Re: What is a Feminist?…really




the hearing to deny women access to medications used for birth control based on an employers objection to that medication was about first amendment rights?


and what “right” would you say the bills requiring women to have ultrasounds before obtaining legal abortions represents?

will the church now refuse to pay for ultrasounds because they are now a legislated part of abortion in some states?

There is an itty bitty thing you are overlooking in this religious rights crusade kootch…

the freedom of religion thing

wasn’t about upholding the rights of religious organizations to control their members

it was about ensuring the rights of individuals to practice the religion of their choice…

this is nothing more than blatant discrimination

the church has no right to intrude on the medical privacy of it’s employees

regardless of their “moral” standpoint.

And that committee that wanted to intrude on the medical privacy of women by citing “religious rights” had no right to exclude testimony pertaining to the use of the medications they were trying to make a “moral” exception for.

Lets see….

A church whose hierarchy is male and a governing body whose hierarchy is male both decide to make rules creating exceptions for employment based options for health care insurance that will affect primarily women without taking any testimony about the alternate uses of those medications and without taking any testimony from women.

Can there be a better argument for the need for feminism?