VIDEO: Admiral coyote sightings

Two Admiral-area coyote sightings:

TODAY: This report and video are from Katie:

Coyote sighting near College Street Ravine, 51st Ave SW and College St. Careful walking through the ravine today!

TUESDAY: Another reader reported, “My friend heard something & his dog’s ears perked up. He looked outside to see two coyotes in his yard. They walked around the yard, down the stairs and headed north on Victoria Ave SW at 3:15 AM.”

COEXISTING WITH COYOTES: We share periodic sighting reports for awareness, not alarm. You can best help them keep their distance by not providing food (which means, don’t leave small domestic animals unattended, or unsecured garbage, etc.). Here’s one place to read more about avoiding coyote conflicts!

2 Replies to "VIDEO: Admiral coyote sightings"

  • CooperJCW December 12, 2024 (2:32 pm)

    We live in the South Shorewood area just above Seola Beach greenbelt and in just the last week there have been 5+ sightings with pictures and also sightings in the St Bernadette School/Parish area and Boulevard Park neighborhoods too. It must have been a very good feeding year for so many to be sighted. 🫤

  • Bajada December 12, 2024 (6:08 pm)

    The wolf is at the door. But I want the wolf at the door. I am tired of living in a world without wolves.” Charles Bowden 

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