9:04 AM: Seattle Fire has sent a full response to what they’re reporting as a “fire in a vacant house” on 18th SW near Thistle.
9:07 AM: Arriving crews confirm it’s a “working fire.”
9:11 AM: Radio traffic indicates this house was on SFD’s radar even before this, as they’re describing it as a “derelict building” and saying the house is a “no-entry zone.” They have water on the fire from “a safe distance away from the building.”
9:14 AM: Now firefighters are going in.
9:17 AM: Our crew has arrived; adding photos. Fire is reported under control and SFD says no one’s hurt.
9:21 AM: Neighbors tell us this house has been vacant for quite a while, and that squatters are often seen coming and going.
9:32 AM: The house’s owner is on scene too and says he’s been trying to keep it locked up. Meantime, SFD has the fire out in the basement but is still working on other areas of the house.
9:43 AM: Firefighters are starting to wrap up the response (which is a gradual process).
ADDED MONDAY: So far, investigators are ruling the cause of the fire “undetermined.”