West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
(Reader photo added, sent by Barbara)
11:58 PM: Police investigating a pickup truck missing a wheel in the 1200 block of Alki Avenue SW discovered it was on fire. SFD is arriving and they’ve now told dispatch it’s “fully involved,” so they’re blocking traffic on Alki Avenue. The person in the pickup is reported to have gotten out. Police said the truck apparently lost its wheel in the 1900 block of Harbor Avenue.
12:27 AM: Thanks to everyone who’s sent images. This short clip is from Tom:
We don’t know the status of the fire but the engine sent by SFD is logged as still being on scene.
12:33 AM: This photo is from Jim:
And according to a related text, the fire’s out.
12:53 AM: Police told dispatch they’re reopening Alki Avenue to traffic.
Police have just reported finding a casing on the westbound West Seattle Bridge, before the Harbor exit, after a driver reported being shot while driving in that area this past hour. The victim is reported to have subsequently driven to Harborview Medical Center; we haven’t heard the extent of his injury, but officers told dispatch that the victim’s car has four bullet holes. They also say the victim described the other vehicle as an electric-blue Toyota Camry, possibly with a black roof. If you have any information on this, call 911.
Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight:
ARBOR HEIGHTS ARREST FOLLOWUP: The man arrested in Arbor Heights on Wednesday after an alleged assault/gun incident that started in Fauntleroy remains in jail tonight. Monday is the deadline for rush-charging the 21-year-old suspect. At an initial hearing Thursday, a judge found probable cause to hold him for investigation of assault and unlawful gun possession; as noted in updates on our original report, he has a felony record, including past cases of unlawful gun possession, and cannot legally be in possession of one. The police-report narrative from the probable-cause document we obtained from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office says this began with a 911 call from someone in the 9200 block of 46th SW, with the dispatcher texting to the officer’s screen that it was an “open line (disturbance with) loud baby crying and male screaming in the background, nobody responding to (the 911 calltaker.” Officers sent to the area found two men who said they were trying to stop a man from assaulting a woman along the street; when they tried to intervene, the man – according to the police report – “started assaulting them and then pulled out a handgun from his shorts and pointed it at (the two who intervened). (They) backed away from (the suspect, who) then left the area while on foot. The woman then got into a white Chrysler and left the area.” Officers found a witness who recorded video of the incident, including the man pulling out a gun. The vehicle was found near 35th/Ocean View shortly thereafter, and police contacted both the woman who was originally reported as an assault victim and a man who appeared to be the same one seen on the video. She told police she had not been assaulted. The two men who had tried to intervene said the suspect was the person who had assaulted them, and he was arrested. The document says police did not find a gun on the suspect but the car was impounded pending a search warrant; results of the search are not mentioned. Prosecutors asked for $100,000 bail and as noted in our previous update, that’s what a judge set. What we also don’t know yet is how this arrest will factor into the suspect’s community custody (parole); that’s his current status after getting out of prison six weeks ago – he was serving time for a conviction related to a Kent incident in 2021.
STOLEN GUN FOUND IN STOLEN CAR: A post on SPD Blotter recounts a West Seattle incident last night in which police say they found a stolen gun in a stolen car near the Southwest Precinct.
On June 20th at 9:46 p.m., patrol officers were alerted to a vehicle in their area that was reported stolen by the Tukwila Police Department.
Police located the occupied vehicle and performed a high-risk traffic stop near the 2400 block of Southwest Webster Street. The suspect attempted to flee, yet the vehicle stalled, and he was unsuccessful. Police quickly apprehended him as he exited the driver’s side door.
Officers recovered the stolen vehicle, and multiple stolen bank cards. Police also recovered an empty holster from the suspect and retrieved a loaded, stolen firearm from inside the vehicle.
Police arrested the 39-year-old man and booked him into King County Jail.
8:34 PM: Thanks for the photo! Police and SDOT were just dispatched to this – a large tree limb falling on a car in the 4700 block of 40th SW, reportedly also blocking the road. No injuries reported.
9:52 PM: Just went through the area; crews are there now.
Another after-school celebration on this last day of the school year – on SW Lander in the block on the south side of Lafayette Elementary, volunteers and local businesses teamed up to help kids learn about street safety. That included a giveaway of 25 bicycle helmets:
Volunteers helped fit them:
The businesses who partnered in the event included Alki Bike and Board, whose proprietor Stu Hennessey was there to help:
While school safety is important everywhere, Lafayette is the only elementary school in West Seattle that’s on a major street in the middle of a business district.
P.S. Other Admiral businesses contributing to the celebration included Bebop Waffle Shop, Menchie’s Admiral, and Good Society.
This was the last day of the school year for pretty much everyone who wasn’t already out of school. That included Seattle Public Schools students – and some had special afterschool celebrations, including Gatewood Elementary‘s traditional plunge at Alki Beach. Thanks to the parent volunteer who sent the pic!
We first introduced you to West Seattle artist/author Danitra Hunter almost four years ago, as she worked on a children’s book featuring a character she created while working at the West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor), Purrdie Burrdie, who encourages kids to love themselves. She launched her book a year later. And kids can get free copies during a series of events Danitra is leading in West Seattle parks for the next four Saturdays:
As shown above, her first event is at Roxhill Park (29th/Barton) tomorrow, 1-5 pm. Thanks to an Art in the Parks grant, Danitra says, these are free family events, all ages welcome.
That’s the wading pool at EC Hughes Playground. When Seattle Parks wading pools start opening for the season tomorrow (Saturday, June 22), it won’t be ready to go. We discovered this while checking the Parks pool-info page – “E.C. Hughes Playground wading pool is closed for repairs.” No explanation, and our subsequent visit to the park (2805 SW Holden) didn’t show anything obviously wrong with the pool, but we did see evidence of some water-related work elsewhere in the park, and Parks spokesperson Christina Hirsch tells us that’s related:
Our Facilities crews are addressing a pipe issue at this location. We replaced a substantial section of the waterline and when we re-energized the system another section failed. We are currently working with a contractor to replace another hundred feet of mainline using vertical boring to avoid a large excavation on the site. We hope to have a schedule for that work next week. Once we get that complete, barring any other issues, we should be able to open things up rapidly.
So for the start of the season, West Seattle will have three wading pools:
–Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), daily starting Saturday, noon-7 pm, last day September 2
–Delridge (4501 Delridge Way SW), Wednesdays-Thursdays-Fridays, noon-5:30 pm, June 26-August 16
–Hiawatha (2700 California SW), Thursdays-Fridays-Saturdays, noon-5:30 pm, June 27-August 17
(When EC Hughes does open, its scheduled open days are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Sundays.) Remember that on cooler days (below 70) the pools generally don’t open; you can check the status every morning by calling 206-684-7796 (recorded info updated by 9:30 am), and we also include wading-pool info in our daily “what’s happening” lists.
P.S. Highland Park Spraypark is already open and continues daily operation, 11 am-8 pm, at 1100 SW Cloverdale, through September 2.
Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes:
EVIDENCE OF GUNFIRE: Numerous reports of possible gunfire came in last night in the 10 pm hour, but officers didn’t find any evidence when checking a few possible areas, nor did any injuries or damage surface. However, according to a dispatch around quarter till 10 this morning, someone found shell casings near 29th/Brandon, one of the possible locations mentioned last night.
MISSING A LICENSE PLATE? Reported by a reader in High Point:
This morning I saw a license plate dumped at the intersection of SW Juneau St and 31st Ave SW (High Point). Washington State, CKH0909.
MISSING A BICYCLE? A reader in Westwood found this bicycle abandoned in an alley:
If you recognize it, email us – westseattleblog@gmail.com – and we’ll connect you.
10:52 AM: Police are closing westbound SW Roxbury in the 28th SW vicinity and eastbound at 30th. They’ve been trying to stop a man who reportedly has been in multiple areas of West Seattle this morning swinging a shovel at people and signs. Officers have also told dispatch he appears to be armed with at least one knife. No injuries reported but avoid the area for a while.
11:09 AM: Our crew reports this is all centered around the service station on the south side of 30th/Roxbury right now (that’s the county side, but this all started in the city, so it’s SPD’s case). Officers are in a standoff with the man, who is by the propane area (right side of the photo above).
11:27 AM: The former Roxhill Elementary building, now home to several Seattle Public Schools programs, is in shelter-in-place, per police radio. (This is the last day of the school year, with one-hour early dismissal scheduled districtwide.)
11:33 AM: Officers just told dispatch that they’ve taken the man into custody. An ambulance that was standing by (for possible [corrected] “involuntary treatment”) is being sent in. An SFD engine too.
11:40 AM: Dispatch has been told that the school building can be told it’s OK to lift shelter-in-place, and that the other area containment will be broken down, which means SW Roxbury should reopen soon.
11:51 AM: Our crew reports the man has been loaded into the ambulance for transport. Meantime, Metro says its buses have resumed travel on Roxbury.
(Osprey, photographed on the West Seattle shore by Stewart L.)
Highlights for the first full day of summer, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
SSC GARDEN CENTER: South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus, until 3 pm.
HIGHLAND PARK SPRAYPARK: Open 11 am-8 pm. Free! (1100 SW Cloverdale)
LOW-LOW TIDE: The next series of low-low tides begins today with -2.6 feet at 11:07 am, and even lower the next three days. Seattle Aquarium beach naturalists are out, too, until 12:30 pm today at Lincoln and Constellation Parks.
LOUD N PROUD: Pride street party on SW 98th in White Center, noon-5 pm.
STOMPED SKATE COMPETITION: Rescheduled competition with 50 skaters happens 2-6 pm at Delridge Skatepark (Delridge/Genesee) – details in our calendar listing.
VISCON CELLARS: The tasting room/wine bar is open tonight for wine by the glass or bottle – 5-9 pm – at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor).
MODE BENEFIT AT THE SKYLARK: “School’s Out” benefit for Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor) must-move-because-of-light-rail fund. 5 pm doors, 6 pm music, all ages, $10 cover. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
POP-UP ART SHOW: 5-7 pm reception opens the “Feather in the Wind” multi-artist show in the space above Alki Arts (6030 California SW).
SOCCER CLINIC WITH JUNCTION FC: 6-8:30 pm, youth soccer players are invited to a clinic with West Seattle Junction FC players and coaches, on the south end of Delridge Playfield (4458 Delridge Way SW). $65 per player; register here.
OPEN MIC AT KENYON HALL: Monthly incubator night, sign up at 6, perform at 6:30, at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW).
SONGWRITERS’ SHOWCASE: Monthly event at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm, all ages, no cover.
AT THE SPOT: Fridays are Live Artist Showcase nights at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way), 7-10 pm.
SEE ‘CLYDE’S’ AT ARTSWEST: 7:30 pm performance at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) – “In this 2022 Tony Award®-Nominated Best Play, creating the perfect sandwich is the shared quest of the formerly incarcerated kitchen staff of Clyde’s, a truck-stop cafe.” Find the ticket link and more info in our calendar listing.
LIVE MUSIC AT JARAYS: Live band Creation, no cover, ~8 pm, at Jarays Grill and Lounge (2216 SW Orchard).
TIMESHIFTED SOLSTICE-SUNSET WATCH: One day after the solstice, the sun should still line up with the path and marker at Solstice Park, and expert skywatcher/educator Alice Enevoldsen will be there tonight to explain, 8:30-9:30 pm, with sunset around 9. (7400 Fauntleroy Way SW, upslope)
REVELRY ROOM DJ: Tonight it’s DJ Joey Roxville, 9 pm-1 am! (4547 California SW)
YOU SKATE, THEY PLAY: “Make It Loud!” returns at Southgate Roller Rink (9646 17th SW), roller skating to live bands, featuring Sinister Six, The Fauxs, Appaloosa​. $18 cover, $5 skate.
YOU’RE THE STAR: 10 pm karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria (4718 California SW).
Something to add to our calendar? westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Before the school year ended, Madison Middle School celebrated its championship winners during lunchtime on Thursday. Above are members of the district-champion volleyball team, as announced onstage by Madison principal Dr. Robert Gary:
Then it was time to cheer members of Madison’s district-champion boys’ soccer team:
As reported here, both teams won their championships a month ago, both vs. Robert Eagle Staff Middle School.
6:03 AM: Good morning! It’s Friday, June 21.
First full day of summer! Sunny, high in the mid-80s (as it was Thursday – 84). Today’s sunrise was at 5:11 am again – earliest of the year, and tomorrow it starts going back the other way – while sunset will be at 9:11 pm and will stay there until June 29.
(Thursday’s sunrise, photographed by Angela Gunn)
-Today is the last day of classes at Seattle Public Schools – one-hour early dismissal. (First day of next school year is Wednesday, September 4.)
*SDOT’s Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon:
*Beach Drive: Gas-pipeline work.
Metro today – Regular schedule; check for advisories here.
Water Taxi today – Regular schedule. Check the real-time map if you need to see where the boat is. Tonight’s Friday, so the schedule runs later.
Washington State Ferries today – The usual 2 boats on the Triangle Route; check WSF alerts for last-minute changes. Use the real-time map to see where your ferry is.
Low bridge: Here’s the main view:
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Orchard), cameras are also at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.
High Bridge – Here’s the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):
1st Ave. S. Bridge:
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are open for vessel traffic.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!