i think you are right…some people are clearly blinded by the campaign rhetoric they listen to daily..
They honestly believe that they can decide the intention behind another person’s words or actions and that if they can get enough people to agree with them.. any insinuation.. any label… should should be accepted as truth.
They have suspended critical thought.
You would dismiss a hard working woman’s entire adult career because the evidence it contains doesn’t support your impression…you would accept republican propaganda as truth because it tells a story you want to hear…
If Obama ends up being our nominee.. i am afraid you are going to find yourself on the receiving end of that kind of media blitz…
what will you tell the people who believe in all those insinuations about Obama when you so readily believed them yourself about Hillary?
That is the real problem with the kind of anti-Hillary campaign that has been waged… it doesn’t leave you in a really strong position when it comes time to defend your candidate from the same tactics.
After all.. if enough people say it.. it must be true.. right???