Re: Go Barack



the “blue sky” quote above was from some Joe Blow making a comment to an article..I just thought it humorous in the fact that it points out the absurdity of some of the little infights, bickering, DISTRACTIONS of this current dem campaign. I didn’t mean it as truth…and didn’t mean it to impugn Hillary. I was just saying that it amusesd me…and I’m sure that others feel the same way, that there are just too many nit-picky things going on right now. And 4, 8, 12 years down the road, I’m sure people will be pulling out old quotes of Barack Obama’s if he is running for anything (I guess assuming that he didn’t get the nomination this year) Look at how the Repugs, etc bring up his Indonesian schooling in Islam when he was but a young child. I guess ya just gotta be prepared for these things. We all know they will come up time and time again.You don’t miss anything on the internet :)