The Final Four!

Bless all you WSBers (we need a T-shirt, don’t we? soon as we get a logo!) who campaigned to help us get this far in the Metroblogging Seattle popularity-poll-that-won’t-stop. Now, we are in the Final Four (vote here) and proclaimed as “having moxie.” (Actually, we haven’t been there. Yet.)

19 Replies to "The Final Four!"

  • Voter March 2, 2007 (7:07 am)

    Of course, Moxie means a VoteBot in this instance.

    You can thank me later.

  • Administrator March 2, 2007 (7:10 am)

    Oh good God, now we’re going to have to forfeit.

  • t March 2, 2007 (7:57 am)

    while you’re on the logo theme– a nice photo banner for the blog wouldn’t hurt either, the design here is pretty vanilla.

  • Administrator March 2, 2007 (8:51 am)

    we’re working on that. the blog is absolutely 100 percent an out-of-the-“box” WordPress theme … one half of the WSB team is a little more savvy than the other and is going to figure out how we can make a header that truly reflects WS (although with all our water, the blue has at least been appropriate, albeit, as you put it, ‘vanilla’).

  • daPuffin March 2, 2007 (8:54 am)

    I think they mean this Moxie.

    I love this blog, but don’t like the drink.

    No doubt the store is much more fun than the drink. =)

  • lifer March 2, 2007 (10:37 am)

    When I think of Moxie and beverages I think of beer! The small town of Moxee is the epicenter of hop growing east of the Cascades. My mother hails from there. Its actually pronounced MoxEE, although non-natives usually mispronounce it MOXee.

  • MargL March 2, 2007 (12:11 pm)

    USS Mariner has the poll itself ON THEIR SITE so folks don’t have to click to the Blarch Badness page ! Shenanigans!

  • Nic March 2, 2007 (12:35 pm)

    …eep …things arn’t lookin’ so hot for the good ship WSB (but, win or lose, we still know it’s the best!)

  • Sue March 2, 2007 (1:02 pm)

    Personally, I think something is up. When I voted this morning, they were within a vote or two of each other. I went in 10 minutes ago to take a look, and then checked again now. WSB is up 4 votes in that time. The other site is up 43 votes.

    Guess that takes Voter (above) off the hook as having done a votebot. Unless Voter didn’t mention it was for the other side.

  • Amy March 2, 2007 (2:23 pm)

    Yes, there is something controlling the outcome – the 80%/20% lead by the Mariners blog has remained steady — for every single vote WSB gets, the Mariners blog goes up the exact number in the exact time-frame, to keep the 80/20 ratio. Anyway, I’m done – Sorry WSB – I’m not going to vote again! Even if they reset it. The cheating makes what was just a fun distraction a total waste of time and an annoyance. You are the best though.

  • eric March 2, 2007 (2:45 pm)

    hmmm…. could Dean Logan be running this from behind the scenes?

  • Stu March 2, 2007 (3:27 pm)

    We need to all vote for WS Blog. It is not looking good at 3:26 PM Friday.

  • beef March 2, 2007 (4:14 pm)

    haha. votebot. Granted the u.s.s. mariner has a lot bigger base than the WSB. if the WSB had a $90 million dollar payroll, maybe there’s be more support.

    You’ve got to remember, the guys over there put up a post and an hour later there are already 100 comments. Those are just comments, plus it’s the start of spring training and everyone wants to get their mariner fix.

    Regardless, it was a good run for WSB.

  • Tish March 2, 2007 (6:18 pm)

    That your blog made it to the final four is a testament to the quality of your blog and it’s loyal fanbase. If your current standings doesn’t deserve a celebratory pint of beer (or in my case, an amaretto sour) I don’t know what does. Congrats!

  • Tish March 2, 2007 (6:22 pm)

    PS. One good thing has come out of your blog btw. Pagliacci’s recently announced that they’ve expanded their delivery area in West Seattle. It’s a “soft” rollout so not many are supposed to know. Funny but true!

  • Administrator March 2, 2007 (8:24 pm)

    Re: the size of the USS Mariner fan base vs. ours, we know we’re sunk. Reminds us of when we ran for student council in 8th grade. Candidate #1 – 104 votes. Us – 105 votes. Most popular guy in the school — 1,211 votes. On the “cup is half full” side, it means the entirety of USS Mariner’s fan base at least knows we exist. Thousands of people have found us without advertising or marketing, but there are thousands more in WS who have no clue we exist, so maybe a few of them will see our name there.

    Re: Pagliacci — REALLY? Do you have an inside source? If we called right this moment and asked for delivery here on the south end, would they really say “OK”?

  • Cathy G March 2, 2007 (9:56 pm)

    WSB is the most informative blog. You really do the neighborhood a service. For example, I wouldn’t have known about the West Seattle Art Walk if it hadn’t been for the WSB. And I went and I made purchases.

    Moxie has a lot of neat paper products. I’ve made two purchases so far.

  • Josh March 3, 2007 (7:26 am)

    While I am a loyal USS Mariner reader (and did vote for them). Its due to the contest that I stumbled upon this blog.

    Cool blog, and I hope this post helps to show that there is no losers in Dylan’s contest.

  • Jessica March 4, 2007 (11:34 am)

    I’ll never read the USS Mariner blog and I’ll continue to read WSB faithfully, so as far as I’m concerned, you’ve won.

Sorry, comment time is over.