22 oz beer bottles wanted; will trade homemade jam & jelly et al.

Home Forums Freebies, Sales, Trades 22 oz beer bottles wanted; will trade homemade jam & jelly et al.

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    Jerry Whiting

    Hi, I’d like to resume homebrewing (it’s been years) and I’d like to use 22 oz bottles, not 12’s.

    I’m a foodie and love to can jams & jellies made with low methoxyl pectin available at PCC and hence made with a minimal amount of sugar. All organic, local picked. Rose hips, apples, blackberries, Siberian crab apples, all kinds of stuff. Or if you’re interested a pal in NM sends me homegrown red chilis.

    If you have a stash of 22’s, I’ve got stuff for your pantry.




    Jerry – we could give you 8 empty brown 22 oz. bottles if you’re interested. 206-612-8502. Will be home tomorrow. Homemade jam sounds pretty good!


    Jerry Whiting

    WSN_Helen I’ll call & deliver!



    Ohmygod, we’ve usually got half a dumpster load of them.

    You’re going to give me jam for empty beer bottles? Getouttahere!

    Come on over and raid the glass recycle bin. As often as you like.

    Also plenty of oversized whiskey and vodka bottles, and the neighbors seem to be big wine drinkers.

    (Recycle goes out on Monday, быстро!)

    Let’s be friends?

    expat09721 at hushmail.com



    Are you still looking for bottles? We’ve oversaved for our own bottling adventure and would love to trade!


    Jerry Whiting

    Yes, I’m still very interested in 22 oz bottles. Not only that, I canned some more stuff last night so the offer to trade is stronger than ever!



    JetCityOrange @ gmail dot com

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