(Pileated Woodpecker, photographed in Lincoln Park by Kathryn Smith)
One week until the West Seattle Bridge is scheduled to reopen. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, here’s what’s happening today:
TRAFFIC ALERTS: Here’s what SDOT has announced for today:
-We’re repaving the street near California Ave SW and Ferry Ave SW.
-We’ll be pouring new concrete panels on 16th Ave SW and SW Webster St. Traffic will be maintained in both directions as we complete the work however you may experience delays.
-We’re installing speed humps on 16th Ave SW and on Alki Ave SW at 58th Ave SW and 63rd Ave SW.
-We’ll be working at Chelan Ave SW and SW Spokane St (by Fire Station 36) to return the signal to how it operated before the bridge closure. The signal will be turned off for a period of time, and uniformed police officers will be directing traffic while we complete this work.
-On Sunday night from about 8:30 PM through Monday morning at 6 AM, we’ll be working on the southbound onramps to the West Seattle Bridge to update the travel lane striping
-We’ll be installing new directional signs at the Chelan 5-way intersection. Work is anticipated to begin as early as 7 AM and conclude by 4 PM.
CHURCHES WITH ONLINE SERVICES: We’re continuing to list these – see today’s list here.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, the market is open with late-summer produce as well as flowers, cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, prepared food, and more. Here’s today’s vendor list. California SW between Oregon and Alaska.
PEACE GARDEN DEDICATION: 11 am at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW), dedication of a Children’s Peace Garden centered on a Peace Pole placed by the Rotary Club of West Seattle.
PAPER BOAT TURNS 3: Celebrate the third anniversary of Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW) with a sale and treats/drinks all day (open 11 am-5 pm)
THUNDER ROAD GUITARS NOW OPEN SUNDAYS: As noted here, Morgan Junction music shop Thunder Road Guitars (6400 California SW; WSB sponsor) is now open Sundays, too – 11 am-5 pm.
MOUNTAIN TO SOUND OUTFITTERS CLEARANCE SALE: 11 am-5 pm today, shop for deals on gear to enjoy the rest of the season before M2SO (3602 SW Alaska; WSB sponsor) shifts focus for the mountain season!
SPRAYPARK: Highland Park Spraypark will be open 11 am-8 pm (1100 SW Cloverdale) daily for one more week.
SAN GENNARO FESTIVAL: Happening in Georgetown but with major West Seattle ties, the Italian street fair is back, with food, shopping, music, more. 11 am-4 pm today. (1225 S. Angelo)
FREE CLASSES AT WEST SEATTLE NURSERY: 11:30 am, class on native plants; 1 pm, class on organic gardening; 2:30 pm, class on fall perennials. (California/Brandon)
LAST DAY FOR ALKI ARTS POP-UP: Noon-5 pm on southeast corner of California/Oregon, your last chance to check out this weeklong pop-up.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society museum< is open on Alki, and you can visit noon-4 pm, (61st/Stevens)
C & P COFFEE ART JAM: 3-5 pm, as explained here, Still Life Art Jam at C & P Coffee Company. (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor)
(Drone photo by Denise Simens – WS Brewing party Saturday evening)
FINALE WEEK AT WS BREWING’S ALKI TAP SHACK: With closure looming for West Seattle Brewing‘s Alki outpost, as reported here, they’re having a celebratory “Finale Week” including live music. Today, 4-6 pm, it’s The Whopper Johns. (2536 Alki SW)
NEED FOOD? White Center Community Dinner Church serves a free meal (take-away available) at 5 pm Sundays at the Salvation Army Center in South Delridge (9050 16th SW).
SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.
SUNDAY NIGHT KARAOKE: 9 pm to 1:30 am at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
Have an event to list for our calendar? Please email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!