West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
One month ago, we noted that a July 18th Southwest Design Review Board meeting was penciled in for the mixed-use project at 4747 California SW. Now, the meeting is finalized, and the city has sent the official notice (PDF). So if you’re interested in what might be the final public review for the project – described as 7 stories, 74 apartments, 45 offstreet-parking spaces, plus the future home of Husky Deli – plan to be at the Senior Center/Sisson Building (4217 SW Oregon) at 6:30 pm Thursday, July 18th. (That’s almost exactly a year after the project’s first review.) The new design proposal isn’t out yet but at some point before the meeting it should turn up here.
Both of these reports came in within the past few hours, both from Gatewood:
BIKE BATTERY STOLEN: The crew at Swedish Automotive (WSB sponsor) saw someone leap out of this truck, steal the battery off a Lime bike, and take off:
The plate started with C957. No police report # yet.
CAR BREAK-IN: A reader reports a car prowl in the 4300 block of SW Orchard. Preliminary tracking # from SPD online eport: T19002926.
SDOT says the crews working on the Avalon/35th project will take a four-day holiday weekend. Here’s what else is ahead:
Crews will not be working July 4 or 5 for the holiday but please expect traffic control to remain in place so crews can resume work on Monday, July 8. Next week crews will continue to work in the following locations:
· Zone A: We are continuing work on the west side of SW Avalon Way between SW Charlestown St and SW Andover St, including:
· Water utility work at SW Charlestown St
· Demolishing the west side of SW Avalon Way south of SW Charlestown St to south of SW Andover St in order to repair the road base
· New curb ramps on the west side of SW Avalon Way/SW Harbor St at SW Spokane St. Pedestrian detours will be in place for this work. People walking can cross at our new curb ramp at SW Orleans St. After work hours, a protected pedestrian path will route pedestrians around construction on the west side of SW Avalon Way.
· SW Bradford St and SW Andover St are closed to SW Avalon Way to excavate and rebuild the road base
· Zone E: We are continuing work on the new water main and drainage utilities on 35th Ave SW from SW Avalon Way to SW Alaska St, including:
· Excavating for a new water service pipe on 35th Ave SW from SW Avalon Way to SW Snoqualmie St
· Storm drain work at SW Oregon St and SW Snoqualmie St
Things we’ve heard from the community
Each week, we’ll plan to address a few common questions we’ve heard from your neighbors.When will work in Zone A be completed?
At this time, work in Zone A (SW Avalon Way from SW Spokane St to SW Yancy St) is scheduled to be complete in mid to late August.Where will you begin work once Zone A is completed?
Once we complete work in Zone A, we anticipate beginning work on SW Avalon Way from SW Genesee St to 35th Ave SW (Zone C). Work in Zone C will begin as soon as mid to late August.
(Reader photo, Solstice Park, July 5, 2018)
Tomorrow, personal fireworks go on sale in unincorporated King County – with at least one stand just yards over the line from West Seattle. Even there, though sales start Friday, use is only legal on the 4th of July, but the laws are widely ignored on both sides of the line, with countless scenes resulting like the photo above. In the city, at some point before the holiday, there’s usually a message such as this one, dissuading people from reporting fireworks unless a “life-threatening emergency” is involved. And every year, that’s led to discussions like this. Will this year be any different? We were cc’d on a West Seattle resident’s plaintive email to City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, which read in part:
Why will the city not enforce the laws against the illegal use of fireworks? West Seattle can sound like a war zone for the first couple of weeks in July and it makes the district and our city a dangerous place to live. Pets run away, people are traumatized and the atmosphere of lawlessness continues. Why are law-abiding citizens not being protected from those that are breaking the law?
In reply (on which we also were cc’d), Herbold staffer Newell Aldrich wrote:
Last year she wrote the Mayor about this, and included a copy of the letter in her newsletter, as well as background on the information she received on her inquiries to SPD in 2017. … She sent a similar letter to the Mayor [recently]; I’ve attached a copy.
Here it is:
We then asked the mayor’s office if she was planning to say anything about fireworks enforcement as requested by the councilmember. Spokesperson Kamaria Hightower replied:
Mayor Durkan and Chief Scoggins hosted a presser [last] week on protecting communities from wildfire smoke and Chief spoke on fireworks and unintentional fires too. Mayor Durkan takes public safety very seriously and is in full agreement with his statements.
She included the YouTube link for that media briefing. We watched the entire 22 minutes. The only mention of fireworks was made by the fire chief about 1:50 in, reminding people that they’re illegal.
School’s out for summer! On this last day of classes for Seattle Public Schools, if you have a rising 5th through 9th grader in the house and your summer’s not all booked up yet, West Seattle High School volleyball coach Abby West sends this reminder:
Last call to register your young athletes (girls and boys!!) for West Seattle’s Annual Volleyball Camp! July 22nd-25th 9 am- 1 pm. The cost is $150. Please email abby.west1@gmail.com to register. Registration deadline is July 10th.
Before the day gets busier, one more reminder/preview … we are now three weeks away from the start of this year’s Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series. For a decade, the Admiral Neighborhood Association has presented this series of six free Thursday night outdoor concert, on the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center (off Walnut south of Lander). This year’s lineup was rolled out in phases, starting at March’s ANA meeting (WSB coverage here). In its entirety:
July 18 – SWAY WILD featuring Mandy Fer & Dave McGraw
July 25 – THE NOT-ITS
August 1st – ALEC SHAW
(For more info on the performers, see the ANA website.) All concerts start at 6:30 and run till about 8 pm. Bring your own chair/blanket for seating. In case of rain, the concert will usually just move into the Hiawatha gym, but check here for updates. (WSB has been a series co-sponsor since the start.)
Metro has sent an alert warning that Route 128 and the Water Taxi shuttle might be delayed on southbound California at College in North Admiral because of a collision. The SFD response to the scene was only one engine and it’s already closed so apparently no major injuries.
If you haven’t participated in the West Seattle 4th of July Kids’ Parade previously – be aware it’s more than a parade! Kids and their families travel along the parade route (see it here) and end up at Hamilton Viewpoint Park for games and art/craft activities – sack races (above) are part of it! This year marks the 25th for the community-organized, volunteer-led tradition, and this year’s coordinators Nicole Lutomski and Megan Erb have sent out this schedule:
10:00 am at 44th and Sunset: National Anthem sung by Leilani Nitkey (School of Rock student), parade coordinators lead countdown
10:20 am: Parade Begins:
o SPD Motorcycles
o SFD Fire Truck
o Neighborhood Blue Truck
o Community Families10:40 am: Parade arrives at Hamilton Viewpoint Park
10:55am: Gunny Sack Races, State Senator Joe Nguyen emceeing
o 3-4 year olds
o 4-5 year olds
o 5-6 year olds
o 6-7 year olds
o 7-8 year oldsOne last call for anyone who missed their age group!
· Fire truck, Police Vehicles, Lil J’s Super Dawgs Food Truck, All City Ice Cream (two trucks) Mini The Dough-Nut Food Truck, all in Hamilton Viewpoint parking lot
This all starts wrapping up around noon so you can move on with the rest of your holiday. Decorate your bike, trike, stroller, wagon, self … and be part of it!
P.S. As with so many things, the parade is in part powered by community co-sponsors … this year, that includes us at WSB.
Family and friends will gather Saturday to remember James L. Knittel. Here’s the remembrance being shared with the community:
To the glory of God and Celebration of Life – James Lee Knittel
James Lee Knittel was born on May 10, 1941, to Erhardt and Hulda Knittel in Newton, Kansas. He was baptized as an infant at Zion Evangelical Church. When Jim was 2 years old, his parents and older brother, Rene, moved to Tacoma, where his father accepted a call to teach at Concordia Lutheran School. Jim attended Concordia Lutheran grade school through the 8th grade. He spent 3 years at Stadium High School and his senior year at Wilson High School and was a part of the first graduating class at the new school.
Jim always knew that he would follow his Dad into the teaching ministry. He attended Concordia College in Portland, Oregon for 2 years and then 2 years at Seward, Nebraska Teachers College. Spending several summers back at Seward, he earned his Master’s Degree in Education. Jim received his call from Hope Lutheran Church and School in Seattle, and was installed in September 1963 as a teacher and athletic director.
On June 15th, 1974, Jim married the love of his life, Jeralee Henke, at Hope Lutheran Church. They were married 3 days short of 45 years. The great joys of his life were his children, Timothy, Elizabeth, David, and grandson James. Rarely missing a game, play or concert, he enjoyed all their activities. Jim spent many years playing baseball, several years with Hope’s team and several with city leagues. He pitched 3 no-hitters, which is a very hard feat to accomplish in modified fastpitch softball. Golf was another sport he enjoyed playing with his dad, brother, uncle, and later with Tim and David. Jim loved music and would help Elizabeth practice her voice lessons, plunking notes out on the piano while she sang. He went to almost every soccer and basketball game to watch grandson James play, still calling out to him “Follow through” on his free throws.
For many years, life revolved around school, church, sports, and music. Jim enjoyed his teaching in the classroom, especially math. In 1971 he was called to be Principal (20 years) but continued to teach several math classes so he could stay active in the classroom. He wore many hats including choir director, athletic director, and basketball coach. Jim taught at Hope for 38 years; he and Jeralee were also Charter members of Seattle Lutheran High School, helping get the high school off the ground. After retiring from Hope, Jim continued to teach math at Seattle Lutheran for a number of years. He spent several years on the board of Directors of the Northwest District Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Above all Jim was a man of firm faith and trust in God and professed Jesus as Lord and Savior. He loved his family and would do anything for them. He passed away from complications of kidney failure on June 12th, 2019 at home, surrounded by his loving family.
Jim is survived by his wife Jeralee, his three children Timothy, Elizabeth, and David, and grandson James.
Sister Barbara Gapol (Joe) and Brother Rene Knittel (Vi)
Safe in the Arms of Jesus
A Memorial service of Thanksgiving & Remembrance will be held Saturday, June 29th, at 1:00 pm at Hope Lutheran Church, 4456 42nd Ave SW. Memorials may be sent to Hope Lutheran Church for Hope Lutheran School’s athletic or music program.
Please share condolences with the Knittel Family and share memories of Jim on the tribute page.
Care & Arrangements Entrusted to Emmick Family Funeral Home – West Seattle
(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to editor@westseattleblog.com)
(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)
7:33 AM: Good morning. No incidents/alerts in our area. Just rain!
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: Seattle Public Schools students get out for the summer today, one hour early dismissal.
That’s the most-recent reader photo we’ve received of The West Seattle Turkey, texted last weekend. We missed the chance to post it then – but Cat reports spotting The Turkey a few hours ago, in the general East Admiral area where it’s been hanging around for weeks, so we feel confident in reporting it’s still alive and well. It’s been two months since the first West Seattle sighting.
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