tunneling would make more sense to get to The Junction rather than what’s envisioned now as a much-elevated track. Without getting into the added cost of tunneling, though, Ridge noted that input needs to take into consideration the big picture, such as the project budget.

And in turn, several attendees pointed out that West Seattle – and The Junction in particular – is leery of processes like this because of how others, such as HALA upzoning, already have played out in a less-than-collaborative manner.

One requested that ST “come back early and often” to talk with the community.

Referring to the intensive early planning that’ll continue into 2019, Ridge said, “It’s going to be an interesting year and a half.”

West Seattle Thursday: 2 dine-out benefits; Design Review for 5242 California SW; Thanksgiving cooking class; more…

November 16, 2017 10:44 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Dark-eyed junco, photographed by Mark Wangerin, whose photography show continues at the West Seattle YMCA in The Triangle)

Happy Thursday! Here are highlights of what’s up for the rest of today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

DINE OUT TO HELP ROXHILL ELEMENTARY: Through 9 pm tonight, Zippy’s Giant Burgers in White Center is donating a percentage of proceeds to Friends of Roxhill Elementary. (9614 14th SW)

CARMILIA’S 15TH ANNIVERSARY: As noted here last night, the West Seattle Junction boutique Carmilia’s is celebrating 15 years in business, and it’s open late again tonight in honor of that – 11 am to 9 pm. (4528 California SW)

THANKSGIVING 101: Cooking class taught by Kim O’Donnel at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), 4-5:30 pm. Stuffing and gravy basics. Register in advance. (36th SW/SW Snoqualmie)

NEED SOME BUSINESS HELP? Meet consultants and lenders at the Delridge Library business-resources open house. 4-6 pm; more info in our calendar listing. (5423 Delridge Way SW)

DINE OUT FOR D.C.: Help Hope Lutheran School students raise money for their D.C. trip with a dine-out fundraiser at Great American Diner and Bar, 5-10 pm tonight. Details in our calendar listing. (4752 California SW)

SUPPORT STUDENTS’ MENTAL HEALTH: Special event at West Seattle High School, with education for parents and others who need to know how to approach and support teens, as explained here. 5:30-7:30 pm. (3000 California SW)

DESIGN REVIEW FOR 5242 CALIFORNIA SW: The newest proposal for redeveloping this strip-mall site south of The Junction, 18 townhouses, goes to the Southwest Design Review Board tonight, 6:30 pm at the Senior Center/Sisson Building. This is Early Design Guidance, so the focus is on size/shape – here are the options:

More backstory here; see the “design packet” on the city website. The meeting includes a public-comment period. (4217 SW Oregon)

WEST SEATTLE TIMEBANK PARTY: November gathering is a party at the Senior Center/Sisson Building, 6:30 pm – potluck, so bring a dish to share. All ages welcome, including kids. (4217 SW Oregon)

THREE MORE CHANCES TO SEE ‘LAST CROISSANT’: The world-premiere play “The Last Croissant” continues with a performance at 8 pm tonight at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center – details here. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

NIGHTLIFE: Karaoke and live music – see the listings on our complete calendar!

WEST SEATTLE HOLIDAYS: Got something for the WSB guide?

November 16, 2017 9:45 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

With one week until Thanksgiving, it’s time to get Version 1.0 of the annual WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide out – but before it goes live, we’re sending out one more call for info on any holiday-related event, donation drive, open house, bazaar, concert, light show, services, etc., coming up in West Seattle – no posters/flyers needed, just tell us the what/when/where/who, and we’ll get it in the guide – e-mail – thank you!

‘New direction’ at The Kenney will bring closure of its skilled-nursing facility

The Kenney has announced that it’s closing its skilled-nursing facility, known as its Health Center. In a news release, The Kenney’s management calls the closure part of “a new direction for care services” and says the center’s “small size … has limited what we are able to offer our residents. … In making this change, the Kenney will be joining a growing number of continuing-care retirement communities nationwide who are moving away from operating their own skilled-nursing facility on-site.”

In response to our followup questions, The Kenney’s executive director René Dumas says 15 people are currently living in the Health Center, which has 20 beds, and that almost half of them are there for “short-term stays … for rehabilitation prior to discharge to home.” The facility says the center’s residents “are being offered assistance with the transition.” That’s also what they say they’ll be doing with an unspecified number of employees who will be affected. Dumas also says that after its closure on February 1st, the area now used for skilled nursing care “will be used for memory-care services.” Elsewhere at The Kenney, Dumas adds, “We plan to use a wing that has not been used for two years as expanded assisted-living services (more care services than our existing assisted living in Lincoln Vista).”

It’s been more than a year since The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW) announced some other changes, including redevelopment plans for part of its site, still proceeding through the city system.


(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

6:52 AM: Good morning! No incidents in or from West Seattle so far. Only one West Seattle Bridge camera this morning – the other is down.

7:10 AM: SFD is responding to a crash reported on the northbound 1st Avenue South bridge by the Michigan exit.

7:12 AM: Just in from Metro:

7:26 AM: SFD has closed out of the 1st Ave. S. Bridge incident.

8:28 AM: Thanks for the text (206-293-6302 any time) – trouble on the eastbound bridge, just verified by SDOT, which tweets: “Stalled vehicle on West Seattle Bridge EB at Delridge Way SW blocking center lane.”

8:50 AM: Turns out that was fairly short-lived – all clear now.