WS miscellaneous 5064 results

If these people aren’t in the marketing biz, they should be

Here on the south side of WS, we noticed a multitude of signs last night for a yard sale that continues today — all on two-sided sandwich boards, no two sides alike. If you happen to stop by the sale site, give ’em props on our behalf. The fine print on #4 made us laugh out loud.




Selling by the seashore

Two retail notes from Alki this afternoon: First, if you look down 61st, you’ll see this umbrella right by the Homestead:


Thanks to the Alki Beach Community group on Yahoo! for tipping us to the little produce stand now set up under that umbrella. Fruit on one side, vegetables on the other, all organic, obtained from Charlie’s Produce. According to what Homestead owner Tom Lin told the ABC group, its operator is a UW student named Eric. First place on Alki you can buy uncooked food since Alki Market shut down again. Speaking of that space …


… that’s the scene next to Cactus, as the future All the Best Pet Care continues getting ready for business. This will be West Seattle’s northernmost pet-stuff store, joining (north to south) Mud Bay, Next to Nature, Petco, Pet Elements, and Pet Pros.

From the “be on the lookout” file

Reader e-mail:

I’ve noticed a couple of well dressed guys driving around in a new Ford Explorer, blue. They’re trying to pull the age old scam of saying that they were out on an install for ‘home theater equipment’ and that they accidentally picked up a double order and they’re willing to sell it to you for dirt cheap. This is a scam … also when I turned down their offer to buy this home theater system they got upset and hostile.

One of the comments on our last door-to-door alert thread mentioned, ask to see a “residential sales license” before buying anything at your door from anyone.

Wednesday morning miscellany

August 22, 2007 9:31 am
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-The saga of Alki seal-sitting is told poetically in the P-I by WS writer Brenda Peterson.

-Also on seal-pup watch, Cathy Woo points out that unleashed dogs can be among their worst enemies.

-The Weekly tries to find new nuggets in the casino-cheating case involving Hizzoner’s son, among others, unearthing details including what’s on the walls in the “pad” where Jake Nickels lived while working at the casino dubbed “the Sack.”

-For everyone in the Short Stop sign discussion who thinks WS needs a little more spice, the Chelan Cafe is the place you will want to be tomorrow night.

-Ending on a G-rated note, tonight is opening night at ArtsWest for the show put on by its Musical Theater Adventures Camp kids — “Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.” (photo courtesy ArtsWest)


“Crashing on Logs”?

That’s the subject line of reader e-mail we just received — wondering if “Walking on Logs” was OK after a crash in the area last night — the reader was driving past that spot on the Fauntleroy end of the WS Bridge approach and saw an overturned car (as well as police cars and a tow truck). We won’t be able to go by to check for a few hours; in the meantime, any and all info appreciated. 7:40 PM UPDATE: Just drove by, looks none the worse for wear.

More pix from Night Out parties around WS

August 8, 2007 10:28 am
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Two more photos just in. The first two are from the Ercolini Park gathering, where Bill Barna reports not only was a good time had by all, but $1,000 more was raised for the park (now just a few thousand to go; find out how to help at their website).The second one is from the 3200 block of 45th SW, courtesy of Luckie.



Sunday morning miscellany

August 5, 2007 10:53 am
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-Last I-90 bridge closure for the Blue Angels is today, 12:45-2:30 pm.

-Admiral Way repaving closures are scheduled to start tomorrow.

-The diver who posted video of a six-gill shark sighting in WS waters back in January is sharing a clip of another one, with a postscript about another chilling discovery in the depths.

-A WSB reader wants to let other moms know that her trainer is starting a “moms’ running class” at noon August 13th @ Hiawatha. We couldn’t find the exact listing on the trainer’s website but here’s her e-mail address.

Alki Statue of Liberty: Latest from the pro-plaza organizers

Sealady1.jpgJust in from Paul Carr, who with wife Libby Carr is heading up the group that is picking up the stalled proposal to build a plaza for the recast Alki Statue of Liberty. His unedited e-mail responding to recent comments, questions, and criticisms, as well as some questions of his own, and the latest on their committee’s efforts, all after the click:Read More

Float fun: The inside story

July 30, 2007 11:11 am
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This Hi-Yu Festival season, we’ve been privileged to correspond with some of the folks whose hard work makes a ton of West Seattle summer fun possible. Among them are Hi-Yu President Tim Winston, and Jim Edwards, who among many other things has a key role in making the Hi-Yu Parade happen, and a big role in the West Seattle Big Band, which keeps a busy schedule that included the Concert in the Park earlier this month. After our Torchlight Parade report including the photo of the Hi-Yu float getting a little help, Jim sent us some parade photos, and the tale of his 15 years driving the float …


Jim photographed the float from the Westlake Park grandstand area, just before it needed a little help. He also sent pix of his daughter, who represented West Seattle in this year’s Miss Seafair competition, and the outgoing Miss Seafair, Erin Waid, also from WS … those pix and Jim’s float-history tale, after the click.Read More

Stuff it!


Today’s the day. Go buy some diapers, drop them off at the big yellow WestSide Baby bus parked next to the Farmers’ Market, 10 am-2 pm. Here’s who they help. They hope to have 60,000 diapers before the day’s done; help ’em meet, then beat, that goal. Still not sure you can take the time to help? The official WestSide Baby press release for today’s event makes a good case; click ahead to read it.Read More

A new word for your vocabulary

“Sharrows.” The city’s definition: “… bicycle symbols that are placed in the roadway lane indicating that motorists should expect to see and share the lane with bicyclists.” City crews have roughed in some “sharrows” along a stretch of Beach Drive (this one is across from the north end of Me-Kwa-Mooks), as they start to implement the city’s Bicycle Master Plan:


A city handout made available at Thursday’s Alki Community Council meeting had full details on where this work will be happening and how it will affect traffic — click ahead for those details:Read More

3 final Sunday scenes, plus a story

Just after sunset, the vista from Marine View Drive:


Late afternoon, many of those Vashon-visiting Vespa riders trickled off several ferries in succession – we caught this one passing the homes across from Lincoln Park:


Also on Fauntleroy alongside Lincoln Park, a sign caught lying down on the job:


Now, the story, e-mailed by a reader who says she moved to WS 3 months ago and loves it:

I was visiting my son and his wife who live a block off Alki up against a greenbelt; we were sitting on the deck talking when a very large otter walked out from under the blackberry patch. He stopped and made eye contact with each of us, then turned slowly and with belly low crawled back from where he came. It was amazing. When I stopped to ask the men working on a roof a couple doors down, they laughed and one said it must have been what he saw crossing Alki late one night …

Door-to-door alert

A WSB reader is a little leery about a door-to-door security-system salesperson that hit his neighborhood this week; he did some research and wants to share it with you in case you get a similar visit. Read More

Latest sign of change

The old Neilsen Florist building on the north edge of The Junction is one step closer to transformation into Shadowland: The neon just came off the old sign (photo below), and a knowledgeable source tells us it was offered to the Neilsen family. (This is just down the block from Shoofly Pie Company, which opens this Saturday, if your calendar’s not already marked!)


We’re embarrassed not to know this, but we don’t

A reader e-mailed to ask where you can buy “I (Heart) West Seattle” bumper stickers. Thought we had discussed this here before but can’t find the evidence. Help! Anyone?

OMG, could it be the burger we’ve all yearned for?

We’ve had many a discussion here about the need for at least one or two more burger options here in WS. Check it out — this P-I article says the Blue Moon Burgers folks are eyeing our side of the bay. Maybe. Possibly. (We haven’t tried them; have you?)

Lost ‘n’ found

July 6, 2007 6:57 pm
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If you lost a set of car keys on Holden in the past day or so – somebody found ’em and turned them in at the SW Precinct. (The reader/key-finder who wrote to us notes cryptically that they’re keys for a “nice car.”)

Cool WS organization looking for … you?

July 2, 2007 9:00 pm
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Megawatt is looking for a part-time events coordinator to work August through mid-November, mostly coordinating its Gathering of Neighbors event. E-mail here to find out more.

A message from Jesse’s mother

If you recall our original posts about the young man who died after jumping off the West Seattle Bridge, you might want to know that his mother has posted a comment — since it’s deep within the site by now, we are reposting it here. (Note that the memo forwarded to us for one of those original posts mentioned a memorial for Jesse this Saturday.)


I am Jesse’s mother. Jesse was a brother, cousin, uncle,nephew, grandson and a son. He was all of these and much more…

We loved Jesse for who he was.There are many people in his life that have been devastated by his death. Many more than anyone can count. Jesse lost his life to demons that have been with him for a very long time.

I knew Jesse before these demons. A gentle, laughing child with a smile that would light up a room. He was the child that always wanted to ride the biggest ride and race the biggest track. He threw his arms around anyone that he thought needed assurance and kissed those that needed that touch. That was my Jesse.

For all the parents in the world that have sat up nights, cried themselves to sleep and wondered “What more I could have done?” you are not alone. I put out my arms to you and want you to know that there are many of us.

For all of his friends…I give you my hope and love for being part of Jesse’s life then and now.

Thank you, Jean Williams

This’ll get your goat

Creighton, whose blog is on our Other Blogs in WS page, tells us goats are grazing the hill along Marine View Drive, just up from the Endolyne area of Fauntleroy, clearing brush and delighting onlookers; he sent this photo.


WS Emergency Preparedness event countdown: Reason #1

June 23, 2007 8:14 am
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9 am-1 pm today, WSHS theater & commons (better to go late than not at all). Top reason to go: Your loved ones. Be ready to protect & help them when “it” happens.

WS Emergency Preparedness event countdown: Reason #2

June 22, 2007 10:11 pm
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Why you need to spend a few hours @ WSHS tomorrow morning: Six months ago.


WS Emergency Preparedness event countdown: Reason #3

June 21, 2007 11:54 pm
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Tonight’s reason for being there Saturday: The 2001 quake wasn’t “The Big One.”