day : 12/07/2020 9 results

CORONAVIRUS: Sunday 7/12 roundup

Four months ago today, a slew of closure announcements – from schools to libraries. And the virus crisis isn’t over yet. Tonight’s toplines:

KING COUNTY’S NEWEST NUMBERS: First, the cumulative totals from the Public Health daily-summary dashboard:

*11,945 people have tested positive, up 174 from yesterday

*604 people have died, up 1 from yesterday

*1,693 people have been hospitalized, up 6 from yesterday

*207,497 people have been tested, up 4,595 from yesterday

One week ago, the totals were 11,014/590/1,616/187,647.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 12.8 million cases and more than 568,000 deaths – see the nation-by-nation breakdown here.

STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT APOLOGY: This announcement was sent to the DOH media list today:

On Friday, July 10, the Washington State Department of Health became aware that we may have sent COVID-19-related text messages and emails in error.

While training staff on a new data-sharing platform for case investigations and contact tracing, we neglected to disable the ability for texts and emails to leave the test environment. The result is that randomly created phone numbers and emails, with no connection to public health data, may have received messages between late May and early July. The number of texts and emails sent in error is less than 50.

Once we discovered this error, we identified which of the random emails and phone numbers could have actually received a message. This afternoon, we sent a follow-up message about the errors, asking people to disregard any text or email they received. We also provided a webpage with more information and an email address for any follow-up questions they might have. We deeply regret any inconvenience or worry we may have caused.

CAMP SECOND CHANCE: West Seattle’s only tiny-house encampment remains COVID-19-free, its site coordinator said at today’s Community Advisory Committee meeting.

PARKING-ENFORCEMENT REMINDER: Tomorrow’s the day that the city plans to reinstate some parking rules that were suspended because of the pandemic – including most time limits, and charging at pay-station spaces.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

WEDNESDAY: Morgan Community Association meets, online

July 12, 2020 8:36 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

The Morgan Community Association skipped April’s quarterly meeting because of COVID-19 but is joining the online-convening world for its meeting this Wednesday (7 pm July 15th). Here’s the agenda and how to attend:

Welcome and Introductions

· Meet Alex Hagenah, new MoCA Secretary

Passages: Eldon Olson

Morgan Minute Updates

· MJ members affirm ‘Black Lives Matter’ in the WS June 5 march
· Community Problem Solvers – District 1 Community Network (D1CN)
· West Seattle ArtWalk – Virtually in Morgan Junction
· Morgan Junction Festival – Save the date for 2021
· Welcoming…

New Business

· WS Bridge Closure & Reconnect West Seattle – SDOT
· WS Bridge Now
· Showing Morgan Some Love
· West Seattle Covid-19 Support

Surprise Guests

Old Business

· MoCA Non-Profit update
· Emergency Preparedness during COVID
· Morgan Junction Parks & Projects

Here’s the July 15, 2020 MoCA meeting link.
Meeting ID: 222 985 415
Password: 625318 (only needed if you manually enter the meeting number)

Call-in only info:

Phone number: 669-900-6833

Same meeting ID and password for phone as for video.

WEST SEATTLE BIRDS: 7 feathered friends

Before we get back to the news … a break for online birding.

First, two from Mark Wangerin – above, a Barred Owlet; below, a Black-headed Grosbeak:

Next, a Wilson’s Warbler, photographed by Mark MacDonald:

Robin Sinn sent the next two photos – a Great Blue Heron

And a White-crowned Sparrow:

Finally, two backyard sightings – Alex has made friends with Fluffy the Steller’s Jay:

And Lise Thivierge spotted a Brown-headed Cowbird – which has a distinctive gurgling call:

All the bird-species names above link to BirdWeb pages where you can hear as well as see the birds!

CAMP SECOND CHANCE: Updates from Community Advisory Committee’s July meeting

Next Saturday will mark exactly 4 years since Camp Second Chance arrived on Myers Way, originally an unauthorized tent camp, eventually a city-sanctioned tiny-house village. The anniversary was mentioned briefly during this afternoon’s meeting of the CSC Community Advisory Committee. The committee usually meets on the first Sunday of the month, but pushed the date back a week because of the holiday.

CAMP UPDATE: Camp co-founder and site coordinator Eric Pattin said the camp currently has 55 residents – 37 men and 18 women; 2 people have exited to housing, and 6 new residents have moved in. Camp operator LIHI and Operation Sack Lunch is bringng hot food to the camp. … Josh Castle from LIHI said the new business tax approved by the City Council will help fund affordable housing and services. They’re advocating for budget measures next Wednesday to cover tiny-house encampments as well as permanent affordable housing. There are public-comment opportunities (online) next Monday and Wednesday. … We asked if there had been any COVID-19 cases at the camp; no, said Pattin. Everyone was tested “a month or two” back. Do new arrivals get tested before being referred? No one was certain whether that was part of the Navigation Team’s referral process; camp co-founder Eric Davis said it should be. … LIHI and Fauntleroy UCC are still talking about the official role the church will have with the camp, Castle said, since the recent change in city law means the original plan for partnership is no longer necessary to keep the camp from having to move,

CAC MEMBERS’ UPDATES: Chair Willow Fulton, who lives near the camp, reports “some activity on Myers Way” near the camp that appears to be city equipment storage on a site the size of the camp. No city rep was in attendance so no one was available to clarify; LIHI’s Castle will investigate. Meantime, she along with dumping on the east side of that street, noise, and racing problems. …Member Cinda Stenger thanked the camp for donating an oveerflow of donated men’s clothing, which she says has been given to the King County Drug Court‘s rehab program … Member Grace Stiller says the Myers Way weed-removal project is under way and “going terrifically well,” removing mostly blackberry and tansy after an online training session. The project, funded by a grant, is likely to continue through Saturdays in August.

COMMUNITY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS: In addition to the aforementioned COVID-testing discussion, there was a question about how LIHI is preparing for a possible surge in homelessness when the eviction moratorium expires. Advocating for the city to extend the moratorium, and to spend more on affordable housing, is something community members can do, Castle said. The King County Council meeting on Tuesday afternoon is another policy-advocacy opportunity, he said.

NEXT MEETING: The CAC will meet again at 2 pm Sunday, August 2nd.

Power outage in Westwood

Thanks for the tips. The Seattle City Light map shows 26 customers without electricity because of an outage in the Westwood Village vicinity. No word yet on the cause; though the map suggests a late-night restoration estimate, remember that those estimates are just guesses – could be a lot sooner or a lot later.

BIZNOTE: Another local place to buy West Seattle-made Rebellyous Foods nuggets

We’ve been updating the saga of Rebellyous Foods, makers of vegetarian “chicken” nuggets, since they moved to the West Seattle Triangle last year. Newest update: Another local place to buy them – West Seattle Thriftway (4201 SW Morgan; WSB sponsor). That makes 14 retail outlets around the city (all listed here, and also including Wildwood Market in Fauntleroy). When we first reported on Rebellyous Foods, they were only making nuggets for commercial food-service clients, but earlier this year they branched out into retail.

CONGRATULATIONS! Another Seattle AAUW scholarship for Anna Nguyen

Congratulations to University of Washington student and Chief Sealth International High School alum Anna Nguyen! Here’s the announcement:

For a second year, the Seattle Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) has awarded a college scholarship of more than $5,000 to Anna Nguyen, a West Seattle resident and 2019 South Seattle College graduate. Ms. Nguyen is working toward a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health-Global Health and Sociology at UW-Seattle and plans on a career in health administration.

The mission of AAUW is to advance gender equity and economic security for women and their families, through education, advocacy and research. Find out more about the organization at

WEST SEATTLE SUNDAY: Online church services, plus 6 other notes for today

(Saturday photo by Carolyn Newman)

Here’s our list of what’s happening today, starting with updated links for West Seattle churches’ online services – most livestreamed, some not:

ADMIRAL UCC: Find today’s worship video here.

ALKI UCC: 10 am online service via Zoominfo and link on church’s home page.

ALL SOULS SEATTLE (WSB sponsor): Online worship is viewable here.

BETHANY COMMUNITY CHURCH: Livestreaming for West Seattle here at 9:30 am.

CALVARY CHAPEL: Service will be viewable here, plus 11 am fellowship via Zoom, 6 pm all-church prayer and 7 pm evening worship (info on home page).

THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS: West Seattle Ward has Sunday services via Zoom at 10 am, one hour long, all welcome. They last an hour. Here’s the link.

EASTRIDGE CHURCH: Livestreaming here at 9 am and 11 am.

FAUNTLEROY UCC: (updated) Service available later today on the church’s YouTube channel.

FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF WEST SEATTLE: Today’s online liturgy is here.

GRACE CHURCH: Livestreaming here, 10:30 am.

HALLOWS CHURCH: Streaming at 10 am via the church’s YouTube channel.

HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH: Livestreaming in English at 8:30 am, en Español at 10 am, all here. (Also holding some in-person Masses – registration required.)

HOLY ROSARY CATHOLIC CHURCH: Livestreaming at (updated) 8:30 am and 10:30 am here. (In-person Masses have resumed, registration required.)

HOPE LUTHERAN: Today’s worship service and children’s story are viewable here.

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH: Livestreaming at 10 am, here. (In-person Saturday Masses have been added – registration required.)

PEACE LUTHERAN: Livestreaming at 10:30 am on YouTube.

ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Viewable on YouTube: All Ages Sunday School at 10 am, Morning Prayer at 10:15 am (here’s today’s bulletin), Kids’ Club at 11:30 am.

TIBBETTS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (WSB sponsor): The video service for today is here.

TRINITY CHURCH: Livestreaming here, 10 am.

WEST SEATTLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: The video service for today is viewable here.

WEST SEATTLE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE: Livestreaming here, 9 am.

WEST SIDE PRESBYTERIAN Livestreaming at 10 am on the church’s YouTube channel.

WESTSIDE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION: Livestreaming at 10:30 am – information’s here, 10:30 am.

WESTWOOD CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Online worship at 11 am; info here.

Any other churches to add? Please email us – – thank you!

Also today:

(Saturday photo by Keith Enevoldsen, who explains, “Rainbow with supernumerary arcs”)

ROAD-WORK REMINDER: The closure of S. Michigan between E. Marginal and 4th Ave. S. – just off the 1st Ave. S. Bridge – is scheduled to continue today. You can check the status via this “live” camera.

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm. Scroll down the page at this link to find the vendor list and map for this week. (Enter at California/Alaska)

FOOD DRIVE & OUTDOOR MUSIC: Alki UCC has an invitation for you today:

Summer Outdoor Concert from Noon to 1:00 pm
Alki UCC Patio and Lawn at 6115 SW Hinds

Bring a brown bag lunch or just stop by to enjoy some sweet Sunday tunes … music from the church with Betsy Stelzer. Face masks are required and social distancing observed; free-will donations welcome. Bring your own lawn chair or ground covering. Sunday’s concert coincides with our ongoing outdoor Summer Food Donations Drives.

10:00 am to 3:00 pm: Feeding hungry kids is our focus this summer. In addition to regular contributions of non-perishable food and other items, special requests include Fruit Cups and Rollups, Gogurt, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Protein Bars, Mac and Cheese, Cereal, Ramen Noodles and Pasta/Sauce. Toilet Paper, Diapers (all sizes), Similac Formula, Cleaning Supplies, Hand Sanitizer and Baby Wipes are always welcome.

A huge shout-out to our generous community, who has donated more than $10,000 worth of food and other supplies to the White Center Food Bank through our ongoing in-person Food Drives. Your contributions benefit our vulnerable neighbors in need, those who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID 19.

WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Open 11 am-4 pm – need a tool to fix or improve something? (4408 Delridge Way SW)

CAMP SECOND CHANCE COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 2 pm, monthly meeting for updates about the tiny-house encampment in southeast West Seattle. It’s an online meeting; our announcement from last week includes info on how to monitor/participate.

FREE TO-GO DINNER – NEW LOCATION: White Center Community Dinner Church will serve to-go meals at 5 pm, outside, near the Bartell Drugs parking lot in White Center, SW Roxbury St. & 15th Ave. SW (9600 15th Ave SW)

UPDATE: Seattle Fire ‘full response’ in 6500 block of 16th SW

July 12, 2020 12:16 am
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12:16 AM: A reported “fire between two houses” has Seattle Fire sending a “full response” to the 6500 block of 16th SW (map). First crews report a “working fire.” Updates to come.

12:20 AM: Firefighters confirm that the fire is between two houses but has not spread to either.

12:23 AM: SFD says the fire’s out.