this is what Kayleigh2 proposed…
a free strong America
fixing the health care system
keeping jobs in America
you will find i have taken her words directly from post # 31
They seem like pretty universal American goals to me.
The difficulty seems to come from what some of you seem to have decided what she meant by what she said.
regardless of what we have been taught over the last 8 years by our current president… you can’t just make something up… say it over and over.. and make it the truth… that is especially true if you are assigning agendas to someone else’s words and actions.
You can decide to believe what you want in spite of all evidence to the contrary.. but it still doesn’t make any conjectures you might have about the intent behind another person’s words true.
Real divisiveness occurs when people are unable to hear what is being said but instead react to the soundbites echoing in their own heads based on who or what they think of the person speaking.
As for Kayleigh2’s post # 55… her first sentence is dead on. The democrats won the election and if anyone thinks that the democrats who elected Obama are going to settle for some watered down version of a republican agenda.. they should think again.
Yes, it will be necessary to work across party lines to create solutions for the problems that have been created. But the responsibility to make that happen doesn’t rest just on Obama’s shoulders nor does it consist of making Republicans happy.
The key word is solutions.
And it’s impossible to find solutions unless you agree on problems.
Kayleigh did a pretty good job of naming three of the most important issues to Americans at the polls in this election.
I am still wondering why some of you are finding such a simple statement of the issues a problem.