day : 18/07/2020 8 results

CORONAVIRUS: Saturday 7/18 roundup

On a clear midsummer night, here’s the latest on the virus crisis:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here are the cumulative totals from Public Health‘s daily-summary dashboard:

*12,991 people have tested positive, 184 more than yesterday

*632 people have died, 8 more than yesterday

*1,800 people have been hospitalized, 10 more than yesterday

*238,207 people have been tested, 6,369 more than yesterday

One week ago, those totals were 11,771/603/1,687/202,902.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 14.2 million people have tested positive, and more than 601,000 have died. Most cases: U.S., Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa – same top two as last week, but India has moved up to #3, and South Africa edged Peru out of the top five. See the breakdown, nation by nation, here.

FOLLOWUP:After reporting last night that an employee at The Kenney had tested positive for COVID-19, we talked today with the Chief Clinical Officer for the parent company, Heritage Ministries. He told us two others – an employee and a resident – had previously tested positive. The update’s added to our Friday night report.

WAITING FOR YOUR TEST RESULT? Public Health Seattle-King County has advice.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Heavy … and stolen

From the “thieves will take anything” department, a brief reader report emailed by Cary: “25 concrete deck footing were stolen from our back alley in the 5400 block of 46th SW sometime after midnight.”

West Seattle Bridge updates and more @ Morgan Community Association

The Morgan Community Association has met for the first time since the pandemic wiped out in-person gatherings, convening via teleconference and phone this past Wednesday. Busy agenda as always for the MoCA quarterly meetings, starting with the peninsula’s biggest topic of the year:

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE/RECONNECT WEST SEATTLE: Madison Linkenmeyer and Michael Harold from SDOT were guests. Harold, noting that he is a Morgan Junction resident, started by recapping the newest info about the low bridge, while insisting it is NOT believed to be at “imminent risk.” The strengthening plans are a “take no chances” precaution, Harold said. He also said they’re considering expanding access – even though the low bridge is already “exceeding capacity” at times:

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BIZNOTE: Lady Jaye to debut ‘General Store’ on Sundays

Tomorrow, Lady Jaye in The Junction tries something new – a “General Stor” retail offering “starting on Farmers Market Sundays, where we will be featuring super unique cuts of meat as well as meat and cocktail accessories. This Sunday will be our soft opening and we have the pleasure of featuring actual Wagyu beef from Magnolia Cattle Company out of Bothell. They only have 2 cows for the entire year.” Lady Jaye’s announcement describes what they plan to sell, starting at 11 am Sunday, as “28-day dry-aged 100% FULL BLOOD Wagyu beef … known for a higher percentage of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids as well as more mono-unsaturated fats than any other beef in the world. Also a lower melting point provides a much better mouth feel. … We will be highlighting ground beef and an assortment of cuts in various sizes from one cow each Sunday starting at 11:00 AM until sold out. These are the only 2 cows available in the whole state for the entire year (maybe 2 years).” Lady Jaye is at 4523 California SW.

UPDATE: Emergency response near Fauntleroy ferry dock

2:13 PM: Avoid Fauntleroy Way near the ferry dock for a while – Seattle Fire medics are tending to an injured bicyclist in the southbound lane just north of the dock. Though it was initially reported as a collision, police subsequently told dispatch “this is medical, NOT a collision.”

2:56 PM: The call is closed, so the street should be clear.

SCOUTS: West Seattle’s Troop 284 staying active, safely

The photo and report are from Eric Linxweiler with Troop 284:

This past weekend, Troop 284 held another “virtual campout” complete with skits, campfires, and tents (in scouts’ backyards) and some safe outdoor activities. In working to earn the Historic Trails award, we explored Camp Long. which was originally built for scouts and has many legacy projects left over from service over the years. We also had scouts in Schmitz Park and Duwamish Site 1 as well, and rotating through the parks – again to keep group sizes down.

It’s great to see Scouts – boys and girls – continuing on through what’s been a very underwhelming summer so far (all camps have been canceled, including a planned trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico).

When last we heard from Troop 284 at the end of May, they had followed up a virtual campout by joining the cleanup downtown.

COMET-WATCHING: Looking for NEOWISE from West Seattle this weekend

(Photo by Andrew Reddaway)

Seen Comet NEOWISE yet? Tonight should be another chance, with clear weather expected to continue. It’s Once it’s gone from view, that’s it for another 6,000+ years, so you might as well take advantage of it. Thanks to sky-watcher/educator Alice Enevoldsen for more images, made with Stellarium, on where to look in the sky – these two were for midnight last night/4 am this morning so the position should be close:

And just in case you don’t get out to see it – here’s another view from earlier this week:

(Photo by John Hinkey)

You can read Alice’s overall comet-watching guidance here.

REGISTER NOW! Live local online event: ‘Before Seattle Was a City’

July 18, 2020 7:02 am
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(WSB file photo)

Though its Log House Museum still can’t reopen for visitors, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society remains busy finding ways to share our area’s history with you. Here’s the next event:

The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is pleased to announce our latest virtual program. On Thursday, July 23rd, at 6:30 pm. we will be offering a live panel discussion of historical experts. You may have heard that this year’s historic home tour features the oldest house in Seattle … the Maynard House on Alki! This August we will be bringing you a special virtual experience to explore the house and the lives of Doc and Catherine Maynard. But before Doc and Catherine arrived in Washington Territory in the 1850s, the area that would become Seattle already had a rich history. We invite you to join our panel discussion to explore what was going on … before Seattle was a city.

What world did Doc and Catherine step into when they arrived in the Puget Sound area? What did the landscape of the 1850s look like? Who were the political players? What was the relationship between the colonial settlers and Indigenous peoples like?

Our panelists will explore those questions and more. We are pleased to include Ken Workman, 4-times great-grandson of Chief Seattle as one of our panelists. Tasia Williams, Curator of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, will moderate the discussion. We will be announcing our other panelists soon!

Register here.

Ticket price is “donate what you can.”