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    Betty T

    A friend and I walked down the hill on Morgan to California today. We saw little pink flowers on a bush that overhangs the sidewalk. The rhodendrons by Thriftway have bud the size of my finger. The oramental cherry tree outside my apartment window has leaf about to pop open. Amyone else see signs? With weather & seasons changing, don’t know what to expect. We could still have some ugly weather but I’m glad to see signs of things beginning to wake up.



    I’ve seen some flowering bushes in my neighborhood..and even with the rain today, it felt good being outside. You never know what might happen between now and mid-March, but one can hope. We start day;light savings time 4 weeks form now, and that will make a difference , too.


    Betty T

    West Seattle has so many beautiful yards come spring and whe everything wakes up. I moved here 6 years ago fom rural community near Vancouver, WA. Took notice the first spring. I moved here early March on a bright warm sunny day. I look forward to spring here. I walk a lot and do a lot of looking at things, and admiring. We can always hope, can’t we.



    Not yet. The robins are not here.

    Maybe in the next few weeks.

    The robins know.




    last “spring” was tough–overcast cool temps lasted til July



    These bright sunny days we’ve had have really encouraged the flowers. In one open, sunny spot, I saw crocus and snowdrops blooming. Leaf buds are swelling on the trees. If you sniff after the rain, you can smell spring coming.

    Transplantella, my neighbor’s bird feeder has had a couple of robins visit it. Spring starts in February in Seattle…and then disappears again.




    it’s that disappearing thing thing that really hurts..




    We’ve had robins bob-bob-bopping around the trees in the yard since mid-January… methinks it’s ALMOST spring :)



    We had robins show up the day the snow melted. I haven’t heard any singing their “spring song” yet, although I have heard a lot of song sparrows singing in the past couple weeks.

    Lots of ornamental species start blooming this time of year because our winters are milder than the ones in their home climates, and if there’s been a good cold snap they interpret the warmer weather as spring being here to stay. But it’s not uncommon to have another cold snap or even lowland snowfall around the spring equinox (or even into April).

    Our camellia has been blooming since late December, and we’ve had primroses and calendulas blooming all fall/winter long. For me, spring officially starts when the native Indian Plum shrubs bloom. Last I checked, they (and the salmonberries, a close second) have fat green buds that are ready to go, but they haven’t yet.

    Another friend of mine declares spring officially here when she sees the first bumblebee of the year. I’ve seen honeybees out already, but no bumblebees yet…


    The Velvet Bulldog

    It’s SUCH a gloomy day today that I want to bring back the discussion of Spring so I have something to look forward to!


    I’ve left a layer of cottonwood tree leaves on the lawn this winter, and after the snow melted dozens of birds, including robins, were out there digging through those leaves, flipping them around with their beaks and scratching through them with their talons. You could just about hear them, “Wahoo! Yeehaw! Hahahahaha! Nom, nom, nom.” Not only did it look like they were having a blast, I think it was the ultimate “Happy Meal” as I’m sure all kinds of wormy/grubby/buggy things were under there, ready for eating.


    We’re in a new yard this year and I’m hoping the former owners enjoyed spring bulbs as much as I do, and that something will appear to herald a new, brighter season.



    It actually has been a warm winter. As fast as the snow came in, it went. And it wasn’t that cold when it snowed for maybe but two nights. Last summer we didn’t even come close to hitting 90. Maybe this summer we will be that hot since we snowed.I predicted we were going to have a warm winter. I now say that we will hit 90 by July 4th.



    I heard lots of birds chirping today…early this morning…this afternoon…it’s gotta be a sign…right?



    My daphne buds are starting to open – yay!



    We’ve definitely got robins. But we do all winter. They used our pond filter as their bird bath when it snowed like crazy. We probably had 12 of them flying around there at the same time!

    The first batch of cherry trees are already starting to pop. We’ve got crocuses and daffodils sprouting, but it will be another couple of weeks before they bloom.

    And it isn’t dark until almost 6 pm now! It’s coming, and the nice thing is that spring blooms will be happening for the next four months – that’s the best part of spring. Something new changes every day.



    and daylight savings time starts in less than 4 weeks…



    Well, I noticed yesterday that the elder trees in the yard are starting to leaf out…but I came here to say that I just heard a robin singing its spring song! So, at least one robin out there is convinced. :)



    I thought about this thread coming home at 11pm last night. It surely didn’t feel like spring…Brrrrr!



    No kidding, Jan! I was out at 10 last night, and when I tried to walk across my raised deck it was like an ice rink. I actually had to walk around the corner from the alley to get into the house without falling.



    Cold..what’s that? After sleeping outside in the snow, this is nothing. It’s all smooth sailing from here on out. I don’t have to pay rent or look to be in a homeless shelter because it is too cold…Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I’m free……In fact, being indoors is bad for my health. You people are whimps! And West Seattle is a nice area to be homeless in…..)


    Betty T

    How can anyone say there are no robins? We have robbins AND hummingbirds in our garden area of the building where I live. We stopped by Nickelsville to pick up people for the Central meeting this morning and while sitting in the van waiting I saw robins flitting around. The hummingbirds never left our garden this winter! A neighbor feeds them and I didn’t believe her til I saw them with my own eyes.

    For as many years as I can remember, anda years I must say, I remember having a touch of spring in February, sometimes warmer than others but usually a week or so. Anyway, the ground hog said we’d have 6 weeks more winter. Never know. I guess we’re just ready for spring mentally?



    oh, Betty, so ready for spring mentally…and when the daylight gets a lot longer in a few weeks, it’ll really seem like it.

    I have seen hummingbirds flitting about with snow on the ground…but it’s the robins, and the birds chirping in the early am, and afternoon, that really is a sign to me



    Not only are the robins here, but they’ve been engaged in some intense territorial mating disputes. I’ve witnessed a number of nasty spats this week.

    I wouldn’t be overconfident of spring just yet. Something tells me we might be in for another surprise of the meteorological variety.

    I HATE HATE HATE daylight savings time. Please abolish it…



    “I wouldn’t be overconfident of spring just yet. Something tells me we might be in for another surprise of the meteorological variety”

    just having come in from outside, yes, I’m betting we may have some sort of surprise yet to come. It’s brrrr out there (except for jiggers – he’s just numb)


    Betty T

    We could still get wind and rain storms. We’re coming up on March, the windy month then April with its rainy history. Nice thing about that is—it makes everything so green and pretty!I love all the beautiful yards.



    Every year i plan to do some pre-spring weeding.

    this year i might just get it done.

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