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West Seattle Crime Watch: Reader reports plus followups

Several reader reports from people who want to alert neighbors to recent break-ins/thefts, plus weekend followup notes, all ahead:Read More

Crime Watch reader report: West Seattle store flasher

From Rosa at On the Way Maternity (5446 California SW), who wants to warn other local store owners:

I’ve had a few weird ones, but this one tops it all…

Yesterday, May 15th a man came into my store around 4:15-4:20 or so. He explained that he was going to a party here in West Seattle where the men had to wear a woman’s shirt. I said ok as he seemed very nice and well put together. The whole thing seemed really weird but I just couldn’t say whether his story was legit or not and I didn’t want to discriminate right off the bat. Again, he was very pleasant and seemed for the most part “normal”. He explained that he has to buy a maternity shirt because anything else would not fit his “gut”. So he picked out a plain t-shirt.

Before I knew it, the guy comes out of the dressing showing me everything!! Meaning no pants, and no underwear and fully exposed!! He proceeded to ask me what I thought!! I was absolutely shocked and speechless for a good 10-15 seconds. I told him he needed to put all of his clothes on and to leave! For some strange reason I didn’t panic?? I filed a report with the Seattle Police Dept about 5-10 minutes later after gathering myself together. If he comes into your store, send him back out!!

I’m guessing that he chose my store since it’s a bit more secluded than the other stores in the Junction. If he comes back here, he’ll definitely get a dose of mace!

Description: Caucasian male, 5’10” or so, 60-65 years old and balding. Roughly about 185 with a gut, dressed nice in trousers and a silk/rayon short sleeve shirt.

Crime Watch reader report: Car break-ins near Lincoln Park

From Cass:

Just wanted to alert the neighborhood that there have been a few car break-ins in the neighborhood of Fauntleroy and Cloverdale (map), near Lincoln Park. The neighbors have seen a guy who is supposedly selling magazine subscriptions hanging around, and have reported the break-in and sighting to the Seattle Police. No big damage done, but a reminder to keep your eyes open and your cars locked.

This gives us the opportunity to mention that you can get your questions answered about “casing” — what should you consider suspicious, what should you not worry about, when to call the police, when not to — during a Q&A with local police leadership at next Tuesday’s West Seattle Community Safety Partnership meeting (Southwest Precinct meeting room, 7 pm). And if you have any other crime/safety concerns in your neighborhood, that meeting’s also the place to be.

Delridge double shooting: New details from police


From this morning’s official police update on last night’s double shooting in the 5600 block of Delridge (WSB late-night and overnight coverage here): The woman is 28, her son is 10. Both are expected to fully recover. Police spokesperson Renee Witt says the woman “was in her kitchen cooking when someone fired multiple rounds through the kitchen window,” hitting her several times in the chest and leg. That was on the north side of the residence; then on the south side, someone – police aren’t sure if it was the same person – fired multiple times into the residence from the south, hitting the boy once in the shoulder. Still no arrests and no suspect description (beyond the possible “burgundy SUV” involvement mentioned last night) — but Witt says that detectives from the homicide and gang units are investigating and “talking to possible suspects” as well as looking into a possible motive. 12:03 PM UPDATE: Side note – two noontime tv updates included interviews with the owner of the future Olympia Pizza location we’ve been telling you about (former Pacino’s Coffee) less than a block north, and reported that it’s opening in two days.

Updates: Delridge search after mother and child are shot

(scroll down for latest updates – newest update, 2:08 am)


(photo of Delridge/Juneau roadblock taken by Sage K, added 11:53 pm)

View Larger Map

Helicopter and many police involved right now in search centering on the 5600 block of Delridge. The call is “assault with weapons 14” which usually means multiple patients known or suspected. Trying to find out more. Thanks to those who e-mailed us with first word. 11:03 PM UPDATE: Whoever they’re looking for in this, scanner traffic indicates they’re not in custody yet, so if you’re in that area, be safe and be sure to call 911 if you see/hear anything/anyone suspicious. 11:05 PM UPDATE: One TV report says woman and boy shot. We heard scanner traffic talking about a 12-year-old male gunshot victim so we believe that’s from this incident. We’re also hearing that police may be looking for two suspects. 11:10 PM UPDATE: Victims taken to Harborview Medical Center, which indicates serious wounds. According to King County records, 5625 Delridge is a duplex. 11:17 PM UPDATE: According to the police media-info line, this started with a 911 call around 10:30 pm from a woman reporting hearing 10 to 12 gunshots. The media-info line describes the victims’ wounds as “non-life-threatening” and also says a third person was believed to have been shot at, but not hit. 11:36 PM UPDATE: Nearby residents say the helicopter has left the area, but we are not hearing any scanner indications of any arrests so far. Sage K does report northbound traffic is still being rerouted at Delridge/Juneau, where police have the road blocked. Sage also sent photos; stand by. 12:01 AM UPDATE: Lots of new info in update we just got from the Seattle Police media-info line. Most important: “Tentative” description of the vehicle police are seeking – a burgundy SUV. That’s ALL the information they have on possible suspects. Also, they identify the victims as a mother and her 12-year-old child. She was shot twice in the chest; he was shot in the back of the shoulder. Both are expected to survive, according to police. They say the search and investigation currently involves: Guardian 1 (helicopter), K-9, CSI, homicide, and gang units. Nobody in custody as of this report filed moments ago. 12:47 AM UPDATE: Sage K reports in comments that Delridge is now fully open again. No notable scanner activity in the case for a while, meantime. (We’ll keep monitoring till at least 2 am and will post whatever we hear/learn …) 2:08 AM UPDATE: For anybody still awake and wondering, no new developments reported. We’ll continue to monitor for a while longer, as we’re still working on an unrelated article that has to be done before the WSB newsroom shuts down for the night.

Crime Watch update: More on the latest burglary arrests

As promised, more details from the Southwest Precinct on the latest burglary arrests – here’s the story as told by Sgt. Jeff Durden:

Today around noon, 911 is called about a suspicious car in the 7900 block of 30th Avenue SW. The license plate comes back to a stolen vehicle. Officer Jonathan Kiehn responds, but the car is gone. However, he recalls that a house on the block was burglarized recently and decides to check it out. Officers discover that the same house was burglarized again. About ninety minutes later Officer Ron Hylton locates the stolen vehicle in South Park, along with the three juvenile male suspects and property stolen from the home.

This makes 13 arrests in the past 17 days for residential burglary in West Seattle. All different suspects.

Crime Watch update: More arrests, “amazing teamwork”

Yet another bulletin from Lt. Steve Paulsen @ the Southwest Precinct, and this one we will take the liberty of quoting verbatim, because it’s about YOU! too:

Just arrested 3 more burglary suspects..The arrest included a stolen car and weapons. (I am losing count…I think we are up to 13 [arrests]) … In my entire 24 years with the Department, I have never experienced the level of teamwork between the citizens, patrol officers and detectives … truly amazing!

Details should be available a bit later. We were just down at the precinct reviewing report printouts for the first time in a while, and it’s true – so many arrests are coming with the help of alert, persistent, determined citizens. It’s not too idealistic/corny to say you CAN take back the streets.

1 more Crime Watch update: Another burglary arrest

Busy day for the Southwest Precinct – another update just in from Lt. Steve Paulsen: “We just arrested another burglar who has been working the North Admiral neighborhood. That is a total of 8 burglary arrests in the last week.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Purse-snatch suspect nabbed

Quick update from Lt. Steve Paulsen at the Southwest Precinct: A suspect is now in custody in connection with the purse-snatching attack that preceded the now-famous citizen pursuit involving local businesspeople from Husky Deli and Mashiko. (We talked to the victim, a local real-estate agent, a few days ago, and she’s doing OK.)

Reader reports: Vandalism in Admiral, Gatewood

(Updated 8:44 am to add the Gatewood report)
First, from Karla:

It’s 12:48 a.m. and my husband, son and I just got through cleaning up the two dozen eggs that were thrown at our house at approximately 12:30 p.m. We live just across from the Admiral Lookout — when I heard the first few eggs hit, I saw a boy approximately 17 years old in a black sweatshirt and black pants run north on 36th Avenue SW and then around the corner on Olga. I ran downstairs to tell my son who ran out our garage and saw some teenagers drive off in a black car. My husband saw the black car from our upstairs bedroom window as well. Just wanted to give everyone in our neighborhood a heads up.

Hours later, from Chris:

Just thought I’d write in about some vandalism that happened last night on Rose Street in Gatewood between 39th and 41st Avenues. It looks like someone drove up the street with a baseball bat, breaking all the drivers’ side mirrors on cars parked along the north side of the street. A neighbor of mine said he heard it happen around 2:30 Saturday morning. I don’t know if other streets were hit as well.

Reader reports: Doorknocker scam, break-in attempt, more

More reader reports from folks who want to warn other West Seattleites, just in case, including one lying doorknocker just spotted. Read on:Read More

More Crime Watch news: Arrest confirmed; Red Cup break-in

Just one of those days – lots of crime news to be shared – first, from Detective Nick Bauer at the Southwest Precinct, confirmation that the suspect arrested this afternoon (mentioned here) was indeed the third suspect from this morning’s Admiral break-ins. He says police found this suspect with the help of some detective work from a citizen. He also notes that seven burglary suspects have been caught in the past week, which he says is fairly unprecedented; also, one person who reported their break-in here on WSB has been reunited with some of their stolen stuff, thanks to some of those arrests. Now, a reader report we didn’t get till just now, so can’t check it with police till tomorrow — this one involves Angelia’s Red Cup Espresso in The Junction, only 4 months removed from the death of owner Angelia Paulsen (amazing community outpouring in the comments here) in a crash on I-5. Dawn e-mailed WSB to say:

Wanted to report that my favorite coffee place got broke into last night …. I went to Red Cup Espresso this morning and noticed that there was glass every where and the drive thru window was broke. So I asked and sure enough was told that someone broke the window and took the register …. this is soooo low. not only is Sean dealing with the death of his wife and owner of Red Cup and trying so hard to make ends meet and keep the joint open but someone robs from him …. I hope this person has bad karma for the rest of his or her life.

Crime Watch update: 2 suspects nabbed in Admiral

(video added @ noon, quick look at police presence at scene)
ORIGINAL REPORT: Just in from a reliable tipster:

Attempted break-in 37th north of Admiral
Three black male teens – looked about 16-17 yrs old
Two PERHAPS apprehended on Admiral Way bridge over ravine
Police in neighborhood looking for third suspect

Remember, if you see anything/anyone suspicious, CALL 911 – police reiterate this over and over. More on this when we get it. 10:25 AM UPDATE: The WSB team member on the scene reports two suspects are indeed in custody by Merrill Gardens/Admiral Heights and being questioned now, after first having been spotted in the Metro Market vicinity. More later. 12:17 PM UPDATE: A few more details from Lt. Steve Paulsen at the Southwest Precinct, who confirms the arrests and promises more info later:

We just arrested 2 burglary suspects ..They were 3 all together, one got away….tied to two burglaries in the Admiral neighborhood. Great work by all. … All juveniles who don’t live in West Seattle.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Husky hero

We’d been working to confirm this one after a tip; police hadn’t been able to confirm the identities for us, but apparently it made tv news tonight: Husky Deli owner Jack Miller chased after a robber who stole a local real-estate agent’s purse in the lot behind his business a couple nights ago. The agent reportedly broke three fingers trying to stop the thief; her purse was recovered but the thief hasn’t been nabbed yet.

Followup: New city jail in West Seattle? City website up now



As mentioned here last night, the city has narrowed its list of potential municipal jail sites to four, and two are on the eastern edge of West Seattle, as seen in city aerials above — Highland Park Way/W. Marginal Way (map) and 9501 Myers Way (map). For those seeking more information and opportunities for feedback, a new section is live on the city website (here’s the start page) with everything from the reason why the jail’s needed, to the rationale behind the site-selection process, to how to send in feedback (online form here). The timeline for the process (choose a site this year, open in 2013) is outlined here. As pointed out in this WSB Forum thread, the jail proposal may well come up at tonight’s Southwest District Council meeting (7 pm, President’s Board Room at SSCC) since Councilmember Tom Rasmussen will be there; we just checked with his staff and he doesn’t have an official position yet on where the jail should be built (the two non-WS options are Interbay and 11762 Aurora).

Updates: WS murder-suicide couple IDs; jail site list trimmed

*We first told you yesterday morning about the deaths of a couple in a 2nd/Roxbury home. The King County Medical Examiner’s Office confirms it was a case of murder-suicide; 48-year-old Traci Creamer, the first person murdered in West Seattle in 2008, died of head injuries and suspected strangulation blamed on her 44-year-old husband Jeffrey Creamer, whose death from wrist wounds was ruled a suicide. As we reported yesterday, police say they had a long history of domestic violence. Online court records we checked appear to bear that out.

*The city’s list of more than 30 potential jail sites for misdemeanor offenders is down to four, and two are on the eastern edge of West Seattle: Highland Park Way/W. Marginal Way (map) and 9501 Myers Way (map). According to Delridge Neighborhood Services Center Coordinator Ron Angeles, community meetings are expected this summer.

Update: West Seattle man’s killer gets hospital, not prison

May 5, 2008 4:41 pm
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We told you Friday night about a report that the then-teen who killed West Seattle resident and Newport High tennis coach Mike Robb in 2005 was due in court today and expected to be formally found not guilty by reason of insanity. The P-I covered today’s hearing and says that’s exactly what happened.

Crime Watch: West Seattle’s first 2008 murder

May 5, 2008 11:23 am
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One more report from the Southwest Precinct: This one somehow went all but unnoticed over the weekend — a man and woman found dead in a home on the southeastern edge of West Seattle, an apparent case of murder-suicide. Police say they answered a call at 9:45 am Saturday about a man found dead with wrist wounds at a home in the 2nd/Roxbury vicinity (map); relatives said they were worried about his wife, who no one had heard from in a while — officers subsequently found her dead, “locked in the family van.” Police say the couple had a history of domestic violence. No further details, but that would make her West Seattle’s first murder victim of 2008 (our area had three in 2007; all three suspects were still awaiting trial at last check).

WS Crime Watch: Alki shots; homeowner tackles burglars

Two items just in from Lt. Steve Paulsen at the Southwest Precinct: handcuffs_2.jpgFirst, confirmation of something we got e-mail about over the weekend: Those WERE gunshots very early Sunday morning on Alki. At 12:44 am, a man heading south from 63rd/Alki “fired 5 rounds from a .38 revolver while driving.” Witnesses gave police a description of his vehicle; several minutes later, an officer found it at Delridge/Myrtle, and found the suspect “in possession of the loaded handgun and ammunition.” They say the suspect “later confessed to shooting up in the air while driving because, ‘he felt someone on the beach had been threatening him’.” and apparently thought that person had something to do with the recent death of the suspect’s relative. No injuries or property damage; the suspect is in jail. Next – three burglary arrests yesterday that may solve more than one recent break-in:Read More

No-prison deal in the works for West Seattle man’s killer

KING 5 reported tonight (see the clip here) that a hearing on Monday could close the case of the June 2005 W. Marginal Way shooting death of Mike Robb, a West Seattle resident who coached tennis at Newport High School – with his killer declared not guilty by reason of insanity. (More background on the case in this September 2006 Times article; KING reported tonight that the lawsuit discussed in that story, against the killer’s parents, has been settled.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Followups on recent cases

Or should we say, cases and casings … Just spent some time on the phone with Detective Nick Bauer from the Southwest Precinct, and he provided updates on some recent cases reported here, as well as a new one for which police could use your eyes and ears:Read More

Crime Watch reader report: Same block hit twice in 3 days

This time, though, arrests are reported, thanks in part to alert neighbors. The report comes from Scott, who was away from home when the burglary happened on Sunday, but says he’s just across the alley from this burglary (7300 block 35th SW) reported here 3 days earlier:

So, from what we’ve heard someone (4 of them) attempted to break into our house today.

They backed their vehicle up our driveway and went around the back to break into a door on the backside of the house, first attempting to get into the side garage window first. While this was happening -3- of our neighbors were already on the phone calling 911 !

The police caught 2 of the guys, both in their early 20s. Obviously our house is being watched!

I’m really surprised that they attempted to hit our house; it’s a lot more open than the house across the alley from us! No trees to block the view of our house, wide-open driveway, and obviously LOTS of neighbors watching!

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 reader reports, plus an update

First reader report: Officers with guns drawn earlier this morning at 46th/Andover. We are checking on that. 9:21 AM UPDATE: Sgt. Jeff Durden at the Southwest Precinct says “911 call of a man in a back yard with a shotgun. Turned out it was only an air rifle and the intent was to shoot a woodpecker.”

Second reader report: Burglary yesterday. Here’s what Joe e-mailed to WSB this morning:

We live on the 7300 block 35th Ave SW, I went home from work to meet a service technician at 12:30 pm and found that we had been burglarized. Entry through broken window. two tvs, two cameras, laptop, misc stuff . One tv was lying on floor as if the burglars were scared off before the were done. This happened between 9:oo am and 12:30 pm and nobody saw anything.

Update: A few folks asked about a followup on the two-car crash at 35th/Thistle the other night. It’s close to impossible to get an update on the victim’s condition — privacy laws have tightened in recent years so media cannot just call up a hospital and say “somebody was brought in from a crash, how are they” — but Sgt. Durden says the crash did NOT turn fatal. As for the cause, he says one of the drivers had run the red light, and was cited.