West Seattle, Washington
20 Monday
Late word from the Fauntleroy Community Association – Mayor Nickels won’t be able to appear at the community meeting in Fauntleroy a week from tomorrow, but THE MEETING IS STILL ON — with a very good (and powerful) surrogate — his righthand guy — Deputy Mayor Tim Ceis. Apparently the mayor has a sudden date to go to the nation’s capital to testify before an environmental committee in Congress.
The Times reports on this morning’s biodiesel-mania at Admiral Safeway. A member of the WSB posse managed to pop by for a photo. That’s Hizzoner on the right, amid the throng.)
We just learned a blogger trick: look for unusual local Craigslist ads to spotlight. We could resist almost everything … except this. (Hope someone finds it!) AFTERNOON UPDATE: Re-checked the ad, it’s now bannered “it’s been found.” Was it a WSB reader? We may never know.
Look for hubbub around the Admiral Safeway gas station sometime today. The P-I says a “news conference” is planned, with no less than Hizzoner on the guest list, to show off the station’s new biodiesel (fuel from veg oil) offering. We noticed it on the sign yesterday:
Check it out. And remember, if you are interested in helping — or at least monitoring — the campaign to save the Charlestown Cafe, you can join the Our Town/West Seattle group.
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