West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
52 weeks have now passed since the Friday night when the first King County case of COVID-19 was announced – February 28 2020. Here are tonight’s updates:
ONE YEAR LATER: King County Executive Dow Constantine joined County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin‘s weekly briefing. They looked back and ahead. Though the pandemic has taken a tragic toll, Constantine also noted that while ours is the 13th largest out of the nation’s 97 large metropolitan areas, it is 96th in per-capita case count, behind only O’ahu, HI. Dr. Duchin declared, “The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.” You can watch the video here.
KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here are the latest stats from the Public Health daily-summary page, cumulative totals:
*81,918 people have tested positive, 132 more than yesterday’s total
*1,380 people have died, 7 more than yesterday’s total
*5,084 people have been hospitalized, 4 fewer than yesterday’s total (data adjustment)
*900,647 people have been tested, 1,181 more than yesterday’s total
Now, our weekly check of key numbers on the COVID Vaccination Among King County Residents dashboard:
*327,087 people have received one dose
*166,236 people have received both doses
*546,035 doses have been allocated to King County
One week ago, the first four totals were 80,859/1,345/5,062/887,461, and the vaccination totals were 301,938/125,444/466,575.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 113.4 million cases, 2,517,000+ deaths – see the nation-by-nation numbers here.
JOHNSON & JOHNSON VACCINE ON BRINK OF APPROVAL: As soon as tomorrow, the U.S. could have a third vaccine option, the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which cleared another hurdle today.
IF YOU’RE SEEKING VACCINE … thanks to everyone who continues to message us with things to check out. Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy in The Junction expects to get vaccine within the next few weeks, its manager told us by phone, so check there for appointments … Local Safeways notified mailing-list subscribers today that they will be offering appointments … Daily options continue changing on volunteer-compiled covidwa.com … The city now has a standby list for people 65+ who would be able to drop everything and go to a city-run clinic if there are leftover doses at day’s end – the registration page explains.
IF YOU NEED TESTING SATURDAY: The city’s West Seattle test site (2801 SW Thistle) continues to be open on Saturdays.
GOT INFO OR PHOTOS? westseattleblog@gmail.com or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!
Thanks for the texted/tweeted photos of the hail/thunder shower that just moved through (the scene above is from Highland Park).
What the hail?! @westseattleblog Arbor Heights pic.twitter.com/r3GTeX6Gfi
— Heather Dunn (@dunnbydunn3) February 27, 2021
Brad shows us these weren’t just little ice pellets:
Hard to believe, but tomorrow’s forecast is still “mostly sunny.” Then again, it was a promising sunset, as Marc Milrod‘s photo shows:
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Bridge updates spanned much of this month’s West Seattle Transportation Coalition meeting – the West Seattle high bridge and low bridge, and the 1st Avenue South Bridge. Last night’s online attendees also heard about an aerial alternative.
First, the bridge briefing:
(Thursday photo by David Hutchinson)
After a veterinarian examined the Bald Eagle that was listlessly hanging around Don Armeni Boat Ramp on Thursday, we now have word on what’s wrong with it. Via email, the PAWS wildlife-rehab facility‘s spokesperson Laura Follis tells WSB:
On intake, she was standing, alert, and defensive, but bloodwork noted a severe anemia with bleeding from her gastrointestinal tract. She received a blood transfusion and is being cared for by PAWS wildlife veterinary and rehabilitation team. Her prognosis is very guarded at this time and we are hopeful for her recovery.
(Thursday photo by Kersti Muul)
The safe capture of the ailing bird involved local wildlife advocates as well as officers from the state Department of Fish and Wildlife and Seattle Police. Bald Eagles are often seen in the area, but won’t often just linger on the ground the way this one did unless there’s something wrong.
Thanks for the tips! West Seattle muralist Desmond Hansen is working on another signal-box mural – this time on the northwest corner of 35th/Barton, by Super Deli Mart. The portrait is of Trevon McKoy, also known as hip-hop musician JuiceTheGod. Mr. McKoy was just 21 when he was murdered on lower Queen Anne three years ago; fans, friends, and family had a long-running memorial in the Westwood neighborhood where he lived with his grandmother. Hansen’s previous signal-box portraits include tributes to other musicians gone too soon, starting with Jimi Hendrix, painted at California/Fauntleroy three years ago.
Two more West Seattle Crime Watch notes today:
ARBOR HEIGHTS EARLY-MORNING SWAT RESPONSE: Some questions this morning about a SWAT response in Arbor Heights, near California/100th. The CSI vehicle above was still there when we went by at midmorning but the only officers we found were plainclothes detectives who told us they could not speak with media. So far the only information we have been able to found out is that it involved a warrant from outside the Southwest Precinct.
STOLEN BICYCLE: The photo and report are from Henry:
We noticed our bike was stolen today. It was locked to the staircase and the lock chain was cut open. It’s a pink Specialized Sirrus 2.0. Must have happened in the last few days, we’ve been home and didn’t hear anything.
This happened in the 6600 block of SW Admiral Way and has been reported to police.
In case you missed it in our calendar and nightly roundups – Highland Park Elementary is hosting a food-box distribution event right now, until 5 pm. All welcome. It’s outside the school, which is at 1012 SW Trenton – face covering required.
Last Saturday, we published a reader report from Barrett, wondering about a furred animal part that turned up in his Admiral yard. Others offered theories, and he pursued with wildlife experts. Here’s what he heard back:
The Woodland Park Zoo confirmed that it is in fact partial remains of a black bear. They offered 2 possible explanations. The first is that it was hunted and brought to West Seattle to be processed. These remains could be waste scavenged from the hunter’s property. Since it is way outside bear hunting season for Washington, this has been reported to WDFW. The second explanation the zoo put forth is that the bear traveled here from the east side and deceased from any number of urban hazards. Another great idea I’ve heard from a few people now is that the remains were dropped by a large bird of prey. This is a pretty good catch-all theory…and as a bonus it preserves some faith in humanity.
So the mystery is partly solved. (We have had a few past bear sightings …)
Pickleball is popular – and you have a new option for where to play in West Seattle. The photo and announcement were sent by Verne:
Lifelong Recreation, in coordination with a program called Rec ’N the Streets, is offering a new playing option at Delridge Community Center courts.
Every Wednesday from 11 – 1 p.m. all four pickleball courts are being reserved for pickleball play. They are hoping to entice players to use these courts and to introduce new players to the game. Nets have been purchased, along with paddles and balls as well as some bright reflective court markers to help players see the court lines better.
Got a friend that wants to learn to play? Have them show up on Wednesdays at Delridge, 11 am-1 pm. Got some teens who need to get some PE credit? bring em to Delridge on Wednesdays.
It only lasts till mid April. Proper social distancing and masks are required.
The courts are next to the community center at 4501 Delridge Way SW.
(Added: Sound Transit meeting video)
Right now, Sound Transit is looking at a possible $11 billion “affordability gap” between the projected cost of what it has planned for the next two decades – including West Seattle light rail – and the projected funding it can count on.
So – as we’ve been reporting since last June – ST is moving toward “realignment” this summer – potentially delaying or downsizing some of the projects for which construction has not begun.
On Thursday, ST staff presented the board with “illustrative scenarios” – stressing repeatedly that these were NOT recommendations or even potential precise options – just the type of scenario that could help cover the gap. Here’s the full slide deck:
They started the discussion with a quick recap of finances, complicated by the January news that not only are revenues down, but projected project costs are up. An independent consultant is reviewing those projected project costs right now, and while the final report isn’t expected until April, they’re presenting a status report at next week’s meeting of the board’s Executive Committee.
Potential state and federal funding increases were recapped by CEO Paul Rogoff and chief financial officer =Tracy Butler. She also pointed out what ST could pursue with voter approval in its jurisdiction (parts of King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties) – an increased debt limit, and/or a $2/month employee head tax.
At that point, board member Claudia Balducci, chair of the King County Council, spoke up to say what she’s said before – she feels this is all premature, that it is way too soon to make huge decisions (from changing projects to possibly asking voters to approve a tax) when the future financial picture is very much in motion.
The presentation proceeded after that. ST’s Don Billen showed four tiers into which the projects could be categorized – or phases of projects, with potential delay timelines. See the full slide deck above for the full systemwide look; of note for our area, one possible scenario could involve completing light rail to Delridge first, then adding Delridge-Junction a few years later.
Right now, pending “realignment,” light rail to West Seattle is supposed to open in 2031, a one-year delay from what the ST3 ballot measure envisioned. ST staff said the potential delays in the “illustrative scenarios” are from the original ST3 timeline, so a two-year delay, for example, would mean 2032.
WHAT’S NEXT: The aforementioned Executive Committee discussion of the project-cost review status is set for next Thursday (March 4th), 10:30 am. Watch for the agenda and viewing info here. The realignment decision is expected in summer. Before then, ST promises “public engagement” this spring.
10:34 AM: Above, that’s Lauren‘s 2010 4Runner, stolen around 1:30-2 am in the Roxhill area. Beefy and lifted. Plate 194ZRE. Call 911 if you see it. (UPDATE: Found.)
ADDED 11:47 AM: Another stolen-vehicle report just in via email:
Wesley says this pickup was stolen “from Admiral District on Wednesday night. 2017 Ram 1500 w/ Karavan Utility 5×12 trailer. Truck has full-width, black “EVO” pad on tailgate for carrying bikes. 2″ lift, knobby Cooper A/T tires. Truck plate is C80179U – trailer plate is 5235QJ.”
Earlier this month, we shared a call for local student writers and artists to send in work for a zine that Lauren Grosskopf of West Seattle-based nonprofit literary press Pleasure Boat Studio plans to publish, In case a young writer/artist in your household missed the announcement, she’s extended the deadline to next Tuesday (March 2nd). It’ll be “a small magazine of kids art, comics, poetry, writing for elementary and middle-school ages.” From the original announcement:
Kids can send in anything they’ve done that they like, or make something new. It will be in full color. This may be a one-time thing or I may put one out yearly depending.
Please send high-res JPEGS or PDFs to:
Lauren Grosskopf, Publisher/Designer
She’s publishing the zine to celebrate “children’s creativity and expression.”
6:07 AM: Good morning. Windy forecast again today. Showers likely too.
(Thursday photo at Alki by Don Brubeck)
ROAD WORK: Delridge project – here’s where this week’s work is happening. … Sylvan Way will have lane closures next Monday-Tuesday … New dates for the upcoming 1st Avenue South Bridge work …
TRANSIT: Metro is on its regular routes. … The Water Taxi is on its regular schedule … Cathlamet has rejoined Kittitas on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry route after repairs were finished faster than expected.
BRIDGES AND DETOUR ROUTES: 340th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here’s how things are looking on other bridges and routes:
Low Bridge: Seventh week for automated enforcement cameras, while restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily. Here’s a bridge view:
West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:
Highland Park Way/Holden – with a new left-turn signal for northbound HP Way, turning to westbound Holden:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):
For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:
To check for bridges’ marine-traffic openings, see the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.
See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.
Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.