West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
It’s going to be a busy offseason at Alki. Seattle Parks has a variety of projects planned, according to information forwarded by David Hutchinson. He explains:
Representatives of the Alki Community Council recently met with Seattle Parks staff at the Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza to discuss future maintenance plans for the site. The ACC was instrumental in the creation of a dedicated maintenance fund for the Plaza through the sale of bricks and plaques.
We asked if there were any plans in the works involving an ADA ramp in the area, as this had been mentioned in the past.
And indeed, it turns out there are.
As the flyer above indicates, work is planned near and at the Bathhouse and the 63rd SW restroom building – this is separate from the plan to replace the other freestanding restroom building at 57th SW next year. Parks told the ACC they expect work to start the week of September 16th.
It’s a Labor Day tradition at the Alki Masonic Lodge in The Junction – raising a new flag to fly over the center, and retiring the old one. The Masons were assisted today by Darrell Pilat and John Bernritter from VFW Post 1263:
Soprano Barbara Smith Jones was there to sing the national anthem:
And the VFW presented the poem “Freedom Is Not Free”:
This was the eighth year for the ceremony, which started in 2012 after the lodge’s flagpole was renovated.
Though Wednesday is the biggest “back to school” day this week, hundreds of local students start classes tomorrow (Tuesday, September 3rd). Here’s the list:
Holy Rosary Catholic School
Hope Lutheran School
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School
(added) The Bridge School
Vashon Island School District
Let us know if we missed anyone!
Though it’s not contiguous to the main project zone, resurfacing of the steep SW Charlestown hill west of California is bundled with the Avalon/35th repaving-and-more project. In the most recent project update, SDOT warned that the “high-friction-surface treatments” would be happening in the next few weeks. Today nearby resident Chuck shared the news that neighbors have been told the work is scheduled for Wednesday-Thursday (September 4-5), 9 am-3 pm, which means a closure of the hill in the 46th-47th vicinity.
Thanks to Jessica for the photo and word of local kids at 34th/Elmgrove, celebrating Labor Day by selling the fruit of their labors – literally! “They are selling lots of produce out of their home gardens which include beans, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, flowers and lemonade,” for at least another hour or two.
Via Twitter, @DuePNW pointed out that HistoryLink is noting the 60th anniversary of a West Seattle murder that remains unsolved to this day: The bomb that killed Pearl Kongsle on September 2, 1959. The case has remained open all these years; three years ago, we featured Mark Jaroslaw‘s video spotlighting an SPD “cold case” detective who was making one last try as he got ready to retire:
Dateline West Seattle: The coldest Cold Case from JaroslawMedia on Vimeo.
The site where this happened, at 46th/Othello, is planned for redevelopment.
Now that it’s September, it’s not just back-to-school time, but also back-to-work time for many volunteer community-involvement groups. The first to meet after summer hiatus: The Southwest District Council, whose members represent neighborhood organizations and nonprofits from around (mostly) western West Seattle. Focus of the SWDC’s Wednesday (September 4) 6:30 pm meeting:
The meeting topic will be Seattle’s plans for West Seattle green space, status of current projects, budgeting, and how the community can be more involved.
SWDC meets at the Senior Center/Sisson Building (4217 SW Oregon); everyone’s welcome.
(Steller’s Jay, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
No traffic report this morning (check cameras here) because of the holiday – but we do have transit/transportation info to start the holiday highlight list:
METRO: Buses are on Sunday schedules.
WATER TAXI: West Seattle service DOES run today, but Vashon does not.
WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth is on the Sunday schedule.
SOUND TRANSIT: The 560 Express bus is on a Sunday schedule.
STREET PARKING: In areas with city pay stations/metering, today is a “free parking day.”
Here’s open/closed/etc. info for the holiday:
SEATTLE PARKS CLOSURES: See the what’s-closed/what’s-not list by going here.
SPRAYPARK & WADING POOL: Last day of the season for Highland Park spraypark, 11 am-8 pm (1100 SW Cloverdale), and for the Lincoln Park wading pool, same hours (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
REGULAR SOLID WASTE PICKUP? If you are a Monday customer, yes.
Events scheduled today include:
SEATTLE LABOR RIDE/POKER RUN: For the fifth consecutive Labor Day, motorcycle/scooter riders are invited to join City Councilmember Lisa Herbold on this ride and “poker run” celebrating the history of the labor movement. $20 entry fee benefits the Labor Archives of Washington. The ride starts at Chelan Café in West Seattle at 10 am, with registration starting at 9:30 am. All riders welcome, any size motorcycle or scooter. (3527 Chelan SW)
FRANKIE & JO’S FUNDRAISING FINALE: It’s the last day of Frankie & Jo’s vegan ice cream “pop-up” on Alki and they’re saying farewell by donating proceeds to the Duwamish Tribe. Noon-11 pm. (2758 Alki SW)
FREE BURGERS: Also now a Labor Day tradition, Li’l Woody’s in White Center is offering free burgers 2-5 pm today. (16th SW/SW 98th)
‘2 DEGREES’ PRESENTATION: See a short presentation about this environmentalism-themed play that opens in West Seattle soon. The presentation is at at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) at 6 pm. (5612 California SW)
Have a great Labor Day! If there’s breaking news, best way to tip us is text/voice at 206-293-6302, 24/7 – thank you!
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