First, we were called “crazy” (to our incognito face!). Now, “quirky.” (What’s next, “zany”?)
West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
First, we were called “crazy” (to our incognito face!). Now, “quirky.” (What’s next, “zany”?)
I think of West Seattle as kind of quirky, which is part of the reason I love it here. So I’d take it as a compliment.
According to my thesaurus – original, individual, unusual, odd or peculiar. Quirky says it all…
I’m certain everyone missed the “wonderfully” part of my previous “crazy” comment…
Keep up the great work.
I LIVE for quirky. Keep up the good work! I am continually amazed at how you keep on doing this.
I have only live in WS (or the PNW for that matter) for one week. I found this blog my first day here, and I check in at least twice a day! Whatever they call you (and to me quirky, zany, eccentric – they are all compliments), I call you reliable and damned informative! I already feel more at hom here in one week than I did in almost two years in my previous city! Thanks!!
Erin…welcome to West Seattle. I’m from the east coast and have lived here for 32 years. I married a man from here, divorced him 11 years ago, and stayed. I live AND work in West Seattle (massage therapist at home). I don’t think I could ever live in another part of the city. It’s wonderful here :)
Yes, even though I am not posting here anymore because of a certain someone, I still read it and appreciate WS Bloggers efforts. I’m not even typing this right now.
Sorry, comment time is over.