West Seattle businesses 3258 results

The other new WS pet-food store

Hot on the heels (tails?) of discovering that All The Best is Alki-bound, we think we can match a name to the pending pet-stuff store at Westwood Village: Pet Pros is advertising jobs at its “new West Seattle store.”

Pet store coming to Alki

Just discovered that All the Best Pet Care has rented part of the former Alki Market space next to Cactus, and the locally based folks who own the chain confirm it. They say they’re hoping to open by mid-July, depending on how the permit process goes; owner/founder Susan Moss adds, “We are SOOO excited  because West Seattle is such a vibrant community and the beach location we snagged is so lovely!” — and she says she has hired an Alki resident to manage the store. One more thing — Moss is looking for input on what would be ideal hours for the Alki store to be open; she says they were thinking 10 am-7 pm but wondering if the Alki-area lifestyle might be conducive to something different –leave comments on this post and we’ll make sure she  sees them!

Markets in the mist

This Times article about a shelved QFC project in North Seattle got us thinking, again, about the pending supermarket projects here in WS. We dug back to last July to revisit this P-I article that included developers’ hopes that both the 4100 Alaska project (reportedly with QFC) hancocketc.jpgand the Fauntleroy Place project at the Schuck’s/Hancock corner (left), with Whole Foods, would both have begun construction by now. In reality – 4100 Alaska has gone through demolition, but the rest of the pre-construction process isn’t done yet; the next Design Review Board meeting about it is one week from Thursday. And Fauntleroy Place is still making its way through the city-permitting process; its website now says construction is expected to start by “mid-2007” (late summer/early fall was mentioned in this Herald story a few months ago).

From fluff ‘n’ fold, to Fluffy’s food?

The city permit files say a pet-food store is in the works for Westwood Village. We can’t find a center blueprint to match WV “suite numbers” to specific stores, so we can’t tell if that’s what’s going into the laundromat space (below) that just emptied out north of QFC, but crews are certainly working fast and furious to convert it into something. Also, the permit files mention progress on the WV in-the-works Taco Del Mar.


Trader Joe’s rumor watch

The ol’ Trader Joe’s rumor just keeps swishing around WS like a glass of Two-Buck Chuck in a Nisqually-length earthquake. An intrepid reader just e-mailed the company again, hoping perhaps for a pleasant surprise, and shared with us the following response. (Personally, we find the “check back in fall” rather intriguing!)

“At this time, we do not have any confirmed plans for Western Seattle. Feel free to check back sometime this fall for any updates.

Thanks for shopping with us,


Trader Joe’s Customer Relations”

A look into the future

May 29, 2007 6:28 pm
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A few things we thought you might want to know about before the next weekend roundup rolls around:

-School-play season isn’t over yet: Schmitz Park Elementary stages “101 Dalmatians” @ WSHS tomorrow night and Thursday night.

-“Carver’s Pieces,” presented by The Community Theatre, opens Thursday night @ Youngstown Arts Center.

-If you run an area business, there’s still time till the end of this week to get a spot at the June 5 Greater West Seattle “Neighbors In Business” Open House @ SSCC — go here to find out more (also note, you don’t have to be a businessperson to attend the actual event).

-Best buy tickets now for ArtsWest’s annual benefit/gala Saturday night.

-ArtsWest also just announced an after-hours event June 9 featuring “six rising West Seattle comedians.”

-Next Sunday @ 2 pm at the WS Library, poet Frances McCue lectures about legendary local writer Richard Hugo, who we didn’t know till now was a White Center native and wrote extensively about post-WWII West Seattle.

Does dog aromatherapy mean eau de beef bone?

Just asking, because the former Retroactive Kids space on Cali south of Morgan Junction (building still for sale) now has a flyer on the door announcing its next occupant: Coming soon/A great place to b/CHILL/Massage, aromatherapy/Adults, kids, k9s.

One simple question for you

In the latest edition of the West 5 e-mail newsletter (available online here if you’re not on the list), you’re asked to send in your answer to this question: Why do you go to The Junction? (Our answer for starters — ’cause it’s the heart of WS.)

Hot cup o’ turnover

We had seen the “for sale” signs at the “Koze” store/house next door but didn’t realize till an e-mail tip that Carosello Coffee (the location’s latest incarnation) on 35th is for sale too. Interesting caveat in the listing fine print forwarded by our tipster (or is this par for the course with business listings?) — “DO NOT DISCUSS SALE WITH EMPLOYEES!”

Surprise, it’s not condos

A couple more of those ubiquitous yellow “land-use application” signs are up at the 35th SW site that was formerly home to the Seventh-Day Adventist church, lionslambs.thumbnail.jpgnow Temenos and the Mars Hill bus pen (left). The application in question, for which a Design Review Board meeting is now set (5/24), mentions — no, not condos — an auto-repair business and offices “adjacent to existing building” and lists the same owners as Swedish Automotive a few blocks north. No reply yet to our note inquiring about their plans for the site.

Signs of change

wsmotors.jpgHuling/Gee isn’t the only name change along Fauntleroy’s mini-“auto row.” At Fauntleroy/Oregon, the tattered old “Bob Ochsner Cars” sign just vanished, and a slick new “West Seattle Motors” sign (left) just appeared. (If you can’t recall the old sign, check the right side of the photo on the bottom of this city page — scroll down, then over — about the neighboring, historical-ish Wardrobe Cleaners neon sign.)

And yet more from Admiral

Just verified a reader tip that Auto Buff, west of Metro Market, is moving next week (you can’t miss the huge banner out front, with the address of its new location on the east edge of The Junction). No detectable permit movement on the 42nd/Admiral mixed-use project planned for that spot, though.

Here’s somebody swimming against the tide

April 22, 2007 4:40 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

For once, a local storefront formerly devoted to food/beverages has gone in the non-consumable direction: North of Morgan Junction, the former Al’s Deli & Espresso (previously Bubble Lounge Caffe) space is now an expansion of the salon next door.

Need the wisdom of the masses

Two Three (adding one since original post) questions arrived in the e-mailbox today. We have some thoughts on the first two but not a clue on the second third, so we’re throwing them out to the wonderful WSB readership to answer via comments on this post:

#1 — A new WS arrival wants to plant a vegetable garden and is looking for advice on “good times to plant, and good vegetables that thrive here.” (We had success with cabbage, lettuce, and spinach some years back. Planting time would be now, though, since those are mostly cool-season veggies. What else?)

#2 (added 10:16 pm) — A local family is moving from one WS location to another and plans to handle it themselves. Recommendations for who to use for trucks/etc. for self-moving? (We had a good experience with the 35th/Morgan U-Haul, but that was loooong ago.)

#3 — Someone else reports a woodpecker “attacking” their house. For now, they put a rock in the resulting hole (photo below), but they’re wondering what else they can do to discourage it from further attacks.


Also closing up shop

The day we reported Bikes & Brew’s impending demise, we got a note saying Backstage Thrift also is closing. Couldn’t verify it ourselves at the time but now we’ve received another report and photographic proof. Reader “Luckie,” who sent these photos, says the shopkeeper told her they’re closing their Capitol Hill location too and will continue the 50% off “going out of business” sale through month’s end:

Delridge development update

From the “triangle” where Delridge cuts between 16th/17th before Roxbury, a former auto shop is transforming into what city records describe as “West Seattle Bible Church”:


Further north on Delridge, the neon sign for the sister shop to Bubbles is up and running (our camera disc decided not to capture it, sorry); not far away, in the 5600 block of Delridge, a former roofing business also appears to be morphing into a “coffee shop”:


Wheeling & dealing

Flyers on the window at Bikes & Brew, west of Easy Street in The Junction, are advertising its liquidation sale, saying that B & B is going out of business. SUNDAY UPDATE: Bikes & Brew replied to the e-mail we sent seeking further details; here’s what they wrote:

We will be open for the next several Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm selling everything in the shop.  Lots of people showed up yesterday so it looks like the last Saturday that we are open will probably be in early May.  Please tell your readership that we thank them for their support over the past few years.

Yet more on Admiral Safeway shop-or-else parking

-One person who now declares herself an ex-Admiral Safeway customer because of the parking crackdown says the parking patrollers are marking tires. So, she wonders, what if you happen to spend an extra-long time in the store?

-Another reader wrote to ask the nearby Sanctuary At Admiral what they’re doing about parking, and got back a note from its owner, saying its guests have permission to park in the Safeway back lot. OK, so, now we have exceptions for them, Lafayette Elementary, and the senior citizen field trips. Who else?

Backing off a bit

Looks like Admiral Safeway has budged a little from its hard line against non-shoppers using its parking lots. We were just forwarded this snippet from a bulletin sent to Lafayette Elementary families by the principal:

I have spoken to Steve Rood, the Manager of Safeway. He assured me
that Lafayette parents can continue to use back (south) parking lot for up
to 2 hours for drop-off and pick-up. Also, if we have an evening event,
with prior notice, we can continue to use the Safeway parking lot.

Mixed-use miscellany

-Another one of our looming megaprojects gets its Design Review Board closeup this Thursday: 4729 42nd SW, aka Soon-To-Be-Ex-Parking-Lot Behind Soon-To-Be-Ex-Petco, aka Ex-Monorail Land.

-Make sure your calendar’s marked for the big meeting a week from Wednesday at Charlestown Cafe, which folks are trying to save from the fate of becoming future home to Soon-To-Be-Ex-Petco.

-Jumping back down to The Junction, we heard concerns a while back from the neighbors of 4515 41st SW, more “mixed use” creeping into a residential neighborhood. Its next Design Review Board spotlight comes up April 12.

-Now hopscotching back up toward Admiral, we got a note recently from a neighbor who wonders if anyone else cares about the phenomenon of creeping commercialism spilling further inland from Cali. This neighbor lives near the beauty salon across from the far corner of PCC’s lot, west of McDonald’s, and contends zoning only allows a home-based business, not a business-focused house with big signs. The neighbor says a zoning inspector ruled the signs could stay because they don’t have text — they’re considered “art.” They’re campaigning to get the businessperson to tone down the signs.

-Finally, another reader points out that the ex-Christian Science church north of the Hiawatha playground, east of Safeway Parking Smackdown Ground Zero, has relatively recently transitioned into something called Sanctuary At Admiral, giving The Hall At Fauntleroy (among other venues) a run for its money.

Admiral aggravation: Safeway’s parking smackdown

First we saw a warning posted on one Admiral Junction store’s door this morning; then we got e-mail from another shop … so this is new and could get ugly. safewaysign.jpgSee the sign at left? At least a dozen are now planted all around the parking lots on three sides of Admiral Safeway. And the fine print, “monitored by employees of Diamond Parking 24 hours a day,” is no idle threat. As neighboring businesses are warning their customers, those DP employees are writing tickets. The photo below shows one in action on the south side of Safeway (bad news for families from Lafayette Elementary across the street). The parking situation in Admiral has been tough for a while; right or wrong, this won’t make it any easier.


Sleepy Bear in a body bag?

travelodge.jpgOr so it appears, at the only motel in West Seattle, where the Travelodge sign is now tarped over. Tried calling; no answer. Checked the Travelodge website; it says only “dates for this property are not available on our system at this time.” Hmm. (On a somewhat-related note, why IS that the only motel or hotel in WS? We kinda get the Alki angst over the lodging proposal there, but surely there is room somewhere within our borders for a nice non-B&B place to stay … you’d think. We had one a century ago!)

Putting up a good front

March 2, 2007 11:54 pm
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bakerynouveauawning.jpgSome facade fine-tuning in The Junction: Bakery Nouveaudivinasignless.jpg has finally erased the last traces of the previous occupant from its awning (left); Divina‘s front sign (right) is temporarily missing while some roof work is under way.