WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Arbor Heights arrest followup; stolen gun found in stolen car

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight:

(Reader photo, Wednesday)

ARBOR HEIGHTS ARREST FOLLOWUP: The man arrested in Arbor Heights on Wednesday after an alleged assault/gun incident that started in Fauntleroy remains in jail tonight. Monday is the deadline for rush-charging the 21-year-old suspect. At an initial hearing Thursday, a judge found probable cause to hold him for investigation of assault and unlawful gun possession; as noted in updates on our original report, he has a felony record, including past cases of unlawful gun possession, and cannot legally be in possession of one. The police-report narrative from the probable-cause document we obtained from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office says this began with a 911 call from someone in the 9200 block of 46th SW, with the dispatcher texting to the officer’s screen that it was an “open line (disturbance with) loud baby crying and male screaming in the background, nobody responding to (the 911 calltaker.” Officers sent to the area found two men who said they were trying to stop a man from assaulting a woman along the street; when they tried to intervene, the man – according to the police report – “started assaulting them and then pulled out a handgun from his shorts and pointed it at (the two who intervened). (They) backed away from (the suspect, who) then left the area while on foot. The woman then got into a white Chrysler and left the area.” Officers found a witness who recorded video of the incident, including the man pulling out a gun. The vehicle was found near 35th/Ocean View shortly thereafter, and police contacted both the woman who was originally reported as an assault victim and a man who appeared to be the same one seen on the video. She told police she had not been assaulted. The two men who had tried to intervene said the suspect was the person who had assaulted them, and he was arrested. The document says police did not find a gun on the suspect but the car was impounded pending a search warrant; results of the search are not mentioned. Prosecutors asked for $100,000 bail and as noted in our previous update, that’s what a judge set. What we also don’t know yet is how this arrest will factor into the suspect’s community custody (parole); that’s his current status after getting out of prison six weeks ago – he was serving time for a conviction related to a Kent incident in 2021.

STOLEN GUN FOUND IN STOLEN CAR: A post on SPD Blotter recounts a West Seattle incident last night in which police say they found a stolen gun in a stolen car near the Southwest Precinct.

On June 20th at 9:46 p.m., patrol officers were alerted to a vehicle in their area that was reported stolen by the Tukwila Police Department.

Police located the occupied vehicle and performed a high-risk traffic stop near the 2400 block of Southwest Webster Street. The suspect attempted to flee, yet the vehicle stalled, and he was unsuccessful. Police quickly apprehended him as he exited the driver’s side door.

Officers recovered the stolen vehicle, and multiple stolen bank cards. Police also recovered an empty holster from the suspect and retrieved a loaded, stolen firearm from inside the vehicle.

Police arrested the 39-year-old man and booked him into King County Jail.

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Arbor Heights arrest followup; stolen gun found in stolen car"

  • Carpenterant June 22, 2024 (3:29 pm)

    Isn’t the address right behind Endolyne Joe’s?  Not really Arbor Heights…

    • WSB June 22, 2024 (4:10 pm)

      The arrest was in Arbor Heights (35th/Ocean View) and that’s where it drew the most attention (in terms of people contacting us with tips/questions, police spending hours at the scene, etc.), so that’s why we decided to describe it as the Arbor Heights arrest in the short followup headline here -original story, when we didn’t have much information on what had happened, was “Fauntleroy incident leads to Arbor Heights arrest.”

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