REMINDER: West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force today, WS ‘town hall’ tomorrow

A quick reminder about two major city-convened events today and tomorrow:

TODAY – WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE COMMUNITY TASK FORCE: Noon-2:30 pm, it’s the 5th meeting of this advisory group with more than three dozen members, from community-group reps to elected officials. Details for watching are in the preview we published yesterday. Just in – here’s the agenda.

THURSDAY – MAYOR’S ‘TOWN HALL’ FOR WEST SEATTLE: 5 pm tomorrow, the mayor, police chief, and other city officials will lead an online “town hall” with Q&A – our announcement from Monday has details.

2 Replies to "REMINDER: West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force today, WS 'town hall' tomorrow"

  • Sillygoose July 22, 2020 (2:19 pm)

    Giving special priority to cross the bridge is corrupt, its all or nothing.  Hundreds of citizens work within proximity to the low bridge why only give special crossing rights to long shoremen?  

  • ADB July 22, 2020 (3:20 pm)

    Did they give up on talking about healthcare workers?  My wife and I work in ICUs that take care of COVID patients, and are advised to not use public transportation. Potential transmission both ways: I have a high risk exposure at work or get an exposure on transit, it’s a 14 day quarantine even if you test negative. I could potentially get a whole ICU team put into a 2 week quarantine. Nothing better than slogging through traffic to get to your 12hr shift already stressed out. 

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