West Seattle online 802 results

Call us anything you like, as long as you get our URL right

First, we were called “crazy” (to our incognito face!). Now, “quirky.” (What’s next, “zany”?)

Remodeling review

April 4, 2007 7:02 pm
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 |   West Seattle online | West Seattle religion

For those of us curious what Mars Hill changed inside the former Doxa church on 35th, but not planning to attend a service there to find out, they’ve conveniently written it up online.

Road rage in Gatewood

Just happened onto this rather amazing tale of road rage, or should we say parking rage, near Caffe Ladro.

Welcome to West Seattle’s newest resident

Since their site’s been on our Other Blogs in WS page pretty much the whole time their son gestated, we want to publicly congratulate The Perrys of West Seattle on their new arrival. All together now — awwwww!

And another WS cam!

A WSB regular found a weather cam at Madison Middle School. (2 additions to the cams page in 3 days, can we stand the excitement?) Anyway, thanks, and keep the discoveries coming!

At long last, another WS webcam

Given the natural splendor of West Seattle, we’re endlessly puzzled as to why more webcams aren’t up around here. The list on our WS Cams page has stayed relatively unchanged for months. Last summer, a volleyball group had an Alki cam up for a while, but even that went away. Finally, today, someone put up another live WS cam: the West Seattle Birdcam. Just a backyard and a bird feeder, but we’ll give ’em an A for effort, and add them to the cams page. Let us know if there’s something out there we’re missing — we keep looking!

Greener than we were an hour ago

Our endless online search for West Seattle-related people, places, and things just led us to 2People, thanks to a post at WorldChanging mentioning that 2People was founded by “West Seattle transplant Phil Mitchell.” So what makes it more than yet another enviro-info site? As far as we can tell from our first tour around 2People, it not only challenges you to take action — small steps will do — to help fight the climate crisis, it also points you to WHAT you can do — like something we weren’t previously aware of: Easily and cheaply buying “clean electric power” via City Light. You can sign up here right now, for just a few bucks a month. (And if you join 2People, please add us to your network — we’re signed up as, what else, West Seattle Blog.) P.S. Need motivation? Read this.

One last word …

… about the Never-Ending Popularity Poll. Today’s the last day to vote. We’re guaranteed to lose; USS Mariner probably gets as many people per minute as we get all day. But if not for some fine folks out there, we wouldn’t have made it to the Final Four as the last neighborhood blog standing … so thanks!

Cool tool for home history

If you live in one of West Seattle’s many older houses and have a bit of curiosity about who lived in your house way back when, here’s an unlikely tool: The city database of “side sewer cards.” Look up your address and you’ll find an image of the hand-drawn, hand-written records showing where your house connects its “side sewer” to the nearest main city pipe and who owned it last time it was inspected (check the back of the “card” for that info). And if yours goes back far enough that the person who originally owned it is likely to have left the planet by now, you can look ’em up on the Social Security Death Index.

West Seattle waterfront, pre-dawn

Looking around YouTube to see what people have posted from WS lately, found this.

The Final Four!

Bless all you WSBers (we need a T-shirt, don’t we? soon as we get a logo!) who campaigned to help us get this far in the Metroblogging Seattle popularity-poll-that-won’t-stop. Now, we are in the Final Four (vote here) and proclaimed as “having moxie.” (Actually, we haven’t been there. Yet.)

The popularity poll from hell turns … hellish

Wow, what a bizarre turn of events. So our latest opponent in Metroblogging Seattle‘s never-ending popularity poll registered a sudden burst of votes last night, and the poll operators started the whole thing over again, one-day sudden death. Now today the comments on the original poll post went totally nuclear. We appreciate the people who cared enough to vote for us (and if you haven’t yet, you can still vote, with just hours left to go), but gosh, it’s not worth mudslinging, it’s really just a goofy little blog stunt (we hope MS has gotten a few thousand extra pageviews for its trouble!).

Non-viaduct vote update

As of this writing, we’re a bit behind in the Metroblogging Seattle popularity poll, which closes this round tomorrow. Boo! Please vote again today. Show ’em the West Side rules.

Another disconnect, fixed

For everyone kind enough to have been voting for us in the seemingly endless saga of the Metroblogging Seattle popularity poll (we’re in it too deep now to quit) — the original polling service (dPolls), died, and they’ve just relaunched our part of the poll here. (We’ve updated the page that links to the tab atop this page, too.) Thanks for your help!

From the front lines

February 26, 2007 8:56 pm
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 |   Crime | Utilities | West Seattle online

Or the front SEVERED lines, anyway … those caught up in crime-caused phonelessness (see below) include one of the blogs linked from our Other Blogs in WS page, Cracks in the Facade.

Never mind the Oscars, help us win … The Metrobloggies

It’s neck-and-neck; our neck is currently the one behind … we’re not going to be able to pull off the win without you … you can vote here once a day from each and every place you go online … and we’ve added a handy tab at the top of this page (see VOTE DAILY FOR WSB tab) for quick access. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Beneath the bridge

February 24, 2007 8:42 pm
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 |   Seen around town | West Seattle online

We had heard the Bear Under The Bridge had been joined by an owl, but hadn’t gotten a chance to seek it out with our camera. No need now; somebody else captured it.

In the Elite Eight, without being seven feet tall

And only YOU can get us into the Final Four. That seemingly endless blog popularity poll at Metroblogging Seattle has just moved to the next round (recap, it’s pretending to be like the NCAA basketball tournament, brackets and all) and YOU HELPED US GET THERE! But we need your vote again. Please go here and vote for WSB. Today, tomorrow, every day for a week. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We’ll give you the trophy. (Or is there one?)

Sounds too good to be true

February 22, 2007 7:26 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle online

Maybe this is how all car salesperson “help wanted” ads read. But the “no experience” part could probably be subtitled, “especially not if you have HB on your resume.”

Lost stuffed animal

We just learned a blogger trick: look for unusual local Craigslist ads to spotlight. We could resist almost everything … except this. (Hope someone finds it!) AFTERNOON UPDATE: Re-checked the ad, it’s now bannered “it’s been found.” Was it a WSB reader? We may never know.

Help WSB make it to the Elite Eight

Yet ANOTHER voting matter: That blog popularity poll we somehow wound up in has moved on to the third round … it’s styled after the NCAA Tournament so it’s dragging on a while longer. Let’s win one for the West side! Please click here. And you can vote again at least once a day, apparently. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now back to the search for more West Seattle news ‘n’ info ….

From the waterfront

Rhonda had been blogging about her business for a while (linked from our Other WS Blogs page), then wrote about 3 weeks ago to tell us she’d started up a Beach Drive blog. We’ve been watching daily and think BDB is definitely worth sharing, especially this post about Bob the Beach Drive seal. Keep up the good work, Rhonda!