West Seattle, Washington
15 Saturday
Hallo-weekend began with almost 300 mostly costumed people running 5K through Lincoln Park for the West Seattle Monster Dash. Cheering them on – the mascot monster:
Reasons to cheer included not only the costumes but also the cause: The Monster Dash is a fundraiser for South Seattle College Cooperative Preschools, which serve hundreds of local families at five West Seattle/White Center locations. But it’s also just plain fun.
Here are the results. The 5K was followed by two short fun runs just for kids.
Thanks again for all the great Halloween-display photos, videos, and tips! More to show you tonight:
That’s the Patch family’s “haunted yard” at 5206 23rd SW – nightly “through Halloween from dusk till 9:30. Come see the show and walk the graveyard. Full bars on Halloween night.” They sent video too:
In Gatewood, Yma says, “Come say hi to our ‘pets’ out front! Portland St off California, mid block. Across the street from Berg’s Pumpkin Patch“:
And Joseph sent the next photo with the warning, “Quick heads up. Alert! The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was spotted. Corner of Manning and 53rd. Be Advised”:
They’re hoping to welcome lots of trick-or-treaters on Halloween night. (Scroll through our Halloween coverage archive for all the displays we’ve shown this season!)
Meantime, check our Halloween Guide for what’s happening through the big night – including Halloween in The Junction tomorrow, starting with the 11 am costume parade led by the West Seattle High School Marching Band, followed by trick-or-treating at businesses and booths, until 2 pm. See you there!
Before tonight’s full moonrise, this morning brought a beautiful almost-full moonset. Thanks to Chris Frankovich for the photo above and James Bratsanos for the photo below. No weather alerts tonight, but morning lows are still expected to drop into the 30s until clouds and rain return, currently forecast for Tuesday/Wednesday.
Tomorrow’s moonset is 8:59 am, so it’ll be a little too light for views like those.
ADDED: Tonight’s full moon, photographed by Jerry Simmons:
4:39 PM: This might be the most unusual trick-or-treating experience in West Seattle this Halloween season … Trail or Treat at Camp Long. Until 8 pm, you’re invited to the park at 5200 35th SW to visit some of the park’s cabins for trick-or-treating in partnership with local businesses/organizations that have “adopted” cabins for the occasion. Nature activities are happening too. Get a map outside the lodge, follow the lighted paths! You can roast marshmallows over a campfire at one shelter to make s’mores:
5:54 PM: More photos! The Washington Native Plant Society offers mask-making at one cabin:
Girl Scouts are greeting trick-or-treaters at another:
Nature activities include the opportunity to learn about owls and spiders:
Camp Long told us earlier this month that this is the first time they’ve had Trail or Treat since 2005!
Those are the biggest “treats” at Trick or Trees, happening until 4 pm outside Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW) – free trees, thanks to DIRT Corps and the Duwamish Valley Youth Corps! All sizes, various types – even small ones you can grow in a container. You can also groove to the sounds spun by DJ Dr. Lehl:
If you haven’t had lunch yet, you have fresh-grilled options (and a big covered seating area to enjoy themO:
The folks from Highland Park’s community organizations HPAC and HPIC are there too, as co-sponsors – you can get an update on the HPIC (Highland Park Improvement Club) rebuilding plan:
At 3 pm, there’s a pet-costume contest, with prizes from Highland Park’s own Addy’s Pet Shop. Note that one block of SW Kenyon, between Highland Park Way and 10th SW, is blocked off for the party. If you want a free tree, get over there soon – there was still a good selection during our visit about half an hour ago, but it’s first-come first-served.
The next round of West Seattle business-district trick-or-treating is on! Until 2 pm, at least half a dozen businesses at Alki Beach (see the map here) are welcoming trick-or-treaters, along Alki Avenue between 57th and 63rd. Trick-or-treating with a view!
Lots of families here to enjoy it.
Sitting outside the Southwest Precinct, ready to collect your donations for the West Seattle Food Bank – and/or unwanted/expired prescription drugs for safe disposal – are, from left, SPD Officer Matthew Roberson, SPD Crime Prevention Coordinator Sarah Lawson, and Yuri Bolivar and Donna Kelly with Drug-Free Youth. Drug Take-Back Day happens twice a year, but adding a donation drive for food and warm clothing, to benefit WSFB and its Clothesline clothing bank, is new. They’ll be there until 2 pm, at 2300 SW Webster (the public lot entrance is just east of The Home Depot’s south entrance). The wish list of requested donations is here.
10:56 AM: Washington State Ferries‘ Triangle Route is running with only one boat right now because M/V Kittitas is out of service with a “radar issue.” Getting a replacement is likely complicated by the fact the Seattle-Bremerton run’s lone boat is also out of service with mechanical trouble. More info on the WSF bulletins page.
1:42 PM: As commenter Erik points out, Kittitas has been repaired and is back in service.
(“Spooky insect” photographed recently by Steve Bender in his West Seattle garden)
Our daily list is in two parts again today – first, from the WSB West Seattle Halloween Guide, seasonal special events today/tonight:
MONSTER DASH: Halloween fun on the run! West Seattle Monster Dash costumed run/kids’ dash – fundraising for West Seattle Cooperative Preschools – 9:30 am at Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW).
GLASS PUMPKINS: Last day! Art-glass pumpkin patch @ Avalon Glassworks (2914 SW Avalon Way), noon-4 pm.
UNDERWATER PUMPKIN CARVING: The Sea Horse Dive Club jumps into the Sound at Alki Beach at 10 am to carve pumpkins for 11:30 am judging.
TAILS TO ASTONISH SPOOKTACULAR: Tails to Astonish welcomes costumed visitors – free candy and comics – to their third annual Halloween Spooktacular, 11:30 am-7 pm. (4850 California SW)
TRICK OR TREES: Noon-4 pm at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW), free trees, treats for kids, pet costume contest (3 pm), food/beverages for purchase, more fun.
TRICK-OR-TREAT AT ALKI BUSINESSES: Businesses along Alki Avenue SW between 57th SW and 63rd SW welcome trick-or-treaters, noon-2 pm. Also a special dance performance at Statue of Liberty Plaza, 1 pm.
CHURCH PARTY: Trinity Church welcomes all to its costumed Halloween Party with Pumpkin Carving, Carnival Games, Snacks, Drinks, and Music. 1-4 pm. (7551 35th SW)
WITCHES’ TEA PARTY: Witches’ Tea Party at My NecessiTea (3237 California SW), 1-3 pm. Tickets required.
WHITE CENTER TRUNK-OR-TREAT: All are welcome at Trunk or Treat at White Center Eagles (10452 15th SW), 1-2:30 pm.
OUNCES TRICK-OR-TREATING: 2-6 pm, Beer Garden Trick-or-Treating at Ounces, bring your costumed kids for trick-or-treating and activities. (3809 Delridge Way SW)
TRICK-OR-TREAT AT WHITE CENTER BUSINESSES: WC Trick-or-Treat Fest, various locations around downtown WC, 2-6 pm.
WHITE CENTER CARNIVAL: Teen-presented Halloween Carnival at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd), 2-5 pm.
OLG CARNIVAL + OKTOBERFEST: 3-6 pm at Our Lady of Guadalupe (35th/Myrtle), Halloween Carnival plus Oktoberfest tent for the adults. More details here.
TRAIL-OR-TREAT AT CAMP LONG: 4-8 pm, Trail or Treat will find trick-or-treaters following lighted pathways to some of the park’s cabins for treats offered by local organizations/businesses, plus nature-themed activities. Details in our preview! (5200 35th SW)
BAR CRAWL: Admiral Halloween Weekend continues with the Heroes and Villains Bar Crawl, starting at 4 pm – list of venues/times here.
SKATING AND POETRY, WITH COSTUMES: Free skating is part of this event – also including poetry, and costumes – at Southgate Roller Rink (9646 17th SW), 4:30-8 pm.
WEREWOLF, WITH COMEDIANS: Play and “laugh until you die” at Meeples Games (3727 California SW), 7 pm. Get your ticket(s) here.
SPOOKY SHOW: Nightfall Orphanage, spooky experience at 4544 51st Place SW, 7-10 pm. No admission charge, but charity donations requested – food or funds.
SPOOKY STORIES: Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound Halloween Spooktacular at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW), 7:30 pm – details and reservation link in our calendar listing.
AT THE SKYLARK: Come As You Aren’t annual bands-performing-as-other-bands event at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 7:30 pm. $20.
HALLOWEEN DRAG: 9 pm at Admiral Pub (2305 California SW), with costume contest.
(Friday photo by James Bratsanos)
Now the non-Halloween events, from the year-round WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
FREE GROUP RUN: Get your weekend going with this weekly West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW) group run, All levels welcome. Meet at the shop by 8 am.
DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY & FOOD DRIVE: 10 am-2 pm, something extra added to the twice-yearly Drug Take-Back Day dropoffs at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster) – a food/clothing drive. The requested donation list is in our calendar listing.
SOUTHWEST ARTIST SHOWCASE: You can admire the community art on display at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW), open 10 am-6 pm.
SOUTH DELRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKET FINALE: Last scheduled day of the season for the weekly farmers’ market on the grounds of Hope Academy (9421 18th SW), 10 am-2 pm – prioritizing vendors of color, presented by African Community Housing & Development.
SSC GARDEN CENTER: Fall is planting season, and you can shop for student-raised plants at the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) Garden Center, open 10 am-2 pm on the north end of campus.
MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Learn about Marco’s music here.
FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am in West Seattle, registration required – see full details in our calendar listing.
FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
PEGASUS POP-UP: Pegasus Book Exchange is celebrating its “40th-ish” anniversary with a pop-up at California/Oregon – storytime at 11 am, book and merch sales 11 am-6 pm. Also today: Open house with Pegasus owner Fred Epps.
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: The center is open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2234 SW Orchard)
VISCON CELLARS: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor).
NORTHWEST WINE ACADEMY: 1-6 pm, with student-produced wines available. North end of South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus. (6000 16th SW)
BURGERS & BEATS: Saturday night food and music at Revelry Room – burgers start at 6, DJs at 9. (4547 California SW, alley side)
COFFEEHOUSE MUSIC: 7-9 pm, Guitar Gil at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), no cover, all ages.
ALL-AGES OPEN MIC: 7-10 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way)
‘GREAT NIGHT’: New Saturday night program for young adults 18+ to hang out 7 pm-midnight, at Southwest Teen Life Center (2801 SW Thistle).
BIBLIOTEKA: Seattle band live in-store at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW), 7:30 pm. Free, all ages.
SOUND BATH: 7:30 pm at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska), $40.
Planning a concert, open house, show, sale, event, meeting, seminar, reading, field trip, fundraiser, class, game, Halloween or holiday-season happening, or ? If the community’s invited, get your event on our calendar! Please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
2:20 AM: Police are at the California/Charlestown 7-11 right now after the clerk reported a robbery. It happened just before 2 am. So far the robbers are described as at least three men with at least two guns – one rifle, one pistol – wearing black hoodies and black masks. They got away in what the clerk described as a white van (believed to be a newer Kia Carnival), last seen heading south on California; police have discussed with dispatch the possibility the same vehicle and robbers were involved in a holdup on East Marginal Way earlier tonight. SFD also has responded to the robbery scene because the clerk reported chest pains. This is the second West Seattle 7-11 robbery in four days; the 35th/Avalon store was held up early Tuesday.
2:47 AM: An officer gave dispatch updated descriptions: 4 in the van, 3 went into the store. All 3 were described as white or Hispanic men, 18-25, The one that had the “long gun: was 5’8″-5’10”, black sweatpants, blue shoes; the one with the handgun was in a gray sweatshirt, red mask, black pants; the third was about 6′, all-black clothing, blue gloves.
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