Congratulations to Elliott Bay Brewery: “Business of the Year”

Patti Mullen of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce tells us it’s OK to share the just-revealed news that Elliott Bay Brewery has been chosen the Chamber’s Business of the Year – so, congratulations, EBB! The award will be presented at a special breakfast event at Salty’s on Alki at 7:30 am April 8th, at which time Robinson Newspapers founder Jerry Robinson also will be honored with the Chamber’s Community Service Award. For tickets , contact the Chamber – 932-5685 (and – and be sure to look out for copies of the shiny new Chamber-published West Seattle Community Resource Guide!

Looking ahead: Energy spotlight at Sustainable West Seattle

In late January, we showed you that video of the Jellyfish Wind Appliance, along with word that its West Seattle inventor Chad Maglaque is among the entrants in a Google-sponsored competition. Google subsequently pushed back its announcement of the 100 finalists (who’ll be put to a public vote) till March 17, and today we know that the day BEFORE that announcement, Maglaque will be among the speakers at Sustainable West Seattle‘s next meeting — next Monday, March 16. Energy will be in the spotlight, with the program also including reps from Seattle City Light and Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic Development. SWS meets next Monday, 7 pm, Camp Long Lodge. (And a reminder – applications are being taken now for exhibitors and sponsors for the 2nd annual Sustainable West Seattle Festival, 10 am-3 pm May 3rd in The Junction; find out more here.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Cars targeted, again

As was reiterated again last night by Lt. Steve Paulsen in the crime update at the JuNO meeting (WSB report here), car-related crime is one of the worst West Seattle problems at the moment, even with crime down overall. That photo came from Scott, who says:

This morning I woke up to discover that thieves had stolen the front of my Honda Civic. I live on 37th between Dakota and Andover [map] and the car was parked in the alley behind our house. They took the hood, lights, front bumper and the front side panels. They also broke a small triangular window towards the back of the car for some reason. It didn’t seem like got inside the car, there was nothing in there to take. Whoever did this knew what they were doing – other than the window there wasn’t any other damage.

We also have a short note from yesterday regarding a window-smash situation – this report was from Michale, who saw it while driving by:

I just wanted to report a car break=in (Tuesday) morning on the corner of 40th Ave SW and Holly [map]. I live just a block away and on my way to work, I noticed a car with a smashed-out window and glass all over the street. From what I could tell, the thieves only hit the one vehicle. This is the first time I have seen a smash and grab in the neighborhood. I would like to just put the word out there for people in the area to be on the lookout.

Happening tonight: 34th DDs and WSB in Fauntleroy, and more

March 11, 2009 11:52 am
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From the WSB West Seattle-wide Events calendar – first, two events tonight across the street from each other in Fauntleroy: The 34th District Democrats are at The Hall at Fauntleroy (old schoolhouse) for their monthly meeting at 7 pm, with the agenda including City Council candidates David Ginsberg and David Bloom (who’s already spoken twice in West Seattle in the past week, here and here); across the street at Fauntleroy Church, the ongoing “Re-creating Community in Our Day” speaker series features your WSB co-publishers tonight at 7 pm (after an optional “simple supper,” for which the church will accept donations, at 6). In Delridge tonight, anyone applying for Seattle Public Schools during this month’s open enrollment period is welcome to go to the Delridge Library 5:30-7 pm for in-person application help (more here). And tonight, Junction Idol continues at Rocksport, 9 pm.

Mayor at SWYFS: Kerlikowske congratulations; new utility help

March 11, 2009 10:38 am
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 |   Delridge | Utilities | West Seattle news

(Video: Sili Savusa of SWYFS discusses how the utility-bill-help changes will be used in their work)
Just back from Mayor Nickels’ brief media op at Southwest Youth and Family Services in North Delridge. Two big items: First, he publicly congratulated Police Chief Gil Kerllikowske for the official announcement this morning of his nomination as federal “drug czar” (White House news release here); the mayor says he will announce his plans for interim SPD leadership on Monday. His Kerlikowske quote: “Our loss is the nation’s gain.” He would not comment on a possible short list for interim and permanent chief, although he hinted quite strongly that the permanent chief could well come from within SPD – here’s video of what he said about that:

Second, the main reason for the briefing: He announced — with the help of SWYFS staffers Rosario Nava and Sili Savusa (Rosario is at the microphone in the top photo) — a new streamlined program for offering utility-bill help to families making 70 percent or less of the local median income. Bottom line on that: The city will now use the same eligibility standard for Seattle Public Utilities and Seattle City Light help – currently, that’s an annual income of $53,124 or less for a family of four, which makes you eligible for a 50 percent reduction in utility bills for up to 18 months. You can get an application and more information by calling 206-684-0268. Full details in this city news release.

West Seattle scene: “Lion King” roars out of town – from here

Thanks to Anne at Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) for e-mailing to ask “what’s up with all those cars and car carriers?” at the vacant ex-Huling lot south of the 76 station. We went over to check it out and here’s the deal: The traveling cast and crew of “The Lion King” are about to move on to their next stop, and they needed a place to rendezvous, so the vehicles that the cast and crew have been driving can be transported to the next stop (Michigan, they said). Why here? “Big empty lots are hard to come by!” was the reply.

Hey, bidder, bidder: More info on a West Seattle auction

Thanks to Beel for pointing out that the items Seattle Public Schools will auction here in West Seattle this Saturday are now catalogued and shown on the auctioneer’s website (even musical instruments!). Here’s the starting page. The auction starts at 9 am Saturday (with preview time at 8 am) at the currently vacant EC Hughes building, 7734 34th SW (map).

Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting: “Political night”

March 11, 2009 3:23 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

By Charla Mustard-Foote
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Tuesday night’s Admiral Neighborhood Association (ANA) meeting at Admiral Congregational Church was billed as a “Political Night”, and the main topics were transit, spending priorities, neighborhoods (and their residents) and money (the subjects of most local political discussions these days.)

16 people braved the cold to hear David Bloom and Highland Park’s Dorsol Plants tout their Seattle City Council candidacies. King County Executive candidate Dow Constantine was a surprise addition to the agenda.

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West Seattle woman with aid/peace delegation in Gaza

If you follow what’s happening in the Middle East, you may have heard about an international aid delegation, sponsored by the women’s peace group Code Pink, that made it into Gaza from a long-closed Egyptian border crossing. Turns out a West Seattle woman is with the group. Dr. Amal Sedky Winter‘s daughter, Miriam Yovetich, e-mailed to share her mother’s story. In e-mail to family and friends, Dr. Winter described the delegation as “almost 60 women with sleeping bags and tents” as they camped out hoping the border crossing would open so they could fulfill an invitation from the United Nations Refugee Agency to be in Gaza for International Women’s Day last weekend. (Her e-mail can be read in its entirety on this website.) Dr. Winter is an Egyptian-born psychologist who has been in the U.S. since her teen years, and has long advocated on behalf of Arab women’s rights. The delegation’s visit is scheduled to end today, according to this story about a B.C. woman who also is with the group. Dr. Winter’s daughter also tells us her mother has been developing this website to share information about Egypt.

March moonrise, photographed from West Seattle

The moon was officially full right about the time it rose tonight. WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli captured this memorable moonrise. Crystal-clear night, already into the 20s at this writing.

Junction crime update, including latest on Steve Bushaw murder

(2/1/09 photo by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli)
An update on the unsolved murder of Steve Bushaw was part of what the Junction Neighborhood Organization heard during tonight’s lightly attended meeting – the many who have voiced concern about recent Junction crime, but didn’t attend the meeting, missed a chance for candid Q/A with the #2 boss from the Southwest Precinct, Lt. Steve Paulsen. One big question came from JuNO president Erica Karlovits: What if anything could he say about the Bushaw case, 5 1/2 weeks after the 26-year-old was shot and killed on Super Bowl night? Lt. Paulsen said, “This was not a random attack … homicide detectives have a lot of good leads and it’s progressing. Sometimes these take a lot of time, even if you know who a suspect is, to develop probable cause …” And he reiterated that there’s no evidence it was random: “Every indication is that these people knew each other.” The absence of stranger-on-stranger violence was a theme in his general discussion, and the Q/A, about Junction-area crime. Car prowls continue to be the top problem, but he said they were down in February – just under 90, compared to just under 130 in January, and the March rate is even lower so far, with just two reported to police in the past few weeks. He mentioned a couple of recent arrests may have played a part in getting the worst offenders off the street.

He also was asked about trouble with “night establishments” and drunk driving, especially given what happened last night:

(Monday evening photo by Mark Ammann)
Lt. Paulsen reiterated that DUI is suspected in last night’s crash, in which the 35-year-old driver of that pickup hit 13 other cars (mostly parked) along the east side of California SW in the heart of The Junction’s business district (previous WSB coverage here). It was also mentioned that a suspected drunk driver hit a pole on that same side of California just north of Oregon several hours later (911 logs confirm a motor-vehicle accident call at that location at 1:52 am today). More of tonight’s discussion about Junction crime, just ahead:Read More

2 Sen. McDermott-sponsored civil-rights bills win Senate votes

Late night for legislators in Olympia. Senate Democrats have sent word that two bills with sponsors including West Seattle State Sen. Joe McDermott have passed: SB 5688, extending “full marital benefits” to domestic partnerships, and SB 5952, which, as described in a news release, “add(s) ‘transgendered’ to the definition of sexual orientation that is in the state’s hate crime statute.” Both have companion bills that have to be voted on by the full State House — you can check their status through the pages for each Senate bill (linked to their numbers above).

Heart On My Sleeve: Fashion, and love, from Pigeon Point

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Seattle could and should be “the independent fashion capital of the world.”

That’s the bold – yet not boastful – declaration of the three men who comprise Heart On My Sleeve, a fashion (and design, and music, and more) business based in a deceptively drab Pigeon Point duplex, a stitch away from the West Seattle Bridge.

Johnathan Oliver, 23, is a Navy veteran. Shelton Sampson, 25, is a former UW football player. Art B, 32, has a music focus.

Focused on fashion creations from recycled clothing, Heart On My Sleeve started 2 years ago when Johnathan and Shelton met in Hawaii, where John was working on a production of the “Lion King” musical with which Shelton’s sister happened to be involved. They became fast friends and business partners, hatching the HOMS idea and coming up with the logo in a Hawaii Starbucks – presaging their eventual headquarters in Starbucks’ hometown (how they got from there to here is a whole ‘nother tangent for another time’ — in short, Shelton was from here, and finally convinced Johnathan to move).

If you haven’t heard of Heart On My Sleeve before, that’s what they’re trying to hurdle now. They are working around the clock, getting by, but confident they’re on the brink of that one big breakthrough.

They’ve gotten attention already. When we saw a KING5 feature a while back (watch it here) — our ears perked at the mention of “West Seattle,” but we couldn’t find contact information online. Someone eventually sent it to us after an online discussion, but it fell through the proverbial cracks. Then Johnathan sent a note just yesterday – along with some files including portfolio-style photos of their work:

So let’s get to what their creations are all about. The heart of what they do is recycling: Here’s Shelton, for example, with a work in progress on one of the mannequins standing in the room where I chatted with him, John, and Art this morning:

That started with a jacket – something that might have come from a thrift shop, or a donation. Then it’s examined with a fresh eye – a vision – and becomes the foundation of something completely new. The knot you see around the waist is for sizing – it’s a device they use if they’re consulting with a client.

The clothing is major, but Heart On My Sleeve doesn’t just design.

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Junction Plaza Park updates: New website, more pledges

Quick update from the Junction Neighborhood Organization meeting that’s under way right now: A new website for the project has just gone live – you can see it at That’s where you can get the forms to pledge volunteer time, which is the big push right now – JuNO president Erica Karlovits, who’s co-chairing Friends of Junction Plaza Park, says the first West Seattle Farmers’ Market tabling this past Sunday collected “two pages of volunteer pledges.” They’re trying to gather as many pledges as possible before the early April deadline to apply for a city $100,000 Neighborhood Matching Fund grant to apply toward the $350,000 cost of finishing the park (on the northwest corner of Alaska/42nd in The Junction). Susan Melrose of the West Seattle Junction Association is here too and says that if fundraising and all else goes well this year, construction could start early next year.

Looking for work? Liberty Bell Printing offers free resume copies

A freebie too hot to just keep in the WSB Forums’ Freebies, Deals, Sales sectionMichael Hoffman at Liberty Bell Printing (WSB sponsor) in The Junction is offering free resume printing:

We know it’s hard out there and Liberty Bell Printing wants to help. Now through the end of March, bring in your resume ready to copy and we will give you 20 FREE copies on stationery paper. Tell us you saw it on West Seattle Blog and will will give you five more FREE for a total of 25!

That’s black/white printing, by the way. Liberty Bell is on the east side of California, a few doors north of Edmunds (map), open Mondays-Fridays, 9 am-5:30 pm.

Presentation now viewable for Conner project’s Thursday review

We showed you new images like that one last Thursday (WSB coverage here) when Conner Homes brought the “alley vacation” portion of its Junction megaproject (California/Alaska/42nd) back before the Seattle Design Commission. Now, two days before its next Design Review meeting here in West Seattle (6:30 pm Thursday @ High Point Library), that entire planned presentation is available online – download it here (15 MB PDF). Many are images we’ve shown you during and after the past few Design Commission presentations (courtesy of architects Weber Thompson), but there’s lots of additional detail you’ll want to see if you’re interested in this closely scrutinized two-building project at the heart of The Junction. Here’s another image, showing the east building on the Alaska/42nd corner:

Got mad design skills? The Junction needs you

March 10, 2009 2:25 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

Just sent around by Susan Melrose from the West Seattle Junction Association (a guest speaker at tonight’s Junction Neighborhood Organization meeting, 6:30 pm at Ginomai, 42nd/Genesee), so we thought we’d share:


West Seattle Junction GRAPHIC DESIGNER

Organization Background:
The West Seattle Junction Association (WSJA) is a small non-profit organization whose mission is to develop, encourage, promote and participate in activities that enhance a healthy economic, social and environmental climate for the West Seattle Junction community.

The West Seattle Junction Association has completed an initiative that provided a comprehensive, cohesive, and strategic approach to branding The Junction. We have a new logo, tagline, website, and other supporting work. We are seeking a West Seattle business, person, or team to get to know our brand and work with committee and event leaders to help implement and ensure a consistent brand.

Scope of work:
WSJA seeks a professional to be the organization’s “go to” graphic designer. This person/team would provide brand guidance and graphic design to committee and event leaders as needed. Examples of work produced:

1. Design of posters and supporting materials for Summer Fest, Car Show and other events.
2. Design and language content for advertising pieces.
3. Design of Live Local materials including bumper stickers, t-shirts, etc.

Please submit your letter of interest, portfolio and hourly rate by March 18th at NOON. Make sure to include examples of posters and other promotion materials. Please submit via email Online portfolio is very helpful.

Noisemaker-wielding protesters return to West Seattle

We saw them this morning on our way to a story interview – didn’t get a photo, didn’t see them when we headed back the other way, but perhaps they were just on break (we’re checking again now) because we have since received several e-mails (thank you!) asking about them, and that’s why we’re mentioning it: The Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters was protesting another West Seattle worksite, with drums and cowbells in addition to picket signs. This time, it’s the Avalon Center construction site at 35th/Avalon; the signs said they’re protesting Rain City, a contractor firm. Last time they were spotted here, a week and a half ago (WSB coverage here), they were protesting a scaffolding company at an apartment building undergoing renovations south of The Junction. (Update – no sign of them again at 1:45 pm, so we’re concluding at this point they’re done for the day.)

Lobbying for jobs’ sake: Local tourism advocates visit Olympia

Greg Whittaker of Alki Kayak Tours took, and sent, that photo after a day of lobbying in Olympia on behalf of tourism. He says everybody in the photo is from the 34th Legislative District — which includes West Seattle, White Center, and Vashon — and explained: “We talked with (Sen.) Joe McDermott and (Rep.) Sharon Nelson promoting support of our industry which provides jobs and tax revenue for much-needed programs (that) are going to be receiving huge cutbacks.” Two of the tourism-related bills in the Legislature this year are House Bill 1290 and Senate Bill 5265, which would enable King County to create “tourism promotion areas” – right now, it’s the only county in the state that’s not allowed to create such areas, which can raise tourism-promotion dollars through hotel/motel taxes. ADDED WEDNESDAY: One more photo:

Fauntleroy ferry riders: Spring schedule officially announced

March 10, 2009 11:52 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | Transportation | West Seattle news

It kicks in Sunday, March 29, and will include the addition of three-boat weekend service on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route. Full Washington State Ferries announcement here; see the schedule online here.

$9 million in grants for Seattle Public Schools

March 10, 2009 9:57 am
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 |   West Seattle schools

The official announcement was made this morning — $9 million in grants for the budget-crunched district, with the lion’s share coming from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Boeing among three other contributors. Read on for the official news release sent by the Alliance for Education:Read More

Happening tonight: Junction, Admiral, Fauntleroy gatherings

March 10, 2009 9:22 am
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 |   Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

If you live in the vicinity of any one of these neighborhoods, tonight’s your monthly chance to see what’s happening and – if you choose – how to get involved. In The Junction, the Junction Neighborhood Organization (JuNO) meets at 6:30 pm at Ginomai, 42nd and Genesee (map), with the agenda including Junction Plaza Park and area crime (Lt. Steve Paulsen from the Southwest Precinct and Susan Melrose of the West Seattle Junction Association will both be there). The other two meetings are both at 7 – Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s agenda (Admiral Church basement meeting room) includes presentations by two city council candidates, Dorsol Plants (of Highland Park) and David Bloom, and the Fauntleroy Community Association (in the old schoolhouse) will discuss topics including the upcoming FCA annual meeting and the state of the Washington State Ferries Master Plan. All these meetings are open to the public — even if you just want to sit in the corner and listen.

Gatewood church up for sale again

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The big brick church at California/Othello (map) is in the market for its third new owner in less than three years. Then-Gatewood Baptist Church was sold in September 2006 to a developer as part of a $3.2 million package including the former church school to the east (now art/craft studios) and church-owned property across California that became a “micropermitted” townhouse cluster. The developer sold the church building to Seattle International Church six months later for $1.8 million; now, two years after that deal, it’s on the market for $2.1 million. It’s not the only church building for sale in West Seattle right now; Eastside Christian Assembly in the Triangle remains listed at $2.6 million.