**Attacked in the Junction**

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    On Wednesday morning June 26th at approximately 11:00 am I dropped a friend off at her vehicle parked in a pet store parking space ( back alley) . I drove off and minutes later she called hysterical screaming and crying that a man approached her car, stood at her driver side window and angrily stared at her. She screamed “Can I help you, what do you want”? He did not answer and she started her car. The man became angry and walked to the front of the car to block her. He began to pound the cars hood,she was frightened and inched the car forward. He then ran to the driver window and began to punch the glass. She layed on the horn to draw attention as there were several people in the parking lot near Wells Fargo Bank. He continued to punch the car shouting ” You can’t leave”! She was able to drive off and call me to come help her. Police were called. * If anyone out there seen anything or have surveillance they are willing to share please reach out as this person will continue to terrorize young women in the area. Thank You



    I’m so sorry! I wish I had been there to help support her, because this sounds horrific! I’ve had it happen (4th and Lander), but not to that extent. Is she okay? People losing it, and it’s terrifying.



    I am sorry that this happened to your friend. Was she a customer at the pet food store? Do you think the guy could have been the owner upset that she was in customer parking without being a customer?



    Mehud7, are you joking? If so, not very funny. If you’re serious, then WTF??



    This whole thing is peculiar, really, the illegal parking notwithstanding.

    The first thing that comes to mind is why did your friend not call the police instead you? What could you do about this situation?

    The second is this: why are we so willing to take the word of complete strangers so completely? We have no idea what really took place. We have the OP relaying their friends story of possible assault by screaming guy followed by possible vehicular assault by lady in car. To me this sounds so completely ridiculous that I question its accuracy. But that’s me, not being a caring and credulous member of the community.

    It’s the not calling the police part, by the way, that raises a big red flag. The few times I’ve had to call 911 I didn’t start by calling my buddies to see if they can help, I just called the police.

    To preempt the inevitable WTF all I can say is this: a second hand story is just that, a story. I don’t know the either party and the story strains belief without corroborating evidence. Why should I believe it? Just because? I think not.



    Uh, Mark, have you ever been to the Junction? There are some peculiar people there, even at 11 o’clock in the morning. Police WERE called. Read the story again. And don’t shame/blame the victim.



    I did read the story. It appeared that the police were called AFTER the friend was called. As for the apparent victim, well, they’re not here, there friend is making a plea for video that, if it exists, would be from the surrounding businesses which would be a much more constructive use of time and would also be sought by the police thereby avoiding problematic chain of custody issues if there was to be any sort of legal resolution.

    I didn’t victim shame/blame beyond say that hitting the man with a car is vehicular assault and saying that this whole story is ridiculous. Perhaps you should reread MY post. Again, the credulousness of people sometimes amazes me and posting a story like this one cries out for scrutiny.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by mark47n.


    Since something similar happened to me, this is a credible–and frightening–story. The post is “crying out for scrutiny”, Mark–the person who posted is looking for more evidence, witnesses, pics.



    I am with Mark47n on this one. It’s a bizarre story. For the alleged victim to call her friend before the police, it makes no sense. It doesn’t make sense for this person to materialize out of nowhere.



    I agree with Mark. If someone is assaulting me I’m calling 911 not a friend. I wouldn’t wait till I got away, I want the police to come take him away in handcuffs. This is also a good reason not to park in alleys and go else where. Park in a proper spot.



    @Angelscrest: It makes no sense, legally, for the OP to be the one pursuing evidence and the local businesses have no obligation to provide it to the OP. If there is a criminal complaint and there is evidence to be pursued then it should be sought by the police otherwise chain of custody, which protects the integrity of the evidence, would be compromised and the evidence can be suppressed if there is a criminal prosecution.

    That a similar event happened to you doesn’t make this a story that is more easily swallowed whole.

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