my dog samie is sick

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    Hi all

    Samie my 7 year old papilon won’t eat or drink, it has been a couple of days now. He is very lethargic. He also trembles some. He’s been to the vet, his blood work is fine, she is puzzled which worries me. Is it depression? Any thoughts?



    Try a different vet? Pain can cause trembling.Did they check him over really well? Fever? Did he swallow something and got plugged up? Peeing? Pooping??Hope you get it figured out.



    Sounds like he needs to get back to the vet ASAP.



    hi oddreality – thanks for your thoughts. he does not appear to be in any pain, no trouble breathing they checked him over pretty thoroughly. no fever. he is peeing, he’s only pooped once (but he isn’t eating – so nothing to come out) next up is xrays if he doesn’t improve



    Sounds like something one of my dogs went through a few years ago. We never did figure it out but the best guess was salmon poisoning. Try Lien or five corners (emergency vet):

    If it is what my dog had it needs to be treated ASAP and the dog should be on fluids (iv).



    Yes, Fluids are probably in order even if he is drinking some. I’d be getting those x-rays also to rule out ingesting something. I’ve had two dogs that needed surgery from swallowing the wrong thing. Similar symptoms.

    It could be so many things.

    Get thee to the vet!



    Wren, please keep us posted on Samie.

    Sending healing thoughts to him…




    has he had any of those chinese chicken jerky treats?



    Another thing to rule-out if you have not already… Does your dog ever eat grass/weeds/vegetation? IF treated by pesticides, they can potentially be toxic.

    Also, some non-treated vegetation can also be toxic. I’m confident a qualified vet would know the common regional toxic types and treat accordingly.

    Good Luck & Vibes to your Papillon Samie. I hope that he recovers quickly.



    thank you all for your thoughts and posts. Samie seems a wee bit better, but not much. I think he will probably have xrays on wednesday. The xrays will be expensive, but I need to know what is wrong with him. There probably isn’t any place to get less expensive xrays.

    he is not a “garbage dog” i.e. he doesn’t eat pick up stuff or weeds, so if it’s a blockage I think it must be from something else. I will keep you all posted.



    South Seattle Veterinary Hospital (206) 242-8338



    thank you all for your kind thoughts. samie seems to be doing better today. He ate some of his dry dog food and is drinking some water. He still isn’t himself, but better enough. He perked up when a friend came over. I still don’t have a clue as to what is wrong. Wren



    Hope Samie continues to feel better.This is quite a long time for a small dog to not feel well.




    Hope your little guy is doing better. Hang in there.

    [If you get into veterinary services that are going to be financially difficult, a good friend gave me a heads-up on Care Credit ( last summer when I was going through a major diagnosis and surgery with one of my dogs.

    It’s a credit card with an introductory offer of 6 mos to 1 year with no interest if paid off in that time period. Check out the fine print definitely! I was able to get approval for it within a couple of hours by phone and it worked out well. However, the vet I primarily use didn’t accept this credit card, so I was only able to use it at a different vet that handled the initial emergency care over a Sunday/overnight when my vet wasn’t open. It also was only usable for a one-time bill (but that vet put two days of extensive charges on the card to help).

    Anyhow, as much as I dislike credit, there are times it can be necessary and something like this may be a good option to spread the costs out over a period of time so it’s a bit more manageable.]

    Best wishes to you and Samie – glad to hear he’s doing a little better today!



    Wren, how’s Samie doing today?




    Hi Mike

    sweet of you to ask and thanks everyone else for your concern. Samie has perked up some he is eating and drinking. He is still somewhat lethargic. The vet is puzzled, so we are waiting to see if he keeps mending. I am still wondering if he is depressed which scares me a little.



    Glad to hear he’s doing a bit better.

    Continuing to send healing thoughts…


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