YOU’RE INVITED: Ukraine relief update at Kiwanis Club of West Seattle’s next gathering

August 28, 2024 7:02 pm
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 |   Kiwanis Club of West Seattle | West Seattle news

Two and a half years into the war in Ukraine, where do relief efforts stand, and how can you help? The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s next dinner meeting will feature a local guest answering those questions – here’s the invitation:

Peter Gelpi, West Seattle’s own, will be returning to Ukraine soon. The Kiwanis Club will host Peter at their monthly meeting – next Wednesday, September 4 – open to the public. Peter will report on the feeding programs, orphanage, and evacuations. The meeting starts at 6 PM, so attendees are asked to be seated prior to 6. Attendees can order dinner off the menu. RSVP is requested prior to Tuesday, 9/3, to help the Great American Diner & Bar (4752 California SW) with seating and staffing. RSVP to or 206-601-4136 (text or voice).

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